
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Saturday 11 October 2014

Is PTSD real or Bullshit???

Charles, What a horrible horrible feeling waking up screaming from a nightmare presented in 3D with tears all ready driping down your chin!!.My god how long did it last.??.I smell, I touch I hear, I feel in 3D.Fast foreward after a extremely intense 3 hour work out.Im back up.Please dont judge my physical appearance Physically I can honestly say im in the best shape of my intire life.I can nail a 1 hour insane cardio with 3 layers of clothing along with a sweat belt and note even take a deep breath.The weights I push is incredible for a man my age.Front delt machine this am 280 lbs for 8 reps final set.Theres 6 machines im maxed out on.Excerise is my release on the devastating disease and if its ever gonna win it will know its been in a fight..Sorry if I offened or scare people by this post but we as a society needs proper education on what PTSD is.Im willing to put a face on it.I wouldnt want this on ky worst enemy. We dont know what the next hour will bring.I pray tonight we have a better night

1 comment :

  1. They have some pretty horrific and are command to do horrific things to another human being. All for money for the money hungry corporates.. What about all the tragedy and suffering we are causing around this world, because our gov't says we have to.
