
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Monday 2 November 2015

Why is CBC New Brunswick mis-leading the public on the issue of Commissionaire Wayne Grant???

Late last night, I believe I settle the issue with CBC Journalist Jacques Poitras that I was the one who came out with the story of the Commissionaire Wayne Grant!!

This morning the CBC are telling the public - WAYNE GRANT SPEAKS ON HIS ISSUE FOR THE FIRST TIME!!!!

Does this look like the first time????

Maybe we should focus our attention on CBC and not the Irving media????

Why are the CBC mis-leading the public????


  1. Actually, I think the story should be headlined "CBC's handling of Language Commissioner's complaint bizarre"!!

    I'm disappointed with CBC. Once again, they have lifted a story right out of Charles LeBlanc's blog and usurped it as being their own. But this time, they've gone too far by saying they were the 'first" to cover the "bizarre" story of how NB Language Commissioner Katherine d'Entremont filed a complaint with herself without any consideration of the employee, a commissionaire 10 months away from retirement, who was punished by having his hours reduced at probably the most critical time of his employment career. All because this fluently bilingual Language Commissioner was pissed that she didn't get served in French first when she approached Wayne Grant at the entrance to Chancery Place in May.

    This is no CBC "scoop". I have been reading about this story since May from Charles' website. Here's a July 25, 2015 youtube link from Charles' website in which he shows the letter of complaint penned by no other than d'Entremont herself ?

    How can CBC in good conscience claim to have the scoop on this story when in fact Charles LeBlanc has been blogging this all spring, summer and autumn. It's not right. From what I have seen in the past with Charles' coverage of stories, he tends to be the first on the ground. He raises the issue, then the CBC, CTV and the Irvings will cover it after Charles has brought it to their attention through his blog.

    Since none of them want to be "scooped" they skirt the issue of who was the first to cover it but just ignoring the fact that Charles did it first. None had the gall to say they were the first to deliver a scoop, especially on a five month old story that Charles has been blogging to death because he knows the man at the centre of the controversy and feels sorry for the fellow. As an Acadian he feels that the New Brunswick language commissioner Katherine d'Entremont has gone too far, using the veil of privacy to destroy man's career at the cusp of his retirement - Wayne Grant had 10 months to go before retiring when his hours were cut back due to Katherine d'Entremont's sanctimonious holier-than-thou proclamations on language equality. The only person who ever complained about Wayne Grant's lack of French language profiency was her.

    And then there's CBC claiming to be the first to cover this story, which as I said earlier, Charles has been blogging to death for five months. I suggest that the CBC, at the very least, remove any such reference to being "the first" to cover the story, and second, to give credit where credit is due.

    Finally, whoever wrote the headlines and the intros to Jacques Poitras' story on the treatment of Wayne Grant by the NB Language Commissioner should head back to journalism school and learn a little bit about research. They soon would have discovered Charles LeBlanc has thoroughly covered this story, all by himself, with no giant corporation behind him for the last five months. But that would mean that the CBC inside staff would have to get off their asses and go outside to ask questions beyond what they can find on Google. It's a sad state of affairs when Canada's esteemed CBC stoops so low as to steal a story from a blogger on social assistance and claim it as their own.

  2. An apology is necessary by CBC's Jacques Poitras, NOW.

  3. Another privileged government wank,whom I'm assuming in her position can speak both English and French,acting like a language tyrant. THIS is why there are language wars,attitudes like this from an ignorant,political appointee.
