
Charles Jackie

:Seperator bar Lower

News - Stories and Rants

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Maurice the Homeless had it right on!!!

I am going through old blogs for my complaint against the Justice System and the Police Force....found this old one..

I have many people telling me not to be upset over this so-called assault charge against me. < Especially from the people who saw this first hand >

I was approached by a lunatic who was drunk or on drugs and that's the way it is!!!!


But this issue has me VERY upset that this is going to Court in the first place????

This has me more upset than when I learn the Fredericton Police told the public that I have having Sex with Kids!!!

What bothers me is the way the Justice System are Racists against the less fortunate.

People say - The poor is not a race!!!!

I say - If Hitler can start his own race? So can I!!!!

I just wish our Court System would be televise to the Public so they can see FIRST HAND how the less fortunate are treated!!!

The first two hearings was attended by Special Prosecutor to jail the less fortunate Cory Roberts!

I asked him to drop the charges and lets go home. I know for a fact that I will be found not guilty.

He refused and was VERY rude to me after the hearing!!! Very Snobbish!!!!

I'm still looking for his it to me at

Many idiots are saying - Hey??? If Charles knows he's not guilty? Just have a trial and get it done and over with!!!

This is not the point!!!! The Fredericton Police pushed this to the last day of the limitation period.

I might add the story was on the front page in the Fredericton Irving Paper before I knew anything anything about it???

Picture 3990Picture 3995

The Cops showed up at my door with court papers with days afterwards. < very strange >

So this got me all upset but last Monday REALLY pissed me off!!!

I was ready to show up in Court and once there? I WAS VERY confuse!!!!

It was a different Judge < The 3rd one in my case > and a different Prosecutor!!!

Judge Julian Dickson is the one that sentenced me to 2 days in Jail because I refuse to sign a tricky conditions of not going across the Westmorland Bridge!

The female special Prosecutor to jail the less fortunate Kathryn Gregory was VERY rude and lied to the Court about me using delay tactics. < She used that phrase TWICE!!!>

Picture 5879

I can truly understand if I knew I was guilty but this is not the case.

I saw the video in the disclosure of the lunatic Poet Andrew Spencer and all he told the Cop was all lies!!!!

I try to get an answer from the Court of the consequences of lying to the Police???? But I got nothing!!!!

If you're allowed to lie without any consequences? I would have gone to the R.C.M.P. the next day and accuse the members of the Fredericton Police Force of many charges.

I told the Judge - If this happened to me??? What other people was this happened to????

The Judge told me - shouldn't be worried about other people!!! You should worry about yourself!!!

The Judge looked at me with a smile and told me I had no rights to a pre-hearing because the Supreme Court ordered this!!!

This is insane!!!! This are grabbing the less fortunate off the street and telling them. It's a summary offense therefore you don't have the right to a fair hearing or a lawyer!!!

Plus....What really got me upset is Racist Lawyer Kathryn Gregory was chatting while I was voicing my concerns. She knew what she was doing and I got upset in the Court Room!!!

She was doing this on purpose to distract me and it worked!!!!

The Judge ruled in her favor. I found out afterward that Kathryn Gregory and the former wife of Julian Dickson were partners in a law firm. < Enough for a fair hearing eh? >

I asked the Judge if he signed the papers to have me charge on the last day of the 6 months limitation????

At first he denied signing the paper but changed his mind 10 seconds later....

I asked him - Who was in the Room when you signed this?

He told me in a stern manner - I don't have to disclose this information!!!!< RED FLAG!!! RED FLAG!!! RED FLAG!!! >

I have been told by some people that it was the Liberal Government behind this for payback of my battle against Shawn Graham in 2007-2010. I'm not sure about this but I am talking to a few Liberals about this grave issue.

If I had a high paying lawyer? The Province would have drop this case or be sued. I might add if it would have been a bureaucrat who would have been in my shoes? The lunatic Poet would have been charge. Lets not forget this was a guy that was totally out of control on the street. 20 minutes earlier I saw him screaming after immigrants!!!

I am writing this little post to calm me and you are going to see some very straight forward videos of me going after politicians and bureaucrats during the next month for some answers.

If I'm guilty? I'm guilty!!! But this is not the case and something IS VERY wrong!!!

Someone is throwing a hail Mary and I want to know who????

