
Charles Jackie

:Seperator bar Lower

News - Stories and Rants

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Members of the Fredericton Police Force are truly Racist against the immigrants and the less fortunate!!!! Selamneh Techane isn't the only one!!!

This picture of Scotty was taken on December 19th 2005!!!!

Scotty went missing for 10 years but nothing from the Cops..NOTHING!!!!

As someone told me - Who cares????

I guess he was last seen driving with a bunch of guys towards Woodstock?

Our so-called Police Force are too occupied in making false charge against the citizens in this City such as telling the public people are exploiting Kids for sex. I might add this style have the support of Police Chief Leanne Fitch!!!

Dead bodies are appearing all over the place but Police are too busy chasing the young natives are not not wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle.

It's time for an inquiry!!!!

Lets get rid of these bozos!!!


  1. Instead of being your usual negative self, how about you post something helpful?

  2. You continue to show your own ignorance old man.

    Selamneh Techane was reported missing 5 years ago, not 10

    The body was found in the attic of that house that burned; a very far away location from Woodstock.

    5 years ago is 3 years before your baby-like tantrum started with the FPD. You were also buddy buddy with them at that time as well.

    You're a fool Charles, and your misguided supporters will learn the truth about you very soon

  3. I agree completely with the above, and as far as your exchange with the sheriff, you are easily considered a potential threat to these people. Based on your constant badmouthing and childlike tantrums concerning the police. These men and woman risk their life protecting people, even people like you and all you do is essentially waste their time and resources.

    1. I have to so agree with you CK

  4. Yup - be white and missing in NB and the cops go wild with requests for assistance, pictures up in regular news reports and a relentless drive to find the person (even though half the time it turns out the person didn't want to be found).

    Be black and missing in NB - and it might as well be a moonless night in November for all the attention you will get.

  5. The coward jerkface are coming out and it's the Cops who are always coming after me and they don't like it when I fight back. They will face another lawsuit. < the latest assault charge against me >
