
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Monday 1 December 2014

How come the Fredericton Police Chief couldn't handle the issue back in 2011???


  1. The content of the posted letter would suggest they DID deal with the issue. They advise you they have no jurisdiction and the matter is closed. Its all right there in the letter. CASE CLOSED!!

  2. Funny that the cop mentioned in the letter was fired....

  3. It says he retired. Did you even read the letter before you posted it?

  4. Funny that weeks earlier, he stopped me on the streets and told me that I ruined his life....he was offered a retirement package or be fired.....guess who was his partner? Bobbi winkly bitch Simons....she went to my internet provider and told them I was exploiting kids for sex and she also interrupted our session in court and she's not done me on that one...:P

  5. show us the REAL PROOF.
    -Jim the man with a home-

  6. exactly my point. you have no proof that the fpf lied or said anything to your isp.
    -Jim the man with a home-

  7. Sorry Jim....if you don't believe or trust my word? There's no need for you to read or post in this Blog...Bye Bye Jim.....

  8. i agree with jim. show us some proof charles. do you have the transcript of the call the fpf made to your isp?

  9. lol....been blogged many times...see me on the streets...I have the papers in my wallet....:)

  10. can you scan them. i'd like to see that proof

  11. no can listen to the letter by watching the video on top of the blog of my speech to the unb law students..:)

  12. That's old news, new idiots:

    "Just as concerning is that in its efforts to obtain information from Mr. LeBlanc’s Internet Service Provider (ISP),the FPF used a request form that is reserved for requests pertaining to child sexual exploitation offences. This is such a blatant misrepresentation of the nature
    of the investigation that we requested a response from the ISP as to why they provided the information asked for since the title of the form used had been modified to state that it pertained to a libel investigation. Below is their response:
    The form is designed for the purposes of facilitating disclosure of subscriber information linked to an IP address for child sexual exploitation offences only and is used by law enforcement agencies across Canada to request subscriber information linked to an IP addre
    ss from various internet serviceproviders. It appears to me in this case that the officer from Fredericton Police has modified the template version of this form indicating in the title
    section that the investigation is with respect to libel. "

    Charles actually DID post the actual form, and then was threatened during his lawsuit because the form was provided through the search for his lawsuit. I'd almost suspect you were in the police so because getting charles to post the form again would get him into just as much hot water.

  13. Well said to the idiots. I can't believe the line: "i agree with jim. show us some proof charles. do you have the transcript of the call the fpf made to your isp?" Where has this person been? Clearly not following the blog - and then he/she comes in and attacks Charles! Oh dear, I feel sorry for you blogger Charles, to have so many haters coming at you for no reason and without any idea of the issues... the idiots clearly didn't notice the complaint was filed in April 2009 and dismissed in January 2011. That is unacceptable and clearly the Chief simply chose not to investigate the complaint. More dishonest and unlawful conduct by MacKnight and the NBPC.

  14. it sure smells a lot like bacon here. There must be a lot of pigs (fpf) posting comments here