I also find it VERY strange that the strange Special Prosecutor Sebastien Michaud who agreed to these false charge never showed up in Court.

I believe the Prosecutor got fooled by the Fredericton Police!!!!

Noticed I never mentioned the Miramichi Police in this Blog????

We truly need an inquiry on the manner the Justice System are treating the citizens in this City!!!

I believe Maurice the Homeless had it all right!!!!!


Any one that has known Charles since he was a kid knows that he has been in lots of fights.

Most of his fights were because Charles can be a pain in the ass or people just wanted to make a name for them self by bragging that they beat up Charles.

They also know that for some weird reason he will always let the other guy take the first swing and hope that there first punch is a good one. A stupid way of fighting if you ask me but that is Charles.

Then after that I hope the guy is ready for a ass whipping if he didn't land his first punch.

The nut case poet attacked Charles like he does everyone and is a real nut case and a known police informant. But since he is a police informant he is there boy and they will protect him.

I wonder how much crack the cops gave him from the impound stash for him to go after Charles? I wonder how many times people made complaints about him and nothing was done because he is there boy?

Its funny that two panhandlers picked a fight with Charles in such a short period of time when Charles hasn't been in a fight in years.

This is such a mickey mouse charge anyone can tell that its a other one of the Fredericton police farce witch hunt to get Charles put in jail so he will stop exposing all there dirty deeds.

What a fucking joke!!!

Come on, How many times will they try to frame him?

I hope this gets mainstream media attention and Leane, Bobbie Simone and everyone involved loose there badge over this bullshit witch hunt once and for all.

All Charles wanted was a public apology for every time they tried to frame him with bogus charges.

You see, Charles was treated very well by the Fredericton police farce until he made the mistake of video taping one of there cops beating the crap out of a Canadian soldier.

They have been after Charles ever since and they wont stop plotting a plan to put him in jail until they succeed.

--maurice the homeless guy--

Friday 29 July 2016

New Brunswick Social Development must seek opinions or Feedback from people on Social Assistance!!!

Blogger arrives home and is met by 5 to 7 Police Cruisers of the Fredericton Police Force!!!!!!!!

Thursday 11:41pm

just came arrive tonight

I was talking on the phone with my cousin then a drunken guy with a Cowboy Hat at my window...HEYYYYY BLOGGGGEEERRRR!!!

REMEMBER ME HE SAID....???< Fan of the Blog >

I told the guy - Talking to my cousin on phone.

after a minute...he was still there.... I hung up the phone and went outside to the drunken Cowboy with sandals.

After 30 seconds...we noticed a police cruiser with lights coming our way

I said - Oopppss they're coming here....< I always say that when I see a Cop heading my way >

The cruiser parked across the street and he was focused on the drunken Cowboy.

He did say a quick - Hi was a cop I knew and he was focused on the drunken Cowboy!!!

Another cruiser cruiser came to the scene...then another........6 police cruisers in front of my place...

All the Cops were focused on the Cowboy!!!

They told him that they had a complaint that he told someone you were going to the car and get a gun!!!!

The cowboy's jaw drop when he mentioned gun...he had a bag pack and told the officers he had a knife in there. He drives Cabs I guess?

He was scared shitless!!!!

This Pain in the Ass blogger was a little concern because what would happen if the drunken Cowboy would draw a weapon and the Blogger is standing right beside him??? < I wonder how many bullets would the Cowboy receive compare to the Blogger????

I can just see the News Conference - Mr.LeBlanc < alias the Blogger > was shot dead last night. Mr.LeBlanc was caught in a crossfire between the Police and a Drunken individual who we believe had a gun. We still cannot explain why Mr.LeBlanc was hit by 8 bullets while the suspect had 5 bullets.

lol Can you imagine having 6 to 10 cops focusing on your every move????

I shouted - WHERE'S MY CAMERA?????

The drunken Cowboy suggested that I go and get it???

< I decided to leave well enough alone >

Better not leave the scene if something stupid happens.

The Cops pulled me aside and asked me if i knew him?

I said he was a fan of the blog....I think he believes he's a cowboy and spoke before thinking!!! You those ADHD types???< We had a good chuckle >

They didn't find a gun so they offered to drive him home but he wanted to go to McDonald's!!!!

He was told he might be too drunk to get serve.

