
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside and Madonna Peddle will not give info to Blogger because of Lawsuit!!! Attorney General and Justice Minister will be asks next week to investigate Mayor Brad Woodside!!!

Had the Fredericton Police at City Hall was quite a day!!!!


Brad Woodside refuse to give me the disclosure of the warrant they sent me yesterday.

I went to the Justice Building today and they told me they didn't have anything on file. I was confused because Provincial Judge Mary Jane Richard signed the papers!!!

Here's my update after a hectic day -

The confrontation between Snobby Fredericton Clerk  Madonna Peddle and Blogger!!

Then the Police were called. < after I asked them to do so >

So? This issue is going to go on and on for months!!!< I hope I can handle it >

This Racist system must be investigated by the Province. Brad Woodside MUST resign for acting like he's above the law.

I will submit a complaint to the Justice Minister and Attorney General to investigate the City of Fredericton!!

Thank God the Legislature will be opening because this issue or system will be asks to the Politicians and Bureaucrats.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Fredericton Police Force are releasing people with mental issues on strict Police Condition!! This is nuts!!!!

Colin needs your help....

The old saying is so true eh??? If he/she have their health? We SHOULDN'T bitch!!!


Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside hauls Blogger in Court AGAIN!!!!


Here's a video of the two racists Cop showing up at my door!!

What I find VERY strange is the Chief was crying to Council about Cops being Over-work????


But they have time to hunt down the Blogger with this? < Also Child Porn and a False charge of assault >

Time to get rid of these steroid Gorillas!!!

The accuse just been assaulted or arrested at 72 Regent Street in Fredericton!!!!

I predicted this last week!!!!< I wonder what happened??? His name should only have been in the paper after he was found Guilty!!

The Fredericton Daily Gleaner Policy are going to have someone murdered one of these days!!!

Here's the story I blogged his week -

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If this guy is assaulted or killed?

There would be a investigation of the manner the media releases a name without being found guilty.

This is like Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside labeling me as a Pedophile!!!

I might add he refuses TO APOLOGIZE for doing so....:(

FPF Application to ISP by Charles LeBlanc

Someone from the Premier's Office attended a Shale Gas lecture last night!!!

Nice of Wikipedia to use my picture eh???,_2014

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside and Downtown Fredericton don't care!!!

The R.C.M.P. will take over Fredericton if the Fredericton Police don't smarten up!!!

Collecting a few pennies in the Cold in Fredericton!!! The Fredericton Police arrested the girl soon after???

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The Irving Paper is not well or the calm before the Storm!!!

Fredericton Mayor Brad < LIAR > Woodside refuse to clean up Tent City!!!


Since he refuses to clean this HUGE mess and he tells the world that we are a Green City???

I'm going to contact the Environment Department!!!!

Just had a nice little chat with a girl from the Environment Department and she sounded like a nice person that will look into it...

Stay tuned!!...:)

Sergeant-at-Arms of the New Brunswick Legislature Dan Bussieres and Security Staff to have Guns next week at the Legislature!!!!


Wow!!!! Blogger and Protesters days are numbered???

Monday, 16 November 2015

Natives from Tobique First Nation must Vote NO in referendum to sell their land!!!

Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside refuse to clean up the mess at Tent City near the Saint John River to save Money!!!!

Former C.O.R. MLA Max White views on Language Commissioner Katherine d'Entremont!!!!


This Blogger IS NOT known at the World Stage I guess???

The System to choose a Jury must change in New Brunswick!!!! Lawyers SHOULD NOT be allow to degrade the Citizens!!!

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Some people believe I was there as system to pick Jurors must change. I got lucky my number never came up!!!

Blogger brings up issue at the Access to Justice conference in Fredericton!!!!


I wasn't planning to attend this little conference but I did make a stopover and noticed MANY people were from the Government.

They weren't going to accept questions because they were behind schedule! I took the mike anyway.

Had a good time.....


Life is a VERY short ride....


Sunday, 15 November 2015

Citizen left the New Brunswick Legislature after complaining of Large French Screen!!!

What's this Veteran name again???


Outspoken citizen Danny Watters from Fredericton views on Soldiers who fought in Wars!!!

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You might not agree with him but you HAVE to admire the way he speaks!!! I wish I had his knowledge...:)

A guy like this is the Bill Maher of Canada!!!

He's good!!!!

Does the Irvings own Ambulance New Brunswick???

Taken one year ago....

Picture 2361

Nice November Day...

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You know it's just a matter of time till a Journalist gets shot on Live T.V. in Paris!!!


I was surprised to hear CTV News say - We will be LIVE from Paris on Monday!!!

So therefore you can only imagine the thousands of media people around the world going to Paris?

They are taking over Paris so therefore the citizens can't morn in peace

The media people are also giving their point of view LIVE from Paris!!!

I hope I'm 100% wrong but I get the feeling something is going to happen!!

I was at the Brunswick Baptist Church this morning.....

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Blogger to report for Jury Duty in the morning!!!!

Sure will not take long for me to get the hell out of there.

I can't stand the people in that Building and they expect me to stay there for 5 days?

Le chemin a Memramcook est tres rough!!! OU EST LES MAUDIT POLITICIENS???

Saturday, 14 November 2015

The Fredericton Daily Gleaner should change their policy!!!

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If this guy is assaulted or killed?

There would be a investigation of the manner the media releases a name without being found guilty.

