
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Justice Wolf from Oromocto trying to get a proper diagnose but can't locate a Doctor!!!!


Just met the guy this morning...what do you think??? is a little long.....


  1. What a tragic story. I Googled H1N1 vaccine side effects and the information that popped up was horrific - see below. The disease Justice mentioned is triggered by the vaccine and is very rare without an external trigger. The quote below confirms Canada 's health authorities have known this for many years and most doctors refuse the vaccine, but still recommend it to their patients. Maybe this is part of Bill Gates agenda to reduce the world population through vaccines... This is not only about Workman's Comp. This involves the federal Food and Drug Administration and local government "deals" with pharmaceutical companies. Human life and dignity is of no concern to these people. Unfortunately, the doctors all get kick-backs from the drug producers, so they keep pumping us full of this garbage in exchange for trinkets and golf holidays.

    "Scientists from Quebec, Canada, reported recently in the Journal of the American Medical Association:

    “The disease [Guillain-BarrĂ© Syndrome] is thought to be autoimmune and triggered by a stimulus of external origin. In 1976-1977, an unusually high rate of GBS was identified in the United States following the administration of inactivated ‘swine’ influenza A(H1N1) vaccines. In 2003, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) concluded that the evidence favored acceptance of a causal relationship between the 1976 swine influenza vaccines and GBS in adults.”

    Read more:

  2. same old bs, move him around so they all get there fee,no diagnosis no problem for them they still get there fee, he suffers they profit work safe a joke , they will put him thru there program he dosent fit into a box so hes faking or a malingerer, system is not set up for the injured its alllllll dollars , u mean 0 to them , worksafe has a period of time at grand bay to fix you or eliminate you dont think its otherwise thers 10s of ppl they have done in , ruiened there lives to keep employers premiums down . the trick is and has been is pay them not to go on workers comp benefits until big job is over , thats why u see 0 accidents when job is doneyou are laid off ,then ur on ur own , i could go on , bud u are in for one hell of a ride god luck

  3. I have GBS and it is dreadful.,at 11 months in.

  4. The health authorities will never confirm a diagnosis that could lead back to them being to blame. Again, the rick people who can leave the province to get an independent examination are the only ones that stand a chance. You have my deepest sympathy for what has been, and is being, done to you.

  5. Justice Wolf - you chose a perfect and prophetic name for yourself. You are seeking justice and, as a wolf, you need a pack to run with, who will be supporters and survivors who are in the same situation. You have taken a first, brave step towards helping to change things by doing this interview. You are obviously intelligent and you speak well. Keep going even though it is hard and painful. Your interview is enlightening and inspiring.