You could tell the Cops were being nice but their patience was wearing thin with thew Cowboy with Sandals!!!!

I said - Hop in the car and these fine officers will drive you home...< can't believe I said that!!! >


...and they say I make up these stories...

P.S. The Fredericton Police did a wonderful job in handling the situation. It could have turned ugly VERY fast but everyone including the drunken Cowboy acted in a proper way...:)

Update...drunken cowboy returns to my place...<br/>

Here's a video I made 10 minutes ago...close to 1:00am...

Everything all well...:)

Thursday 28 July 2016

Getting ready for a yard Sale...guess where???

Fascist Member of the New Brunswick Police Commission Ron Cormier denies Blogger's complaint about false charge by Fredericton Police!!!!!!!

It's getting worst and worst!!!!

Now....the Cops can arrest you on a false charge and if you put a complaint to the New Brunswick Police Commission? They will say - The issue is in front of the Courts therefore we can't investigate!

Now that my case is over and I was found - NOT GUILTY!!!

Listen to the letter I got today!!!

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Fredericton Mayor Mike O'Brien shows his true colors and MUST resign!!!!

I had a feeling it would happen and it did.

Remember that lawsuit I filled against the Fredericton Police for calling me a Pedophile???

Lawyer Leanne Murray fom the City of Fredericton just told me that new Mayor Mike O'Brien will not offer me a settlement. < As a matter of fact he's going after Court cost >

Remember this video? -

There's nothing worst I hate is a two face know the River Rat Matt Myers type.

I emailed the new Mayor and told him just that!!!

Mike O'Brien could become the worst two face Mayor we ever had. Take a look at the Park Patrol...They're as bad as they ever been! Are these orders from the new Mayor???

Ok...I'm on vacation...just had to rant about the news I just received....

The Citizens in this City are in great Danger....who else will the new Mayor labelled a Pedophile???


They are NOT ALLOW to warn the public on huge dangers because it's not en Francais!!!!

I say it's time we get rid of the Fire Fighters or administration who ARE NOT afraid to listen to common sense!

Why wait till huge families are killed???

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Idiots members of the Fredericton Police Force raids Blogger's home AGAIN!!!

WHAT THE HELL!!!! That’s all I needed!!!! I'm done and over it!! 😡😡😡...I come home to find 4 Cops in my dang house acting like lunatics!!!!! Searching through EVERYTHING 😳😳They checked air vents, beds, even the icebox....dang near tearing it apart!! I asked to see the search warrant, they answered completely hysterically: "Where did you hide it?? We know it's here somewhere!!" Then I watched one of the officers look at his cellphone and then he shouted: " Stop it! We are in the wrong house!!!! The Pokémon is next door!!!"

Fredericton needs first responders who will protect its citizens!!!!

The City of Belleville twitted to warn citizens of a major Gas line Leak Fredericton can't protect the citizens because it's not in FRENCH!!!

Shame on our City official who refuses to protect the Citizens because of Foolishness!!!!


This is ridiculous!!!! They had no Police to keep the Citizen. Why? Where the Fredericton Police too busy hunting down Indians or Welfare Bums who are exercising without a helmet???

P.S. I heard the new Police Act that the Public ARE NOT allow to attend to witness the changes. One change will be that if a Citizen makes too many complaints against the POlice? They will be charge.

Police State???? You darn right it is!!!

Monday 25 July 2016

Prosecutors from the Attorney Office Cameron Gunn and Jeff Mockler should be fired in a few weeks!!!

I'm filling a complaint next week < still working on it > Prosecutors Cameron Gunn and Jeff Mockler must be fired over this issue.

There are SO MANY things that went bad on this one!!!! The Law Society < I could call them Mafia > must be investigated.

Many lawyers behind the scenes wanted me jailed and make certain that I had no lawyers.

Some heads MUST roll over this issue.

Truly stay tuned

Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton is proving SHE CANNOT be President!!! SHE HAS NO LEADERSHIP!!!

Donald Thrump must be laughing...the Chair woman is refusing to resign immediately....she's telling Bernie's crowd in a way to go fuck themselves!!!


It's going to be chaos on the floor of the convention and it's all Clinton's fault!!!

The chairperson should have resined IMMEDIATELY!!!!!

It's going to be war!!!!

