
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Mike O'Brien is the new Mayor of Fredericton and is congratulated by Brad Woodside!!!

I wasn't planing to attend any political rallies on Election night but the results were SO SLOW in coming in that at 10:00pm? I decided to visit Mike O'Brien headquarters!!!!

Once there it looked like a candidate who lost the election!!!

I decided to do a video while entering the headquarters!!!! Outgoing Mayor Brad even gave me a little push!!! < not going to the Cops >..:P

I am a little sad that Woodside lost. I sure hope that he finds a job like the Senate!!! < He would deserve it because of serving the public for years >'s the only video that you will see in this Blog!!!


  1. Charles, now is the time for you to redeem yourself. Delete all your negative posts about the outgoing mayor and try posting only good things about the new mayor and council, and you will be surprised at how your followers will return to your blog. People prefer the glass half full. Enough of the bashing and negativity. People won't comment on garbage.....haven't you noticed how few comments you get?

    1. Thats all we need, yet another Irving media stoolie talking about how great everything is. The majority 'may' want pablum to make them feel secure, but societies improve and advance because of a small group of critics and activists. For those who want the glass half full, there are of course positive stories, and there was a time when Charles would print almost anything somebody sent to him. I don't know if its still true, but if charles style is undesirable to you, the best cure is to send him positive stories for the blog to balance it out. I definitely thought many of the graphics were in bad taste, but a lot of people tend to gloss over Woodside's 'mistakes', so its good to see both sides. I wouldn't hold my breath on things being deleted, and I suspect new council will get positive coverage right up to the point when they no longer deserve it (which probably won't be too long:) Glad the election is over, the blog definitely seemed a one or two note wonder.

  2. Little late to try to play nice with Woodside.

  3. Got to give the devil his due. You predicted this one very well and I think your analysis of the cold weather and wind led to many seniors not voting. Not good for Smokey. You'll be glad to know that your friend TANKER did not make it in the Miramichi. More good news - John Foran did not even come close in the Miramichi mayorality race.

  4. Charles is kinda like Donald Trump.
    If you attack him he will attack back and he will win in the end.
    Look it up, he always wins in the end.
    Brad soon as you became Charles enemy then I knew you would lose and you did.
    If you piss off Charles he never forgets and will fight to the end and he will win.
    Now what Lean Fitch?
    Your boss and your biggest supporter is gone, are you going to learn from Charles past win against his enemy's? Will you be the next one to go down?
    I bet you will.
    Do the right thing and stop hassling Charles and let him live his life in peace.
    All the bullshit charges you pinned on him he ended wining so far.

    --maurice the homeless guy--
