
Charles Jackie

:Seperator bar Lower

News - Stories and Rants

Thursday 13 August 2015

Therese Pepin died last year...:)..Now they are both dead!!!!

I always used to take their pictures and I forgot their first name...I was told today that therese died last they are both is a VERY short ride...:( IMGP0041 Over the years, I always took pictures of these ladies. edrIMG_5342IMG_5372IMG_5475_editedcouple0001800030 They seem to take good pictures together. I haven't saw them all summer long so I believe they were dead!!! But there they were a couple of weeks ago sitting on a bench enjoying a good day of Indian Summer!! IMGP0047IMGP0039 I decided to do a little interview!!! Click below - [youtube] So? She dearly misses Father Brien? He showed up to my place last Friday ..:( IMGP0666 I showed Father Brien the video and away we went!!! We located the old lady and she sure was a happy lady!!! IMGP0690IMGP0689 Look at all the puzzles???? She sure has more patience than this Blogger!!! IMGP0688IMGP0680IMGP0674IMGP0673 This was the hardest one I guess? IMGP0672IMGP0669IMGP0670IMGP0671 I made an old Lady very happy so therefore that made my day!!! IMGP0040 :)

Will Justice prevail in Fredericton????

First of all Charles it is a set up by he leaders of fredericton as a pure harassment.

Being prosecuted by organized evil means you are doing some good for the people.

I believe if you have a good judge not influenced the case will be kicked out and hopefully the judge orders such harassment against you stopped or else.

You can believe it is based on lawyers but it is not. Everyone in NB or I should say the good people of NB knows it is a harassment case from your good friends not only in the police force but leaders above them. How high this case will tell.

If found guilty it means you are right the justice system is manure and I mean pig manure smell.

If only some evil leaders then the case will be closed and God allowed you justice for a change. My bet is the judge will be an honest judge and your case may show more people how we need balance.

For sure your case stinks as poor judgement on the prosecution or pure harassment.

Relax and have fun seeing evil in action. Remember the more they do to you the more heat they will have when they all land in he'll.

Have a great weekend Charles justice will prevail if not here then after life.

Fredericton Outside Workers do a wonderful job in cleaning our trails!!!

Tuesday 11 August 2015

How come the Irving media don't do a story on the issue of Summary Charge?

Guilty, not guilty; break the law, not break the law. That is not the issue here; the problem is that is that if you are a New Brunswicker and you are charged with a summary charge and cannot afford a lawyer the likelihood of successfully defending yourself is highly remote. Those who can afford legal representation are the ones who are most likely to present legally sound arguments in to the courts and the courts will come to a decision based on the facts and the arguments presented.

The lesson that is learned from Charles Leblanc is that our system inadvertently discriminate between those who are fortunate to afford representation and those who are unfortunate and cannot hire a lawyer.

What available options are there for those who can not afford a lawyer. One option is to plead guilty and forfeit any defenses that might be available to the person. After pleading guilty the person is at the mercy of the court for sentencing. The other option is to self-represent.

The moment one self-represents they are at a disadvantage because they don’t know the rules of the game, additionally don’t know how the game is played. How can they best represent themselves when they have to argue against a prosecutor who is well experience with court procedures and knows how to present legally sound arguments to persuade the judge to agree with the prosecution. While the onus is on the crown to find someone guilty, it is the defenses’ responsibility to counter the prosecution claim, but in order for the defense to do that they have to have the legal tools to do so.

Without money how can the defendant pay for legal document which may be contained within those documents information to help the defence's legal arguement. According to Charles, the clerk told him the cost for him to have his transcripts would be $400 which he cannot pay for, in essence the court refused because of affordability the transcript which could provide information crucial of his defence.

Our legislators need to address this inequality in the administration of justice so that everyone criminal or civil is on the same playing field regardless to affordability.

