
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Saturday 12 September 2015

What was idiot so-called Poet Andrew Spencer doing outside my window last night???

Picture 141Picture 144

The Cops are allowing this idiot to swing that piece of wood all over the place...he almost hit an old citizen last week...:(


  1. He is obviously not using it as a walking stick, that's for sure. He's holding it like a canne de combat.

  2. It's time for the stick and Mr Spencer to pack up and leave . I don't get it this guy can walk all over Fredericton and swing the f-c-ing stick and nothing said y y y y y ??? .

  3. There aint nuttin' wrong with this self-righteous prick, Charlie, that one damn, f----n' good punch in the mouth wouldn't cure. Jist a simple re-arrangin' of his face, that's all.

  4. That's right, Charles, 15:01's got it right. Along about the time you have his eyeballs down around where his nuts are supposed to be, jist leave the scene and tell him to f--- off!!!!
