
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Fredericton Police Chief Leanne Fitch in deep Prayer this morning at the Remembrance Day Ceremonies!!!

  1. leannefitch1


  1. what about you ? Are you in deep prayers ? What do you do to serve your country ? Collect a welfare cheque every months while you are perfectly capable to work ? .... pouaaaa... That is what I thought ...

  2. 15:50 I can see that you think your job is more important than Mr.LeBlanc

    Biggest and most dangerous job is keeping politicians honest. Charles is an eye for the public and because of their evil agenda they the cooked leaders use all the resources to haress Mr. LeBlanc.

    15:50 please activate your brain and try to understand what Mr. LeBlanc is doing for the public for peanuts.

    The presence of police officer normally reduce crime unless leaders use their time to harass Mr. LeBlanc. The presence of Mr. LeBlanc puts pressure and alerts the public of the injustice in Fredericton.

    15:50 hopefully you can read

  3. Does the lesbian Police Chief have bow legs . 20:56 you are correct one might think of hitler

  4. 01:21 - Great response to 15:50. More actual crimes seem to be committed by the FPFarce, NB Police Commission and City council than anyone else in Fredericton. As the Gleaner Opinion wrote earlier this week, if their court reporter had not been at that hearing we would never have known about Tim Sowers. Then, no doubt, the two complaints against him would have disappeared. One complaint is uttering threats - I can't wait to find out what the other one is.
