
Charles Jackie

:Seperator bar Lower

News - Stories and Rants

Friday 29 July 2016

New Brunswick Social Development must seek opinions or Feedback from people on Social Assistance!!!

Blogger arrives home and is met by 5 to 7 Police Cruisers of the Fredericton Police Force!!!!!!!!

Thursday 11:41pm

just came arrive tonight

I was talking on the phone with my cousin then a drunken guy with a Cowboy Hat at my window...HEYYYYY BLOGGGGEEERRRR!!!

REMEMBER ME HE SAID....???< Fan of the Blog >

I told the guy - Talking to my cousin on phone.

after a minute...he was still there.... I hung up the phone and went outside to the drunken Cowboy with sandals.

After 30 seconds...we noticed a police cruiser with lights coming our way

I said - Oopppss they're coming here....< I always say that when I see a Cop heading my way >

The cruiser parked across the street and he was focused on the drunken Cowboy.

He did say a quick - Hi was a cop I knew and he was focused on the drunken Cowboy!!!

Another cruiser cruiser came to the scene...then another........6 police cruisers in front of my place...

All the Cops were focused on the Cowboy!!!

They told him that they had a complaint that he told someone you were going to the car and get a gun!!!!

The cowboy's jaw drop when he mentioned gun...he had a bag pack and told the officers he had a knife in there. He drives Cabs I guess?

He was scared shitless!!!!

This Pain in the Ass blogger was a little concern because what would happen if the drunken Cowboy would draw a weapon and the Blogger is standing right beside him??? < I wonder how many bullets would the Cowboy receive compare to the Blogger????

I can just see the News Conference - Mr.LeBlanc < alias the Blogger > was shot dead last night. Mr.LeBlanc was caught in a crossfire between the Police and a Drunken individual who we believe had a gun. We still cannot explain why Mr.LeBlanc was hit by 8 bullets while the suspect had 5 bullets.

lol Can you imagine having 6 to 10 cops focusing on your every move????

I shouted - WHERE'S MY CAMERA?????

The drunken Cowboy suggested that I go and get it???

< I decided to leave well enough alone >

Better not leave the scene if something stupid happens.

The Cops pulled me aside and asked me if i knew him?

I said he was a fan of the blog....I think he believes he's a cowboy and spoke before thinking!!! You those ADHD types???< We had a good chuckle >

They didn't find a gun so they offered to drive him home but he wanted to go to McDonald's!!!!

He was told he might be too drunk to get serve.

You could tell the Cops were being nice but their patience was wearing thin with thew Cowboy with Sandals!!!!

I said - Hop in the car and these fine officers will drive you home...< can't believe I said that!!! >


...and they say I make up these stories...

P.S. The Fredericton Police did a wonderful job in handling the situation. It could have turned ugly VERY fast but everyone including the drunken Cowboy acted in a proper way...:)

Update...drunken cowboy returns to my place...<br/>

Here's a video I made 10 minutes ago...close to 1:00am...

Everything all well...:)

Thursday 28 July 2016

Getting ready for a yard Sale...guess where???

Fascist Member of the New Brunswick Police Commission Ron Cormier denies Blogger's complaint about false charge by Fredericton Police!!!!!!!

It's getting worst and worst!!!!

Now....the Cops can arrest you on a false charge and if you put a complaint to the New Brunswick Police Commission? They will say - The issue is in front of the Courts therefore we can't investigate!

Now that my case is over and I was found - NOT GUILTY!!!

Listen to the letter I got today!!!

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Fredericton Mayor Mike O'Brien shows his true colors and MUST resign!!!!

I had a feeling it would happen and it did.

Remember that lawsuit I filled against the Fredericton Police for calling me a Pedophile???

Lawyer Leanne Murray fom the City of Fredericton just told me that new Mayor Mike O'Brien will not offer me a settlement. < As a matter of fact he's going after Court cost >

Remember this video? -

There's nothing worst I hate is a two face know the River Rat Matt Myers type.

I emailed the new Mayor and told him just that!!!

Mike O'Brien could become the worst two face Mayor we ever had. Take a look at the Park Patrol...They're as bad as they ever been! Are these orders from the new Mayor???

Ok...I'm on vacation...just had to rant about the news I just received....

The Citizens in this City are in great Danger....who else will the new Mayor labelled a Pedophile???


They are NOT ALLOW to warn the public on huge dangers because it's not en Francais!!!!

I say it's time we get rid of the Fire Fighters or administration who ARE NOT afraid to listen to common sense!

Why wait till huge families are killed???

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Idiots members of the Fredericton Police Force raids Blogger's home AGAIN!!!

WHAT THE HELL!!!! That’s all I needed!!!! I'm done and over it!! 😡😡😡...I come home to find 4 Cops in my dang house acting like lunatics!!!!! Searching through EVERYTHING 😳😳They checked air vents, beds, even the icebox....dang near tearing it apart!! I asked to see the search warrant, they answered completely hysterically: "Where did you hide it?? We know it's here somewhere!!" Then I watched one of the officers look at his cellphone and then he shouted: " Stop it! We are in the wrong house!!!! The Pokémon is next door!!!"

Fredericton needs first responders who will protect its citizens!!!!

The City of Belleville twitted to warn citizens of a major Gas line Leak Fredericton can't protect the citizens because it's not in FRENCH!!!

Shame on our City official who refuses to protect the Citizens because of Foolishness!!!!


This is ridiculous!!!! They had no Police to keep the Citizen. Why? Where the Fredericton Police too busy hunting down Indians or Welfare Bums who are exercising without a helmet???

P.S. I heard the new Police Act that the Public ARE NOT allow to attend to witness the changes. One change will be that if a Citizen makes too many complaints against the POlice? They will be charge.

Police State???? You darn right it is!!!

Monday 25 July 2016

Prosecutors from the Attorney Office Cameron Gunn and Jeff Mockler should be fired in a few weeks!!!

I'm filling a complaint next week < still working on it > Prosecutors Cameron Gunn and Jeff Mockler must be fired over this issue.

There are SO MANY things that went bad on this one!!!! The Law Society < I could call them Mafia > must be investigated.

Many lawyers behind the scenes wanted me jailed and make certain that I had no lawyers.

Some heads MUST roll over this issue.

Truly stay tuned

Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton is proving SHE CANNOT be President!!! SHE HAS NO LEADERSHIP!!!

Donald Thrump must be laughing...the Chair woman is refusing to resign immediately....she's telling Bernie's crowd in a way to go fuck themselves!!!


It's going to be chaos on the floor of the convention and it's all Clinton's fault!!!

The chairperson should have resined IMMEDIATELY!!!!!

It's going to be war!!!!

I better buy an extra bag of Popcorn!!!