
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Thursday 16 October 2014

Hotty Chief of Police Force Leanne Fitch must resign or be fired!!!!


A chief who applauds citizens to be accuse by the so-called cops of Exploiting Children for Sex and take advantage of people with mental illness is not someone we want as Chief. 

 She has lost control and must be replace....the whole Police Force must be replace by the R.C.M.P.!!!

 I am certain that 50% of the cops couldn't pass a drug or alcohol test anyway!!! 

People are being beaten up and killed but these keystone Cops are too busy chasing Natives and the Less fortunate riding a bicycle without a helmet!!!!

 Leanne Fitch has got to go!!!! 

A chief who applauds citizens to be accuse by the so-called cops of Exploiting Children for Sex and take advantage of people with mental illness is not someone we want as Chief. She has lost control and must be replace....the whole Police Force must be replace by the R.C.M.P.!!! 

I am certain that 50% of the cops couldn't pass a drug or alcohol test anyway!!!

 People are being beaten up and killed but these keystone Cops are too busy chasing Natives and the Less fortunate riding a bicycle without a helmet!!!! 

 Leanne Fitch has got to go!!!!
A chief who applauds citizens to be accuse by the so-called cops of Exploiting Children for Sex and take advantage of people with mental illness is not someone we want as Chief.

She has lost control and must be replace....the whole Police Force must be replace by the R.C.M.P.!!!

I am certain that 50% of the cops couldn't pass a drug or alcohol test anyway!!!

People are being beaten up and killed but these keystone Cops are too busy chasing Natives and the Less fortunate riding a bicycle without a helmet!!!!

Leanne Fitch has got to go!!!!

A chief who applauds citizens to be accuse by the so-called cops of Exploiting Children for Sex and take advantage of people with mental illness is not someone we want as Chief.

She has lost control and must be replace....the whole Police Force must be replace by the R.C.M.P.!!!

I am certain that 50% of the cops couldn't pass a drug or alcohol test anyway!!!

People are being beaten up and killed but these keystone Cops are too busy chasing Natives and the Less fortunate riding a bicycle without a helmet!!!!

Leanne Fitch has got to go!!!!


  1. I think you should keep her as police chief for as long as you can ! If you bring in the RCMP , local prosecutors will have a much easier job and cases. When you have uneducated ,poorly trained ,steroid fueled officers it is much much easier to walk on charges . Keep this comedy going and keep your police farce!

  2. Hotty? ...Your calling her a hotty?
    You cant be serious?
    She looks like one of these old ugly power tripping butch school teachers we used to have 40 years know the ones that would give us the strap, pull our hair and would slap our face if they had a bad time at home?
    That's exactly what she reminds me of.
    I feel sorry for her wife.

    --maurice the homeless guy--

  3. What the Farce needs is a leader who better represents their core beliefs and officers . You need a tattoo laden , steroid using uneducated and poorly trained chief. A chief the average steroid using farce member could look to and say he or she is one of us - that will go a long way to solving one of the many morale issues within the Farce.