The key argument to why legal aid will not supply legal representation for summary conviction because of the costs to provide a lawyer to every financially disadvantage person. But in the long term, the cost to the taxpayer may be greater with self-representation, then if a lawyer was supplied to the accused on the onset.

Dennis Oland accused of killing his father has not spent one day in jail, while many with similar charges where held in custody upon being charge. The difference is Oland has the resources to purchase the talents of Canada’s best legal minds to come to his aid.

Because of Language Commissioner Katherine d'Entremont! Wayne Grant hours get cut from 58 to 18 hours per week!!!

Fredericton Police Officer does his job and demands the Medal of Bravery!!!!



It's their job!!!! $80,000 per year and they want the medal of Bravery?????

What a bunch!!!!

It's funny..this piece of shit River Rat Matt Myers who accused me to be a pedophile told the Irving media of the rescue.

Bullshit!!! All lies!!!!

This is the same man who received this medal for getting his feet wet.

The sooner we get rid of idiots like Myers? The better this Force will be!!!

Wait till I cross examine this piece of work!!!!!

His Sex life will be interesting!!!

Blogger gives VERY stern WARNING to soon to be young Rookie of the Fredericton Police Force!!!!

Monday 10 August 2015

Evil City of Fredericton refuse to clean danger zone until someone get killed!!!!

New Brunswick Premier Brian Gallant has a Summer chat with Pain in the Ass Bloggert!!

Racist Justice Bureaucrats orders Blogger to pay $399.00 for Transcript of hearing!!!!! RACIST BUREAUCRAT MUST BE FIRED!!!

I will write more on this later...I am way too upset!!!! We must begin to fire these Racist Bureaucrats!!!!!

Touring Cyclist Shelley Wood from Fredericton to ride across Canada AGAIN!!!


Fredericton 2015 Gay Pride Parade...


9 years ago I thought this Fredericton Police Officer was a female!!!


I asked - What's your name again?

He reminded me that I believe he was a woman on a Blog.

It quickly came to my mind...I grabbed him < softly > and said - Heyyyy?? We're at the right place...the Gay Pride Parade!!!...Let me take a picture!!

This is the picture...his name is right below the picture...sigghhh...I guess I didn't have glasses in those days...:(..

What do you think??? Didn't he look like a female???


Sunday 9 August 2015

Enjoying 2015 Gay Pride Week in Fredericton.....



Blogger tries to stay calm during 2015 Gay Pride Parade in Fredericton!!


Fredericton City Officials and Racist Police Chief Leanne Fitch will be confronted by Blogger at Gay Pride Parade today!!

This is the first time the Gay Pride activities happens since the City of Fredericton ordered my Blog shut down!!!

Racist Police Chief Leanne Fitch accused me to be Homophobic!!! Nobody accuse me to be something that I am not!!

But I have to remain calm confronting these idiots!!!!

Here's a video -

This is a VERY racist City!!!

It's funny the Police can labelled me at a pedophile but that's ok!!!

FPF Application to ISP by Charles LeBlanc

VERY dangerous and deadly area on the Fredericton Walking Trail!!!!

I find it ironic the City always talks about Safety about helmets but they let the Trails go to a VERY deadly situation!

A few months ago, a youth almost died in this location.

How come the Rat Patrol never reported this to the City?

Watch video -

None Educated Racist low life Redneck views on the Canadian Federal Debate and Gay Pride week!!!!

Little kids SHOULD NOT be around computer or the same room while you listen to this loud mouth!!!

It's VERY straight forward!!!

Thursday 6 August 2015

As a Canadian..I am not interested in the Leaders Debate but I'm searching for the TRUMP debate!!!

Is there something wrong with me????

Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick, Ms. Jocelyne Roy Vienneau should fire Language Commissioner Katherine d'Entremont!!!!!

August 6, 2015

Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick, Ms. Jocelyne Roy Vienneau;

On July 26, 2015, Citizen's Action Team sent a letter to Minister of Official Languages, Donald Arseneault, as well as to Premier Brian Gallant demanding the removal of Ms. Katherine d'Entremont from her position as Commissioner of Official Languages for New Brunswick.

