
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Thursday 8 October 2015

Quebecois Dan Bussieres new Iron Fence around the New Brunswick Legislature!!!

1 comment :

  1. Yessiree, Charlie, my boy, up she goes. And by this time next week, they'll have all the sirens, bells and buzzers hooked up so when you, as the leader of all terrorism in this town, get within a block of moi maison, the posse will be well on their way. POLICE, POLICE, ARREST HIM!!!! PUT HIM IN JAIL FOR A LONG, LONG TIME!!!! And you can bet yer bottom buck, pal, that the plans are well in the works for the construction of our version of the Berlin wall right along the banks of the St. John River. Because, hey man, we gotta have some way of keeping the homeless, less fortunate, downtroden and nuiscences far, far away from THE DEMOCRATIC HOUSE OF THE PEOPLE!!! Mercy sakes, we can't have that. Mr. Kruschev would be proud, wouldn't he???
