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News - Stories and Rants
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
Monday, 7 December 2015
Fredericton Police Officer Const. Cherie Campbell hearing begins!!
I will do everyone a favor by not showing up the coming hearings!!!
I had the ADHD Firefighter beside me.
During the first break, I decided to stay out of the hearing.
Mrs.ADHD walked by and said - My God? You're Extreme ADHD!!!!
It was so boring and repetitive.
Look at this paper?
It's a long detail hearing. It sounded more like a trial but then again Cherie Campbell is indeed fighting for her job.
There seem to be lots of support for this female Officer. < Including the Blogger >
I wish Cherie well.....:)...
Fredericton Police Officer Const.Cherie Campbell who got caught shoplifting in Maine will have her hearing this morning....
How come they have these hearing at the Wu Centre anyway?
Why not in the Downtown area?
Might not have to be able to make it to the highest peak of the City...
I wonder if there should have been a hearing by the New Brunswick Police Commission in the first place in this case?
On the other hand we have a group of Racist Police Officers to falsely accused the citizens to be Pedophiles and nothing is done!!!
Especially no apologies from Police Chief Leanne Fitch!!!!
Sunday, 6 December 2015
Rally Outside NB Health Department to Reinstate Dr. Cleary
DATE: Monday, Dec. 7, 2015
TIME: 11:00am - 12:30 noon
LOCATION: HSBC Bank Building, 520 King Street, Fredericton (at corner of King and Carleton Street)
We deserve a strong, independent public health voice in New Brunswick. Our top doctor, our public health watchdog, has been put on a forced leave by Brian Gallant's Liberal government. Her research includes how industry may, or is, affecting our health and impacting our environment.
There is a large groundswell of people in this province speaking up for the return of Dr. Eilish Cleary as New Brunswick Chief Medical Officer. Join us this Monday for the Fredericton Rally. If you can, bring an umbrella as a p
Please organize a similar rally in your own community in front of your MLA's constituency office.
Why has the Chief Medical Officer has been put "on leave" for doing her job?
The Chief Medical Officer can't do their job if they are afraid of being fired. The Chief Medical Officer needs to be able to speak independently without fear of being fired.
Dr. Eilish Cleary is an award-winning public health officer and is a world expert on communicable diseases. It is an embarrassment for New Brunswick that she has been put on a forced leave. We have a right to the best; we deserve the best. We want her back.
Dr. Eilish Cleary is one of the few independent voices left in our government. Not only does her position protect the health of our people, but her position investigates all issues contributing to health, including our natural environment and the animals that live in it.
"We deserve the best. We want her back."
"We deserve a strong, independent health officer."
"Please unmuzzle Dr. Cleary."
"Let's get clear about Cleary." "We want our health protected." "We need to protect our chief doctor!"
DATE: Monday, Dec. 7, 2015
TIME: 11:00am - 12:30 noon
LOCATION: HSBC Bank Building, 520 King Street, Fredericton (at corner of King and Carleton Street)
We deserve a strong, independent public health voice in New Brunswick. Our top doctor, our public health watchdog, has been put on a forced leave by Brian Gallant's Liberal government. Her research includes how industry may, or is, affecting our health and impacting our environment.
There is a large groundswell of people in this province speaking up for the return of Dr. Eilish Cleary as New Brunswick Chief Medical Officer. Join us this Monday for the Fredericton Rally. If you can, bring an umbrella as a p
Please organize a similar rally in your own community in front of your MLA's constituency office.
Why has the Chief Medical Officer has been put "on leave" for doing her job?
The Chief Medical Officer can't do their job if they are afraid of being fired. The Chief Medical Officer needs to be able to speak independently without fear of being fired.
Dr. Eilish Cleary is an award-winning public health officer and is a world expert on communicable diseases. It is an embarrassment for New Brunswick that she has been put on a forced leave. We have a right to the best; we deserve the best. We want her back.
Dr. Eilish Cleary is one of the few independent voices left in our government. Not only does her position protect the health of our people, but her position investigates all issues contributing to health, including our natural environment and the animals that live in it.
"We deserve the best. We want her back."
"We deserve a strong, independent health officer."
"Please unmuzzle Dr. Cleary."
