
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Friday 2 December 2016

Fredericton Lawyer Danny Watters gives conditions for future interviews!!!!


  1. This Danny guy is awsome

  2. Haha hilarious , but he is 100% right on many things .

  3. I will say that I do in fact appreciate the things danny watters has to say, but if he doesn't want to talk about things, thats on him

  4. What's this guy's story...he seems angry anytime you talk to him.

  5. Obviously tired of all the bureaucrat bullshit he's been thru over the years just speaks and says what we all feel

  6. Get more interviews with Danny, Charles! I stayed up late one night recently just watching your interviews with him. I feel the same way as him quite a bit now.

  7. 23:56 you my friend have a issue I think Charles should get you two rounded up for a interview nothing wrong with a little light show this time of year let the sparks fly. And if sow please respond to this Charles I would love too see this go down.

  8. 23:56 is wrong and yes...I will try to have an interview with Danny for the Christmas Holidays......:)

  9. If this is the same Danny Watters who "served" as the lawyer for the UNB Student Union and the Student Union Building (SUB), then it is indeed a relief to see that he is retired... because as the legal counsel for the students he contributed to a management arrangement for the SUB that left the final word on all matters up to the University Administration exclusively. The students were left with the short end of the stick and Watters and his coeval in these shenanigans, Peter Forbes, walked away with whatever they charged for their (dis)services. Among my first acts as UNB Student Union president in the 1980s was to dismiss Forbes and try to rebuild the students' control over the building and facilities. As for who might want to hear the opinions of Danny Watters on any of the issues Charles asked him about, I know of no-one... Please do update me if anyone actually does step forward demanding to know Watters' thoughts on any of the subjects... :-)