I better buy an extra bag of Popcorn!!!

Thursday 21 July 2016

Rev. Gerald B. Matthews has died!!!!!.....:(

Rev. Gerald B. Matthews 1932-2016

A huge MERCI BEAUCOUP to the anonymous comment who told me that Rev Gerry Matthews died during a full moon on July 19th...:(

I would write more details about this near Saint who would spent hours walking the trails in Fredericton preaching the word of the Lord!!!

MY GOD??? Pastor Gerry wanted to talk to Stephen Harper when he was in New Maryland but Security Staff denied him entry...:(

I am going to let the Videos do the writing..we will never see the likes of Gerry Matthews again.....My deepest Sympathy to his Family and Friends....we have just lost a Great one...if he's not in Heaven with his beautiful wife? None of us will ever reach the peaceful skies......:(

Sorry...I got carried's the videos -

This was the first one....

I believe this is my best one after my preaching of Mosquitoes!!!

Rev. Gerald B. Matthews

Matthews, Rev. Gerald Byron

On July 19th, 2016 with family members gathered by his side at the Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital, Rev. Gerald Matthews was received up into the presence of his Savior. Born on September 2nd, 1932 at Matthews Settlement, NB. He was the son of the late Cecil and Josephine (Dunnett) Matthews and the husband of the late Lucille (Hopper) Matthews.

Rev. Matthews shared a life full of love and service to his Lord. He was a loving husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather and friend to all who had the pleasure of meeting him, his ready smile and grace made you want to stop and chat awhile with him. Rev. Matthews was very compassionate about teaching and spreading the word of God in his everyday life, as well as in the churches he served in Cherryfield, Bradford Maine, Jay, Maine, Plaster Rock, Rusagonis, Nasonworth, Geary and Hillsborough. Well done thou good and faithful servant.

Survived by his sons, Pastor Larry Matthews (Cheryl) of New Maryland and Rev. Andrew Matthews (Sue) of Parksley, Virginia; five grandchildren, Josiah, Jared, Seth, Katie and Amy; three great granddaughters, Hannah, Emily and Lucy; his siblings, Wilbur (Leona) of Matthews Settlement and John Matthews of Matthews Settlement.

He was predeceased by his parents; wife, Lucille; one sister, Nita; sister in law, Carolyn.

Visitation will be held at Faith Baptist Church New Maryland on Friday, July 22nd, 2016 from 2-4 & 7-9. The Funeral Service will be held at Faith Baptist Church on Saturday, July 23rd, at 11:00 AM. Pastor John Wieler will officiate with Rev. Al Fewkes assisting. Interment will be in the adjoining cemetery. For those who wish, memorial tributes may be made to Gideon Bibles.

Rev. Gerald B. Matthews

In closing, I am truly bless to have come face to face with this great Human Being......:)

Going to end this with a fine song from my favorite Pretre - Pere Emery Brien......

Friday 15 July 2016

How come the media don't cover the Fredericton Trial Patrol like the Manatee????

The funny part is they tried to stop me 30 minutes ago...the woman waved at me and I waved by...the guy behind almost put his bike in my pact....MY GOD??? I taught they would go around and gibe bottles of water to the citizens during a heat wave!!!!! Why don't these kids have lights and sirens on their bikes????..:P...I have been watching them and this is the 3rd time they tried to stop this Blogger....They are VERY BAD this year...the question is why????..Did new Mayor Mike O'Brien gave the orders to hunt down the less fortunate???

Fredericton — The trail patrol “officers” in New Brunswick’s capital are doing a good job of biking around and pretending their job comes with a certain level of authority, according to the municipal Parks & Trees department. “These kids — and they are kids — are really making us proud this summer,” said City of Fredericton staffer Neil Morris, who hired 2016’s group of power-hungry adolescents. “They’ve gone above and beyond. Normally they just leisurely bike around in groups of twos, checking out the trail system, ringing their little bells if anyone gets in their way. But this year, I dunno, something’s changed. They’re on the rampage.”

Morris went to explain that the trail patrol, who wear navy-blue uniforms that very much resemble those of the real police, have been trying to full-on arrest people who violate their adorable little codes of conduct.

