
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Thursday 3 November 2016

Blogger gives his Predictions on the U.S. Election!!!!

1 comment :

  1. A vote for Trump is a vote for the man God called to build the USA wall.

    A vote for hilary is a vote for a Satanic occult member.

    Your prediction about why the people are fed up is TRUE.

    The why the Politician are so corrupt & incompetent is at a higher level than most people think. To understand the power structure and the plan of all this corruption very few have the brain to observe that REALITY

    I am sending you a link of a writer who actually understands the REAL battle involved.

    If we did not have so many leaders with no balls USA & Canada would not be in such a mess.

    If people observed that Democrats and some Republican are serving the Diabolic agenda and in Canada it is the Liberals with a few Conservative.

    Here is a link and may I say I do not like Jim Bakker or Joel Olsteen. I happen to see it on You Tube and could not find another same talk without Bakker & Olsteen. I will repeat I do not like the two men mentioned but did find Dr. Insight bang on. Only a few will be able to understand what he says in Canada maybe 20% in the USA 80% will understand.

    Great Job Mr. LeBlanc in your prediction.
