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News - Stories and Rants

Sunday 6 September 2015

YouTube Video expresses Canadian Contempt for Harper

Originally published on The left Eye

By André Faust

Is Stephen Harper the most revered or despised prime minister in the history of Canada?

According to social media he is despised, there are countless of anti-Harper Facebook pages and groups to list a few;
  • Canadian Rally to Unseat Stephen Harper
  • National Stop Harper Campaign
  • Anti-Harper
  • Harper's Last Days
  • Vote Harper out
  • Stop Harper
  • Get Ride of Harper
  • Enough Harper
  • Anyone but Harper Conservatives
In addition to Facebook pages and groups there is a plethora of derogatory satirical images and videos of him throughout the internet. Leadnow independent advocacy organization who has launched the Vote Together campaign against Stephen Harper. Vote together is based on strategic block voting, with the focus on the swing ridings. The strategy is simple to vote for the Candidate who is most likely to win the riding who is not a Conservative.

Why is there such a growing disdain for Harper?

Inferring from the many discussions on social media and mainstream media. The main theme of the criticism seems to be on his autocratic style of governing and his economic policies. For Example The number of times Harper prorogued parliament as a minority government.
  • 2007 Prorogued Parliament so that he could have his legislation promoted in the following throne speech
  • 2008 Prorogued Parliament to avoid a vote of non-confidence
  • 2009 Prorogued Parliament to avoid the Afghan detainee issue
  • 2010 Prorogued Parliament to avoid having to answer questions from the opposition on the senate expense scandal
The number of omnibus bills that he used to pass unfavourable legislation. Omnibus bills are wolves in sheep’s clothing. An omnibus bill consists of a main bill with a main title, nested within the main bail is a multitude of other bills that may not even be related to the main title. Only the main bill is debated and voted on by members of parliament, if the main bill is passed the other nested bills are also past. Omnibus bills have been used by other prime ministers to expedite the parliamentary process, Harper's omnibus bills differ from his predecessors by being incredibly huge and his omnibus bill usually contains sub bills that are not related to the main bill. Listed below are the main omnibus bill that Harper has used to undermine the Canadian democratic process;

Click here to read full story.

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