
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Saturday 7 May 2016

Former lawyer Danny Watters predicts who will win Mayoralty Municipal Election!!!!


  1. Danny Watters for Mayor!

  2. He hit the nail squarely on the head, Charlie. The only thing is he stopped too damn short of the mark. Mayor, police, prosecuting attorneys, defence attorneys, lawyers of all stripes, LAWYERS PERIOD, judges, politicians, commissioners of official languages, quebecois sergeants-at-arms, we most definitely get what we deserve. AMEN AND AMEN TO THAT, BROTHER!!!! And we most certainly need Brother Brad as our mayor. The rest of 'em can go suck bananas. If "We Da PEOPLE" are happy and content with the existing and present system of politics, policing and what we so very, very fondly choose to refer to as "JUSTICE", then absolutely and totally, WE GET WHAT WE DESERVE!!!! I am reminded of this each time I drive by the legislature or the "justice" building. And with these things in mind, my good and decent friend, what more can we do, other than throw our arms in the air and say, as your interviewed guest just uttered from the very lips of "justice" itself, WHO GIVES A FUCK!!!!


  3. Anonymous May 7 21.45. Are you out of your cotton picking mind? Brad invents by laws and when he is caught and sued, he makes the taxpayer pay, Look at the mess he made across the River when he appropriated land and the taxpayer paid again. The only misfortune about voting in his frontfunner is that there was never a boo of complaint from any of the other councillors. Face it, the City. the Legal System are corrupt to the bone. Look at the facts before you vote.

  4. Anonymous May 8th, 12:39. Yessiree, my friend, I, indeed am outta my cotton pickin' mind, and damn proud of it. Wouldn't have it any other way. Even my wife tells tells me that. And she, pal, knows everything.
    So how's it hangin' for you, man??? I can tell, sure as hell you're a pissed off, sour habs fan, the quebecois of quebecois's
    Have a marvelous day bud.

  5. The most insane people in this world are the people who think they're sane.

  6. Well, somebody's got mud on their face now!:)

  7. One thing for sure he knows not to give his opinion except agree that everything is okay.

    I think the majority have that attitude.

    He did give you some advise. Take some by not taking on everyone at once. Energy focused on one goal at a time.

    I like his style even though he does not see the evil in police chief Leanne.

    He must be liberal to believe that all is okay like Trudeau who says the budget will balance itself.

    $50,000,000,000.00 given away to anyone but Canadians. Who will pay the debts?