We cited the following reasons for this demand:

· Recent public allegations have been made that Ms. d'Entremont was personally involved in a complaint made to her own office that resulted in the attempted termination and ultimate transfer of a Fredericton Commissionaire for his failure to speak French despite his offer to immediately get a Bilingual individual to provide service in French.

· May we point out that according to 2011 Statistics Canada information, the demographics of Fredericton are:

• 75.6% English only

• 23.6% Bilingual (French and English)

• 0.5% French only

• 0.3% Other

· Loss of confidence and respect by the public. Its widely felt that Ms. d'Entremont does not act within the mandate of her role to protect and promote both official languages, but that she is heavily biased towards representing only the Francophone communities and it is felt that this bias has been publicly demonstrated numerous times.

· A publicly demonstrated lack of respect and outright scorn towards the Anglophone population. · An overly harsh and unreasonable approach towards applying the Official Languages Act that exceeds legal requirements and breeches Chartered Rights.

One day later, on July 27, 2015 - Minister Donald Arseneault publicly stated his refusal to consider her removal and did so without addressing the concerns brought forward.

At the very least - the allegations of misconduct require a thorough and public investigation. We have been given to understand in response from our elected officials that it is in fact yourself who would make these decisions, and therefore we lay the matter before you with the expectation that it will be addressed.

Blogger was WRONG on kindness meters in Fredericton!!!

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Do Cable have a plan to block all Federal Election Commercials???

I will pay extra because 95% of Canadian don't care!!!

All I know is that Harper is out!!!

Blogger will denounce Bigot Mayor Brad Woodside at Gay Pride Ceremony and Acadian Day!!!

I tried to reach a settlement with these people but they will not sit down to reach a settlement.

Racist Police Chief Leanne Fitch should be there.

She agreed that I'm exploiting kids between the age of 8-12 years for child Porn!

One thing about this guy...when I say I'm going to do something? I will do it!!

Racism must be confronted and destroyed!!

P.S. As I told someone last week...this could be all settle in a matter of hours but that would be too easy!!

Nobody from the City is going to be allow to call me a pedophile and get away with it!!
Truly stay tuned

Sunday 2 August 2015

It was quite a Birthday Day!!!


FRom singing Bonne Fete in front of a bunch Snobs at the Farmer's Market to some bad experience but it finished very weird.....

Will blog later on.....

Police Have Gone Amok With Shootings Of Civilians

When we think of police shootings, we immediately think of State Police killing black civilians. As Canadians, we view the actions of American police shooting American blacks when the office life or health was not in immediate danger as unjustifiable.

In Canada we have a similar situation with our police officers, whether RCMP, provincial or municipal police. Police killing civilians who pose no immediate threat to the offers life or health appear to be a common occurrence here in Canada. While the numbers are significantly lower in Canada then they are in the United States, when you make a population comparison between United States and Canada the numbers are high when you look at the number of civilians killed by police per capita.
There are undoubtedly situations that police officers find themselves that have no other options available but to critically injure the person. In these situations, it is justifiable to take a human life.

There is a plethora of Canadian case law that defines what the criteria are for using self-defence as a defence. "If you had a reasonable belief this person will seriously hurt you, then you can justify killing them," you also would have to be in a situation where "if you don’t do something you're going to be seriously hurt or killed."

It appears that there are two different standards that are applied to what constitute justifiable homicide for the police, and the other what constitute justifiable homicide for the layman. For the police officer the only requirement is that all situations have the potential of serious injury or death may result. That is enough for the police to justify killing a civilian. The layman on the other hand the situation has to be more than just potential, it has to be based on the balance of probability that injury to self or death is highly probable if lethal action is not taken.

Continued on the Left Eye -->

Thursday 30 July 2015

Leadnow Education protest for this weekend in Fredericton!!!

