
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Wednesday 11 May 2016

New Brunswick Premier Brian Gallant will be history in 2016 because of Katherine d'Entremont!!!

  • newbrunswickpremierbriangallant

1 comment :

  1. Miss d'entroment, Miss d'entroment, when, exactally, are you gonna give up on this famous f----n' diatribe of anti English Bigotry Shit?? Let the word go forth, from this time and place, to you and your fellow bigots alike, that we unilingual Anglophones are every damn bit as good as your most sacred francophone cronies ever thoughta bein'. It would appear to me, Miss d'etroment, that you have one helluva lot of growing up to do. You want respect for your mother tongue?? Then you damn well show respect for everyone else's mother tongue. However you slice it, my dear, it works the same both ways. And I mean BOTH ways!!!! We Anglophones are a part of your beloved society too, so get used to it. WE AIN'T GOIN AWAY by any stretch of your damn imagination, so you can take your damn language commission and shove right it up your arse, where it belongs.
    Now get over your anti English horniness and donate some of your beloved earnings to the good folks in Fort McMurray and stop catering to your own sacred ass all the time.
