
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau losing his temper in Ottawa is debated by Racist Non educated idiot Redneck and Blogger!!!


  1. why do you interview this guy? lmao

  2. Boy that was a fast reply...did you listen to the whole debate? think he's smart in his own racist way....his voice is the perfect radio host...I disagree with most of what he says but I enjoy it...all began after listening to his views on many different issues that one day I decided to tape the conversation and the rest is what you say is History...:)

  3. this guy is is cool to watch kinda funny sometimes

  4. He has a voice of will stay this way...:)

  5. Crown Royal - you are an idiot. Are radio presenters obligated to show themselves? The point is he's throwing comments into the forum to challenge perceptions and discussion. If he identified himself he would be persecuted, and probably disappear and we would lose a valuable contributor. As Anonymous @ 21:06 points out "this guy is is cool to watch kinda funny sometimes..." Sometimes it takes someone saying something extreme to make you realise what you do or do not agree with and believe in. I love to listen to the LLNER for his honesty and for the fact he makes me THINK. I do not believe in everything he says but he makes me think - and long may he broadcast on this site. Long live the Low Life Non Educated Redneck - the people's philosopher!

  6. Elizabeth May described the issues on CBC. She described the PMs actions as being in response to mischief by people trying to prevent voters taking their seats. There are lots of deals done between parties on votes, not always for bad reasons and often for personal issues.

  7. Radio presenters are obligated to identify themselves and are responsible for what the say under the terms of CRTC. LLRD jerk face cowards can say what they want in a blog and sign off as ANONYMOUS. For you to do that I gave 25 yrs of service. Keep lipping off you jerk.