“Let’s be honest, this is just a summer job to keep these kids out of their parents’ hair. But now they’re surrounding transgressors — say, someone who’s not wearing a helmet — and doling out real fines for real money. And the weird thing is, most people are totally buying it and just paying the fines, when they could as easily laugh and bike away.”

Shannon Aiken, 25, said she was pulled over on Tuesday by two 16-year-olds who informed her that, if she wants to use the city’s trail system via bicycle, she’ll need to wear a helmet and affix a bell to her handlebars in order to alert fellow pedestrians and bikers of her approach.

“I was like, ‘Aren’t you guys like 15 or something?’ I mean they had braces and acne and looked like the hugest dorks in history,” explained Aiken with a chuckle. “One of them asked to see my drivers’ licence. I laughed and said ‘Why would I bring my licence when I’m just out for a bike ride? And furthermore, why on earth would I put a bell on my bike like a loser?’ They got all offended and said they would report me to their supervisor… whoever that is.”

Other Frederictonians have had the same experience. “Oh yeah, this summer they’re all about forcing people to use the appropriate arm signals when turning and slowing down,” said Kyle Henderson, 29, who was stopped by the trail “police” this past weekend. “I told them my dad didn’t teach me those signals when he taught me how to ride a bike when I was

Read the rest at link below -

Panhandler trying to hide from the Fredericton Police Force!!!



I always watch CTV, GLOBAL AND CBC News at 6:00pm!!!

They all began with the tragedy in France...

My TV is shut down!!!!


Thursday 14 July 2016

Low life non educated racist Redneck debate the New Brunswick Privacy Act with Blogger!!!

Pretend police making real difference in Fredericton!!!!

The funny part is they tried to stop me 30 minutes ago...the woman waved at me and I waved by...the guy behind almost put his bike in my pact....MY GOD??? I taught they would go around and gibe bottles of water to the citizens during a heat wave!!!!! Why don't these kids have lights and sirens on their bikes????..:P...I have been watching them and this is the 3rd time they tried to stop this Blogger....They are VERY BAD this year...the question is why????..Did new Mayor Mike O'Brien gave the orders to hunt down the less fortunate???

Fredericton — The trail patrol “officers” in New Brunswick’s capital are doing a good job of biking around and pretending their job comes with a certain level of authority, according to the municipal Parks & Trees department. “These kids — and they are kids — are really making us proud this summer,” said City of Fredericton staffer Neil Morris, who hired 2016’s group of power-hungry adolescents. “They’ve gone above and beyond. Normally they just leisurely bike around in groups of twos, checking out the trail system, ringing their little bells if anyone gets in their way. But this year, I dunno, something’s changed. They’re on the rampage.”

Morris went to explain that the trail patrol, who wear navy-blue uniforms that very much resemble those of the real police, have been trying to full-on arrest people who violate their adorable little codes of conduct.

“Let’s be honest, this is just a summer job to keep these kids out of their parents’ hair. But now they’re surrounding transgressors — say, someone who’s not wearing a helmet — and doling out real fines for real money. And the weird thing is, most people are totally buying it and just paying the fines, when they could as easily laugh and bike away.”

Shannon Aiken, 25, said she was pulled over on Tuesday by two 16-year-olds who informed her that, if she wants to use the city’s trail system via bicycle, she’ll need to wear a helmet and affix a bell to her handlebars in order to alert fellow pedestrians and bikers of her approach.

“I was like, ‘Aren’t you guys like 15 or something?’ I mean they had braces and acne and looked like the hugest dorks in history,” explained Aiken with a chuckle. “One of them asked to see my drivers’ licence. I laughed and said ‘Why would I bring my licence when I’m just out for a bike ride? And furthermore, why on earth would I put a bell on my bike like a loser?’ They got all offended and said they would report me to their supervisor… whoever that is.”

Other Frederictonians have had the same experience. “Oh yeah, this summer they’re all about forcing people to use the appropriate arm signals when turning and slowing down,” said Kyle Henderson, 29, who was stopped by the trail “police” this past weekend. “I told them my dad didn’t teach me those signals when he taught me how to ride a bike when I was

Read the rest at link below -

Fredericton Police hunts down 70 year old riding a Bicycle on Sidewalk without a helmet!!!!

Fredericton Councillor Stephen Chase knows how to handle Pain in the Ass Blogger!!!!

Blogger walks in New Brunswick Police Commission to file a complaint against Fredericton Police!!!!

