
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Thursday 10 November 2016

Fredericton Police will grab Blogger off the Street in the near future!!!!

There's something VERY strange going with the Cops....the Edmunston Police have been working in this so-called libel case for over one year and a half....

I asked them if they read the Bernard Richard Report and they didn't...Something is going on...they have charge me under the Criminal Code 300....this is 5 years in jail...the charge is labeling Matt Myers, Frederick L'Oiseau, Darrell Carter and Yves Depres as Pedophiles 4 years ago...

I did this after they came after me and told my Internet Provider that I was exploiting kids for SEX....Now they told me the Prosecutors will decide to charge me soon...I believe they will because they all work together....Now Bobbi Simmons Beauchamps's lawyer is involved in this...these Cops don't want to spend their own money to sue me so they are using taxpayers money.....

They is costing lots of for the screaming on the streets....I scream or shouted to attract attention...Two goons shows up and asked me to go with them for a ride without uniforms Cops around is VERY scary... I wasn't going down or get killed without a fight...

I expect the Fredericton Police will charge me with resisting arrest or Label wouldn't surprise me if they raided my place or grab me off the street today < before long weekend >...

These are VERY scary times in this City...we have a Police Force who are planning stuff behind close doors against innocent citizens and not going after the real criminals...

Myself...once again I'm a little paranoid as I was when they raided this place....I'm not sure if I was to attend the Remembrance Day Ceremonies because these idiots have the guns....

So here we go again and I believe the plan is to grab me off the streets and bring me in front of the Judges who hates my guts and tell me - Ok are free to go only if you sign papers of conditions of not to be on the internet pending your trial...I will tell them to go F@CK THEMSELVES....

They will jailed me and cut off my prescription and inhaler....they did that the last time....then I will take a stroke and they will tell the public ---Under the privacy act...we are not allow to tell the public what happened.....too fini...

I will be talk about for 72 hours < if that > and forgotten....I will be remembered with the guy with the shovel and the Quack Quack guy!!!!

Did I just predicted my own death????...Anyway my instinct were good because I told MANY people the cops were acting nice and this IS NOT good....

A few close friends told me to leave the City for a while...go hide somewhere....I will not hide...I am not afraid because I'm Scottish!!!!

We MUST NOT be scared of these Cops....They are VERY dangerous...this is the reason they got rid of the Police Scanners so the Public don't know what they are doing....

The public should asks their politicians - How Much Money Is This Costing???...Ok...Lets see what's going to happen....I'm going for a Cafe..... Have a good weekend...P.S. Can you imagine if I would have agree to sign that Peace Bond months ago???? Crazy times....


  1. The arresting officers seem to be on their best behaviour. Is that because the arrest was being recorded? If their wasn't a ideograph present would the police acted any differently?

    I suspect that there will be a time as citizens are video recording police activity the state will make it a criminal offence for anyone recording the behaviour of law enforcers.

  2. Fun seeing you whine and cry victim Charles. When you said "I don't know who you are" is a load of crap, the reason you said that was there was a passerby.

  3. You have good instinct Charles. Get a referee whistle. Woman use it when someone tries to kidnap them for rape. In your case it could be a bullet in the head. People make noise and we must band to be witness to abuse especially for NB best Blogger. Charles need us to be alert more so when he makes noise it will not be his last. This is becoming like Wikileak. Charles is close to exposing a sex child ring in Fredericton.

  4. Watching what happened to you Charles scared the sh*t out of me, and I'm well aware of how you are feeling. Know this, what the men in black suits did to you, was wrong, which needs serious looking into by the powers/authorities that be? Shaking as I type, I find the video clips so disturbing, it weighs on me heavily, I worry for your safety and your well being.

    I'm a new comer...I read up on you for approx. three days, I read your blogs, CBC news articles, you tube videos, etc.... to catch up on ALL what is going down.

    You can breathe Charlie, you have done nothing wrong. (Y) <3 :)
    And if you did anything wrong?...their abuse of power, over road you, in a way, that is not fair.

    This is a case for police : What Not To Do.


  5. I literally shake reading Charles Charles Leblanc's story, I'm so upset and seriously disturbed how the most vulnerable are treated in today's society. Charles Leblanc's Story is a story with hundreds of links online. It doesn't take the average reader much time to read in to what is really going down. One would have to put it altogether to watch it unfold today. It's one hell of a nightmare. How many other Charles Leblanc's were picked up on this day by men in black suits flashing a badge from another city or town? It's that disturbing, I need to find a safe ground with my heart body and soul.

    Shout out to all those I care about on my facebook of political friends
    I love you all, I care about you all. And i cried when I read Charles story, Mefloquine Troopers story, Canadian Veterans Advocacy veterans stories, Banished Veterans stories, I cry and I possibly cried with you and you didn't know it. Charles Leblanc's story hit me hard.

    Out of here.

    Stand tall Charles Leblanc, walk proud my friend, keep your chin up as my Dad would say and keep on trucking. Happy trails my friend...a stranger online, and I feel your pain.