"Let's get clear about Cleary." "We want our health protected." "We need to protect our chief doctor!"
I need $600.00 to hit $5,000.00!!!!

It's been quite a ride to get true Justice in this case. I haven't had true Justice yet because I still say that our Justice System is VERY corrupt and needs to be investigated by Ottawa.
But we will get to that issue after this case.
From what I'm told? Over 200 people have given to the Legal Fund and for this I am VERY grateful. This old saying is so true - You know who your friends are when you're down.
It's amazing the system want this issue to go through a trial??? I promise you that the Fredericton Police Force are going to get A HUGE Black eye in this trial.
I proven during my hearings that the Cops doctored the evidence and for this? They will be sued. This is insane!!!
Anyway...if you wish to help me in reaching my $5,000 goal?
Please go to my link below -
Click here to support Charles Leblanc Defence Campaign
or you can send me cash at -
Charles LeBlanc
145 Westmorland Street
APT # 1
New Brunswick
E3B 3L4
Saturday, 5 December 2015
Racism in Fredericton with the Fredericton Police Force??? tell me????
These pictures were taken Tuesday morning in front of the New Brunswick Legislature!!!
These people WEREN'T questioned by the Fredericton Police Force!!!
But these guys were stop and questioned!!!
I might add the Blogger was also questioned...
But there's no Racism action within the Fredericton Police Force eh????...Noooooo..:P..:P..:P
Here's the video -
These pictures were taken Tuesday morning in front of the New Brunswick Legislature!!!
These people WEREN'T questioned by the Fredericton Police Force!!!
But these guys were stop and questioned!!!
I might add the Blogger was also questioned...
But there's no Racism action within the Fredericton Police Force eh????...Noooooo..:P..:P..:P
Here's the video -
It was 3 years ago today that Bernard Richard came out with his report!!!!
The problem with this so-called report is they never followed his recommendations and the City didn't want to pay for my lawyer.
We found out one year after that the Cops labelled me as a Pedophile but nothing was done or apology given.
This could go on for years before the citizens are protected!!!
Report released Tuesday said Fredericton police should have “farmed out” libel investigation Amanda-Leigh Jess December 4, 2012 News blogger, canadian civil liberties, Canadian Civil Liberties Association, criminal libel, investigation team, New Brunswick, ombudsman, police force, public sphere, seizure
Share : TwitterFacebook richard 1 300x225 Report released Tuesday said Fredericton police should have farmed out libel investigation Bernard Richard conducted the review into the criminal libel investigation (Photo: Amanda Jess) An independent report released Tuesday afternoon said the Fredericton Police should have “farmed out” the investigation into criminal libel involving blogger Charles LeBlanc and a police officer.
“There was too much history with the force, too many incidents involving the same officer and Mr. LeBlanc was too often in the public sphere to avoid the perception that the FPF (Fredericton Police Force) could not be totally impartial in its consideration of the case,” the report read.
The report, conducted by former ombudsman Bernard Richard on behalf of the City of Fredericton, made seven recommendations to the city and the police.
One of those recommendations included using the existing New Brunswick Integrated Investigation Team to look into any future matters involving police officers where the public’s confidence in the Fredericton Police Force could be at stake.
richard 2 300x225 Report released Tuesday said Fredericton police should have farmed out libel investigation Acting Police Chief Leanne Fitch (Photo: Amanda Jess) “Of all seven recommendations, I fully embrace them. They are certainly sound and fair recommendations. I see this as an opportunity to improve our service delivery, improve how we respond to certain challenges that our officers face everyday …” said Acting Fredericton Police Chief Leanne Fitch.
The review was launched in June after the Canadian Civil Liberties Association wrote to the Fredericton Police Chief earlier in the year with concerns about LeBlanc’s arrest, the search of his home and the seizure of his computer as well as the pending charges of criminal libel.
Many others also voiced concerns with the investigation and charges including a group of professors from the University of New Brunswick that wrote a letter to the Attorney General addressing three jurisdictions that found section 301 of the Criminal Code, the criminal libel portion, unconstitutional.
The Crown told the Fredericton Police in April that they couldn’t pursue the charges, relating to comments LeBlanc made on his blog in July 2011.