Jake Allen Celebrity Classic is VERY MUCH alive in Fredericton!!!

Blogger's Bitching Corner - Blogger file a complaint to the N.B.P.C. against Fredericton Police Officers Leanne Fitch, John Lally, Shane Henderson and Matt Myers!!!!

Wednesday 13 July 2016

SPC have a better standard of care for their animals than the provincial jails have for their inmates

Re-blogged: The Left Eye

Today’s focus is in on the questionable death of Carolyn Marie Warnock who at the time of her death was “legally” Innocent.

On June 3, 2015 while on remand 26-year-old inmate Carolyn Marie Warnock died because her custodians at the New Brunswick’s Women’s Correctional Centre in Miramichi refused to provide proper medical attention that could have save her life. This action of failing to provide her the necessities of life can be viewed as a criminal act on the part of the institution.

No one has denied that Miss Warnock over a period of 6 weeks complained of persistent agonizing headaches to fellow inmates and staff, yet after hearing her constant complaints, the staff at the institution chose not take all of the necessary medical steps to determine whether the cause of her headaches were life threatening. Unfortunately, we know the consequence. she died!

Had she not been an inmate in the custody of the New Brunswick’s Women’s Correctional Centre, but a person seeking help at the Emergency room, the attending doctors would have used every diagnostic tools available to them including CAT and/or MIR scans to find the root cause of her headaches.

In addition, had she have been a child or a senior in the care of a caregiver who refused to provide the proper medical attention and death ensued, the would have been a public outcry and charges would have been laid.

We know that she died of an abscess that was allowed to grow and fester over the course of six weeks, each day, the abscess grew, and as it grew, it put more and more pressure on her brain creating excruciating unbearable pain until the abscess exploded in her head terminating her young life!
Public safety and the chief corner were asked about the details regarding the circumstances of Carolyn’s death, instead they said it was “personal health information” and in the province of New Brunswick not required to comment because it is considered private information.” What a convenient way to avoid accountability.

Had Miss Warnock died in a federal prison, Correctional Services of Canada would have released the details of the death. Talk about a double standard Eh!

The obvious question has to be answered is, had she received proper medical attention from physician when she first complained about her headaches could her death have been averted?

This is not the first time that an inmate has died because of a critical biological malfunction that could have been averted had medical attention been immediately given.

Back in the early 80’s at the Brunswick St provincial jail in Fredericton an inmate who was a friend of my brother complained about a lump on his neck and wanted to go to the emergency room to have it check out by a physician, the jailor believed the inmate just want break from jail denied him his much needed medical attention. Upon release from his six-month sentence, the inmate immediately sought medical attention, but it was too late. The diagnose given to him was cancer at the fourth stage, had the jailor took immediate action that person’s life may have been spared and like Carolyn’s case, no one was held accountable for, he came from a poor family, no money involved, no one was going to push the issue.

Given the peculiarities of this case it would be of public interest for the Minister of Justice and Public Safety to order a corner’s inquest into death of Carolyn Marie Warnock.

Compared to the provincial jails the SPCA has a far better reputation of looking after their animals then the provincial jails do looking after their inmates. What does that tell us, inmates are foul creatures who doesn’t deserve the standard of care that we give our pets.

We are more than the sum of the parts, until next time, Thank you

Blogger Bitching Corner - Fredericton Fire Fighters must protect the Public before Tragedy hits the Citizens!!!

Different ways to fight the heat wave in Fredericton!!!

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Fredericton resident Gerry McCarty trying to figure out the problems in the United States of America!!!

I was riding my Bicycle by the Victory Meat Market and noticed Gerry McCarty sitting down with his head down.

He posed for the picture and I had a little chat with the guy....EVERYONE < Including me > should have the same mentality as this guy...

New Brunswick Ombudsman Charles Murray weights in on Inmates dying in Provincial Jails!!!


The public SHOULD be concern about this issue!!!

Here's a link -

Little Standoff on Neil Street in Fredericton!!!!!

I must admit that it did grab my ADHD attention!!!

Prosecutor should have drop foolish charge in January 2015!!!

