Absolutely, without a doubt, Charlie, straight, to the point, shoots from the hip, my kinda guy. I'd vote for him again in a heart beat. If he wants to be mayor for the next hundred years, I shall and will support him 150%. He don't talk in circles, man, he tells it like it is. If you don't like it' pooey on you. And regardless of whether or not he can find his car, my friend, he has done, and will continue to do, one helluva fine, fine super fine job.
Absolutely, without a doubt, Charlie, straight, to the point, shoots from the hip, my kinda guy. I'd vote for him again in a heart beat. If he wants to be mayor for the next hundred years, I shall and will support him 150%. He don't talk in circles, man, he tells it like it is. If you don't like it' pooey on you. And regardless of whether or not he can find his car, my friend, he has done, and will continue to do, one helluva fine, fine super fine job.