
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Thursday 19 April 2018

Pense tu que les Neo-Brunswickois va etre fous assez pour Brian Gallant avant l'Election Provinciale 2018???

Will New Brunswickers be crazy enough to be fooled by Brian Gallant before the 2018 Provincial Election???

By announcing the Language issue with New Brunswick Paramedics will go to Court therefore 2018 New Brunswick Provincial Election will be on Bilingualism!!!!

Even at the Convention Centre in Fredericton is bad!!! They stereotype people all the time......look at this one.....

Hard core decisions are made at Events such as this one!!! All Lawyers and the elites gather together to make decisions over drinks. Look and study the people in the background? It's disgusting!!!!

New Brunswick Privacy Laws are being used by WorkSafeNB Lawyer Mike McGovern!! Journalist Mike Landry at it AGAIN???

Saturday 14 April 2018

Friday 13 April 2018

Whatever happen to Fredericton Tweetup??? Found this old badge tonight....

A bed in Saint John New Brunswick!!!!

Most hated citizen in this Province New Brunswick Language Commissioner Katherine d'Entremont retires!!!!!

Well PRAISE THE LORD, ALLAYLOUJHA AND AMEN Charlie, we are finally and at last relieved of the most communist and satanic piece of shit we've all come to tolarate since the days of Adolph Hitler, Nikita Kruschev and Fidel Castro. What else can lie ahead of us, my friend in the wake of such tyranny as the Holacost, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Bay of Pigs and the absolute hatred of the English Language in New Brunswick. What else can we bid this self-righteous, self-important bitch than Au-revoir, Adios, Adieu, Good-Bye and Good Ridence. We are the Anglos, dear, and damn proud of it. Get used to it, love it and enjoy it sis, 'cause WE AIN'T GOIN' NOWHERE'S!!!!!!

British Columbia Representative for Children and Youth Bernard Richard is interviewed by the Blogger!!!

Premier Brian Gallant, Justice and Public Safety Minister Denis Landry and Robbie MacDonald!!!