Picture 12161

Hi Charles:

You mentioned people should let you know about upcoming events. If you are interested, Leadnow is having a Stop Harper Lemonade Stand (or a Vote Together Lemonade Stand) on Saturday August 1 on the Fredericton Green by the walking bridge from 11am to 3pm if you want to stop by!


Blogger will drop Fund Raiser website and represent himself against False charge of Assault!!!!

Picture 15272


I am a strong believer there's a reason for everything!!! Our Justice System and Police Force are so corrupt that the little guy have to defend themselves against this huge racist system!!!!

The Fredericton Police charged me with a false charge of Assault but it was a summary charge!!!!

This crooked system are charging everybody with a SUMMARY charge so the accuse can't have a fair hearing!!!

SUMMARY means -

1- New Brunswick Legal Aid WILL NOT grant you a lawyer!!!!

2- You have no right to a Preliminary hearing!! < to find out if there's enough evidence to proceed to court? >

To make matters worse? Once you show up in court? You will be greeted by Duty Counsel. They will act like a Filter Queen Saleman!!!

They approached you and make you feel important!!!

They tell you that they have reach a deal with the Prosecutor...the deal goes like this - 3 months of probation and a couple of hours of Community work!!! The MOST IMPORTANT issue is you'll be OUTTA OF HERE in 5 minutes!!!!

You reply to the salesman ....opppsss Duty Counsel - I'M NOT GUILTY!!!!!

He asked you - Do you have a lawyer??? < knowing you have no money >

You reply - No!!! I can't afford one!!!

The Duty Counsel continues to press on with a louder voice - CAN YOU REPRESENT YOURSELF IN COURT??? < Very different language of words in that Court Room >

The poor individual replies - I can't because I don't understand the system and the law???

The Duty Counsel goes for the kill by asking - WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO??? < Knowing the poor soul have seconds to decide >

At the end...the poor individual pleads Guilty and the Fredericton Police are VERY happy because he's in their system!!

That's what happened to me in 2012 and the Cops raided my place 3 days later accusing me to exploit kids for Sex!!!

So???? The battle will continue for August 26th!!!! The Judge told me that I might end up in Jail if I'm found Guilty and New Brunswick Legal Aid says - No chance of going to jail!!!

I met with a lawyer and he told me I would need $4,000 to $5,000 to get a good lawyer to fight this false charge.

The problem is I was going to set up a Bank Account in my name but my supporters told me my welfare check will be cut off and I would become homeless!!

I replied - Who cares??? It's the system who told me that I had my right to a lawyer!!!! What else can I do???

Then I realized people are afraid to add their name to a account!!!!

Everyone have ideas but nobody wants to step forward!!!! All we need was a link to a Bank account and it was full speed ahead!!!!

But sadly this is not the case so I drop the fund raiser idea and will represent myself against this corrupt system!!!

It was a rough go the last appearance but on August 26th? I will be cross examining the Cops who accuse me to have Sexs with kids!!!

One retired lawyer told me this case have so many legs that the trial could take 2 to 3 weeks!!!

I'm the one on trial in this case but I'm a strong believe that the Justice System and Police are the ones on trial!!!

We have never learn nothing from the murder of Ron Francis so maybe we can learn from this case?


I'm not nervous but but angry at the System that would allow this case in Court in the first place!!!

Since there's no chance to get a lawyer? I will be blogging the issues from here till August 26th!!!!

As I told the Judge - If this is happening to me? What other people is this is happening to that will never see the light of day in the media???

Racist Provincial Judge Julian Dickson answered - Mr.LeBlanc??? You SHOULDN'T BE worried about other people!! YOU SHOULD ONLY BE CONCERN ABOUT YOURSELF!!!!

He's not Catholic!!!! That's for sure!!!!

Truly stay tuned!!!!

Enjoying the Evil City of Fredericton...

Picture 15172