Other recommendations that came out of the report included a suggested change in search warrants which involve computer data. Richard’s report also recommended offering support for members of the police force that are targets of unfair and potentially harmful criticism.
“It is a delicate balance, but I certainly take the recommendation that our officers veins, flesh and blood. They too can be victimized in our communities and it’s important they receive the level of support that they need and deserve,” Fitch said.
Three recommendations involved how the police deal with mental health.
The three recommendations were to provide “enhanced mandatory training on dealing with emotionally disturbed persons,” include staff with expertise in dealing with mental health issues, and develop a policy for responding to those with mental health issues. This included a section that would deal with managing communications when clients publish false and/or libellous information.
richard 3 300x225 Report released Tuesday said Fredericton police should have farmed out libel investigation Charles LeBlanc filming the release of the report (Photo: Amanda Jess) LeBlanc said he’s “disappointed” with the report.
“It’s been a very emotional fight. When you get 8 or 10 cops coming to your door, it’s scary. I haven’t been the same Charles LeBlanc and I probably never will be, but they made it sound like, ‘Oh my God, this poor person has a mental disorder.’”
LeBlanc said he has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), but “doesn’t see anything wrong with that.”
When asked if he thought the report further stigmatized mental health problems, he said, “I think it’s disgusting.”
LeBlanc declined invitations from Richard to speak with him for the report. The police officer involved also turned down the chance to give a statement to Richard.
Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside also said he and the city have accepted the recommendations. “With you [Richard] and the reputation that precedes you, I feel that we have dealt with this fairly and that’s all that council has wanted from the outset. And you delivered. And I appreciate that.” Fitch said the police will be following up on the recommendations.
Wayne Grant's Wife Jackie is VERY worried for her husband health in the cold winder Parking Lot!!!!
Why wait till something bad happens????
Here she is...she a sweetheart....:)...
A lady in every sense of the word, Charlie, who has deep concerns for her husband. But by the same token, like any other freak of nature, she finds herself staring down the barrel of who??? Why the commissioner of official languages of course. This self-centered English language bigot, my friend, has made it abundantly, abundantly clear to all who choose to sit up and take notice, that she, (the language commissioner), does not like anglophones, never did like anglophones, and never will like anglophones, and thus, can take her language commission and SHOVE IT UP HER ASS, for ever and ever AMEN!!!! Put HER out in the parking lot for a few months after Christmas and see how f----n' happy she would be to get her serlf-righteous stockins' back inside and THAW THINGS OUT A LITTLE!!!!
Friday, 4 December 2015
Evil City of Fredericton this morning...
Thursday, 3 December 2015
New Brunswick Police Commission fires Jeffrey Smiley but Executive Director Steve Roberge supports Fredericton Police Policies are charging inoncent citizens as Pedophiles!!!
I don't get it!!! They make a big deal out of this but nothing in this issue???
I emailed the Executive Director this morning for a meeting but he refuse. I wonder why???? Let the War begin!!!
No Cops are going to accuse this Blogger to be a Pedophile and get away with it!!!!
Wednesday, 2 December 2015
New Brunswick P.C. MLA'S Jeff Carr and Pam Lynch views on Commissionaire Wayne Grant!!!
Pam Lynch read this statement this morning in the New Brunswick Legislature!!!
Mr. Speaker,
I am absolutely disgusted that we are now into December and Commissionaire Wayne Grant is still working outdoors. This is disgraceful. It was the Gallant government that changed the rules at the Centennial Building that put Mr. Grant outside. It is only the Gallant government that can return Mr. Grant to his former status by changing the rules back. And that is exactly what the Gallant government must do. Further, they must apologize to Mr. Grant and compensate him for the financial hardship that he suffered. Anything less will be unacceptable to all who believe in the principles of justice, fairness, and compassion.
I might add Pam Lynch letter to the Editor was denied by the Irving media -
This is my Commentary that was submitted to the Daily Gleaner on November 8th, however, they chose not to print it. You will find it in this month's Grand Lake Mirror. I want my Constituents to know that I did not agree with the way this was handled by the Language Commissioner in any way.
Government without fairness and compassion
Watching the language commissioner’s news conference on Friday November 6th ignited my feelings of apprehension and frustration.
