
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Sunday 25 December 2016

The Message of the Priest at Midnight Messe was Love but can Blogger do it? I doubt it!


  1. If you take the example of Jesus then what you are doing is what Jesus would DO.

    God is LOVE but corruption is to be exposed. God hates crooked and Evil leaders.

    God even told the Religious people the ones in charge in the days Jesus was on earth Jesus said to them they were going to HELL. Imagine that. Jesus telling the religious leaders they were going to hell. Yes Jesus had a constant conflict with corrupt leaders. Jesus exposed their corruption like you Charles are doing to Fredericton leaders. Corrupt leaders hated Jesus and the good leaders loved Jesus.

    Those who hate you are corrupt and will one day land in HELL. Those who love you are the GOOD people.

    Keep up the good work it may be your God given TASK to expose corruption in Fredericton.

  2. 21:13 Nailed it Charles. Keep up exposing the bad and the evil and the ugly in your Town and NB
