
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Monday 24 July 2017

Once Aldéa Landry finalizes her report? It will be the end of the Fredericton Police Force as you know it!!!!


  1. Were you not the one that when they raided your place you choose French and demanded French?? And then in front of the police station when arrested for causing a disturbance you demanded French, which caused again one more officer that required to be present?? And then when that officer Loiseau gave you a ticket you again demanded French?? This, even though you are English speaking..but now, you complaint about the girls demanding French??? You make no sense buddy!!

  2. LOL....When you deal with a Police Force who labeled you as a Pedophile??? You DARN right that I will demand an Officer who speaks Le Chiac Francais......:)...but in this case? It's a different ballgame......

  3. Sounds a helluva lot to me Charlie, like a playground shoutin' match between sad-sack dorkey fans of the leafs and habs. BRING BACK DA NORDS!!!! BRING BACK DA NORDS!!!! MAY GOD REIGN SUPREME, BRING BACK DA NORDS!!!!!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
