
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Monday 10 June 2019

The New Brunswick Justice System is INDEED a Broken Society!!!


  1. Irving has broken our society as far as anything eco related is concerned.

    They always boast and make paid advertising to the fact they plant X amount of trees per year, and how great that is for the environment.

    What they don't boast or make paid advertising about is the rate at which they chop down trees. The rate of all the destruction of roots systems and eco habitats they destroy annually. They clear cut way more than the general public knows about, including on ppls privet land if given permission.

    They also don't boast about how many families lives they have greatly effected in the last 3 decades here in a negative way given flooding and call. Deforestation has a HUGE part to do with this and most of the deforestation in NB is done by...... Irving.

    They have literally managed to infiltrate our government as a whole, no matter what sector.

    They have so many connections and so much money now, that sadly enough....they can literally do just about anything.

    And the Canadian government is letting them do it.

  2. And you call it a JUSTICE SYSTEM????????????????????????