My constituents tell me they see Wayne Grant, a 64-year old man working for low wages, being bullied by a very highly paid bureaucrat. Worse, they see the specter of heavy-handed language police running rough-shod over the people; much like they do in Quebec. One can understand these sentiments.
No-one can convince me that this is the New Brunswick envisioned by Premiers Richard Hatfield, Louis Robichaud and all those who have worked to bring equality, understanding and harmony to our two linguistic communities. We are going in the wrong direction.
While the language commissioner has become the lightning rod for this issue, the Gallant government cannot be held blameless. Because it is the Gallant government that changed the rules so that commissioner Wayne Grant cannot return to his previous post inside the Centennial building. It is the Gallant government that sentenced this man, so close to retirement, to sit outside in the cold, rain and snow; if he wishes to continue working in downtown Fredericton, as he has for so many years.
You will note that Premier Gallant has tried to distance himself from the language commissioner. As premier of our province, it is time for him to stop dodging the issue and, in the name of fairness, to show some leadership.
Gallant’s Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure is also complicit, because it was his department that reacted in a panic when the language commissioner served notice that she was launching an investigation. It was his department that changed the rules for the Centennial Building that threw Mr. Grant’s life into chaos, without ever being granted the opportunity to face his accuser or having the benefit of due process. In fairness to the civil servants who likely made these choices, it appears they were led to believe by the language commissioner that a third party had laid the complaint. This apparently deceptive action has not found its way to the center of the discussion, but it will in time.
It was the Gallant government that changed the rules that put Mr. Grant outside. It is only the Gallant government that can return Mr. Grant to his former status by changing the rules back. And that is exactly what they must do. Further, they must apologize to Mr. Grant and compensate him for the financial hardship that he suffered. Anything less will be unacceptable to all who believe in the principles of justice, fairness, and compassion.
What I found most troubling about the language commissioner’s press conference was her utter lack of empathy for Mr. Grant. When the language commissioner was asked by the media what she would say to Mr. Grant if she saw him, she had the opportunity to say that she felt sorry for how her actions had impacted his life. She had the opportunity to show some compassion. Instead, her cheeky response was cold and callous, thereby telling us all we need to know to judge her actions. She replied “I would say hello, bonjour.” to the chuckles of the media.
In the matter of language commissioner Katherine D’Entremont , perhaps it is time we all said “GOODBYE, AU REVOIR “
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Fredericton Police Force did a wonderful Job today in Front of the New Brunswick Legislature!!!!
Let me go take a cold shower so I can calm down a little.
Ok…Here we go…
The Fredericton Po…
Excuse me a minute…I need to calm down…
Ok….The Fredericton Police Force acted like professionals this afternoon.
They are very good at their job!!!
The Fredericton Police Force should be…
Excuse me for a minute…I need to take 15 Ritalin!!!
They should be congratulated for a job very well done…
Excuse me I need another cold shower and smoke 5 joints to CALM DOWN to continue this blog… We should be proud to have such a Good and hard working Police Force protecting the Citizens, Bureaucrats and Politians in front of the New Brunswick Legislature!!!!
Ok…..must press – Post blog…
OH NOOOOOOOO.....…Anti-Police brain cells are fighting my good hearted cells
So hard on all of my five ADHD brains…
must press POST button
Must concentrate!!!! Must stop sweating!!!!! Must print blog!!!!!!
God knows if I succeeded in posting this blog or not????
Let me go take a cold shower so I can calm down a little.
Ok…Here we go…
The Fredericton Po…
Excuse me a minute…I need to calm down…
Ok….The Fredericton Police Force acted like professionals this afternoon.
They are very good at their job!!!
The Fredericton Police Force should be…
Excuse me for a minute…I need to take 15 Ritalin!!!
They should be congratulated for a job very well done…
Excuse me I need another cold shower and smoke 5 joints to CALM DOWN to continue this blog… We should be proud to have such a Good and hard working Police Force protecting the Citizens, Bureaucrats and Politians in front of the New Brunswick Legislature!!!!
Ok…..must press – Post blog…
OH NOOOOOOOO.....…Anti-Police brain cells are fighting my good hearted cells
So hard on all of my five ADHD brains…
must press POST button
Must concentrate!!!! Must stop sweating!!!!! Must print blog!!!!!!
God knows if I succeeded in posting this blog or not????
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