Le Causeway de Memramcook!!!

Good or Evil???


The Irvings sent a message to the Blogger???


Can you see it???

Lordy, Lordy, good God almighty, and holy shit, Charlie, they gotcha on the death list and ya aint even old yet. A loud mouth, a major f----n' pain-in-the-ass, and quite possibly one foot in the grave,YES, but in no way whatsoever are you dead. Hell, man, YOU AINT EVEN A NUISCENCE!!!!

Anybody who is anybody, pal, knows all too well that one does not appear on the obituary page of the local morning newspaper UNLESS YOU HAVE MADE YOUR GRAND ESCAPE FROM THIS WORLD. And as we are all too well aware, CHARLIE LeBLANC STILL WALKS AMONG US!!!!

For the Irvings to blatently insinuate that our great and highly, highly esteemed blogger has cashed in his chips and is now an angel among us, give yerself a damn good slap and WAKE TA F--- UP. He is still here, lurkin' in da shadows, terrorizin' da hell outta anyboby and everybody who has da very balls to cross his path.

And if, by some absolute and total freak of nature, you might spot him jay walkin', ridin' his bike on da sidewalk "with or without a helmet", tellin' a politician ta "Shove It". or raising the blood pressure of some unsuspecting member of the local posse, fear not, it aint yer imagination. THIS IDIOT IS STILL ON THE LOOSE!!!! BEWARE!!!! KEEP LOOKIN' OVER YER SHOULDER!!!! CONSIDER YERSELF WARNED!!!!





A friend of mine took off for France for a Vacation.

The individual asked me if I wanted something from France?

At first...I said - Nope....

But after thinking about it..I said - OUIIIIII!!!!!1 There's something I want from La France!!!....:)

I want 2 Extra Large T-Shirts of - JE SUIS CHARLIE!!!!


After all my battles with the Police, Justice System and the Fredericton Irving Paper?


This t-shirt will be perfect and I will wear it with pride!!!...:)

Sadly...after looking around this area in France...the individual couldn't find a Je suis Charlie t-shirt!!...:(

So? Has France forgotten the tragedy? Have France turned the page? Where are these Je suis T-shirts? How come the store keepers in France don't sell them???

Thursday, 12 November 2015

It was 10 months ago today Michel Vieaneau was shot dead by the Bathurst Police force!!!

Fredericton Police Officer Sgt Tim Sowers should have quit while he was ahead????


Blogger's views in front of the Legislature on the supporters for Commissionaire Wayne Grant!!!

Plummer Walter Belliveau de Memramcook et Blogger parle de la Mort! !!

Apres des Promesse du Putin? Le Government devrais ouvrir les gates au Causeway a Memramcook!!!


Sergeant-at-Arms of the New Brunswick Legislature Dan Bussieres denies entry to citizen!!!!

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New Brunswick Commissionaire Wayne Grant Supporter is confronted by Acadian Blogger!!!!

Blogger covers the Protest at the New Brunswick Legislature to support Wayne Grant!!!!

Marching towards the Cenotaph at the 2015 Remembrance Day Ceremonies in Fredericton!!!

Remembrance Day is over for another year...


Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Blogger got a little emotional at the 2015 Remembrance Day Ceremonies in Fredericton!!!

2015 Remembrance Day Ceremonies in Fredericton!!!!


The followers of my Blog knows that I always took the time to post all the Pictures I took on Remembrance Day Day!

I know Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside is working to have this Blog shut down also!!!

So why waste my time in posting the pictures?

Go to my Facebook and you will see the Pictures in there...:)

Fredericton Police Chief Leanne Fitch in deep Prayer this morning at the Remembrance Day Ceremonies!!!

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Legal Fund needs $1,000.00 to reach $5,000.00 to fight crooked Justice System!!!!

I am VERY grateful to the friends and strangers to donated to the Fund. This gives me the courage to continue to fight against Mis-Justice.

If it wasn't for certain people? < They know who they are > I would have pleaded Not Guilty or Guilty and the Trial would have been over months ago!!!

There are so many crooked issues in this case that I would just call it VERY scary.

As I told so-called Provincial Judge months ago - If this is happening to me? What other people this is happening to that will never see the light of day in the media????

He answered - Mr.LeBlanc? You shouldn't be concern of other people!! You should only be concern about YOURSELF!!!

Mind you? This is the same Racist Judge who ordered a panhandler to leave the City by noon the next day or go to Jail!! < Panhandler been living in the City since 1989! > Very scary.

These Judges, Lawyers, Workers and media are WAY too close working together.

It's VERY scary especially the fact these Judges are sentencing the less fortunate to jail and there are no Provincial Jails in Fredericton!

If you care to help? Please go to the link below -

or you can send me cash...$10, $20 or whatever you can at

Charles LeBlanc

145 Westmorland Street



New Brunswick


E3B 3L4

Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside shouldn't be allow to attend Remembrance Day Ceremonies!!!

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This man supports the crooked ways our democracy suppose to work!!!

He agreed 100% that my Blog should be shut down and never made no attempt to sit down with me to get my Blog back!!

He agreed with the Fredericton Police Force that I am a Pedophile and will fight in Court to prove it!!

Here's the FALSE charge the Fredericton Police Force made against me and the City supported this!!!!

No apologies from the City or the Police.

Fredericton is far from being a truly democratic City. We need HUGE change in May. Staff and Council!!!