Courts Fredericton blogger urges Crown to drop assault charge against him DON MACPHERSON Fredericton Daily Gleaner

Activist and blogger Charles LeBlanc emerges from the Justice Building in downtown Fredericton on Monday morning following a brief court appearance on an assault charge. He told the court if the Crown drops the case, he'll forget all about it.

Photo: Don MacPherson/The Daily Gleaner

Activist blogger Charles Joseph LeBlanc told a court on Monday he needs additional disclosure of the Crown file before he can enter a plea to a summary charge of assault.

LeBlanc, 55, of 1-145 Westmorland St. faces a charge alleging he assaulted Andrew Spencer in downtown Fredericton on July 3.

The blogger made his first appearance on the charge last month, when the case was adjourned to Monday for plea.

LeBlanc told provincial court Judge Mary Jane Richards he wasn’t prepared to enter a plea Monday, though.

Duty counsel Richard Cove noted the defendant hasn’t received full disclosure from the Crown in the case.

“The Crown’s position is all disclosure has been provided to Mr. LeBlanc,” said prosecutor Cory Roberts, appearing on behalf of Sebastien Michaud, the Crown prosecutor who’s handling the case.

LeBlanc said there were many unanswered questions in the case, though he didn’t elaborate before the judge on what they were.

Then he suggested Roberts was in a position to resolve the matter on Monday.

“If he’s ready to drop the case, I’m ready to forget this and go home,” LeBlanc said.

But the charge stood, and Richards adjourned the matter to March 2 before provincial court Judge Julian Dickson.

She said if the disclosure issue isn’t resolved by then, Dickson would likely schedule a date for a disclosure hearing.

LeBlanc has some long-standing beefs with the Fredericton Police Force, and he has alleged the charge was trumped up as a vendetta against him.

However, due to its past conflicts with LeBlanc, the city police force outsourced the investigation to the Miramichi Police Force.

While LeBlanc has in the past demanded outside agencies deal with his matters in Fredericton, he claimed last month the Fredericton Police Force had its hands in the assault investigation.

Outside the courthouse on Monday, LeBlanc said some of the additional information he’s seeking is communication between the Fredericton police and their counterparts in Miramichi. He said he wants copies of any phone conversations, faxes, emails or texts between the two policing agencies.

It wasn’t clear if any such communication exists.

The blogger also noted the documents he was provided were incomplete.

“There’s 38 pages that was supposed to be given to me. I was only given five,” he said.

“There’s many, many, many other issues.”

He also claimed a witness statement was missing from the disclosure package.

LeBlanc has come into conflict with members of the Fredericton Police Force for several years now.

His solo bullhorn protest in front of the city police station in the summer of 2011 led the Fredericton force to charge him with causing a disturbance, to which he pleaded guilty in January 2012. He was sentenced to probation.

The same week as that guilty plea and sentence, the city police raided LeBlanc’s apartment and seized his computer as part of a criminal libel investigation.

On his previous blog, LeBlanc had been calling a city police officer a sexual pervert and had claimed the officer had touched him inappropriately.

That libel investigation went nowhere because the Crown noted the relevant section of the Criminal Code of Canada had been deemed unconstitutional in other jurisdictions.

LeBlanc later started suggesting the city police force was a haven for pedophiles and steroid users.

The former unfounded allegation stemmed in part from his discovery that a document used by the city police force to get information from his Internet service provider referred to it being part of a child exploitation investigation.

The document in question also referred to the libel investigation, and the city police force explained the child-exploitation reference was a clerical error because those sorts of requests of Internet service providers are typically for child-pornography cases, not libel.

LeBlanc has rejected that explanation.

The blogger has maintained his problems with Fredericton police began with a recording he made of a July 2009 arrest in the city’s downtown bar district.

That video was used as evidence in the trial of Const. Stephen Stafford, a city police officer who was charged with assault as a result of his actions during that encounter.

Stafford was acquitted at trial, but LeBlanc has stated he feels the police turned on him as a result of his evidence in the trial.

LeBlanc has also blamed the Fredericton police for the removal of his previous blog from a free hosting service.

City of Fredericton chief administrative officer Chris MacPherson filed a complaint with Google about posts LeBlanc made referring to city police officers as pedophiles, asking for those posts to be removed.

Instead, Google removed blog in its entirety last summer. LeBlanc has since launched a new blog on the same free hosting service.

Why is J.D. Irving is so rich is explain by the Blogger!!!