
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Friday 14 August 2015

It was Six Years ago tonight three youths were killed in Downtown Fredericton!!!

Sorry...I would have left the whole story but Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside ordered my blog shut down last year!!


>I found it very fitting tonight's sunset sure showed the mood of many citizens in Fredericton after the last youth was buried today. They were killed near the light house in the picture.


I will admit, this issue wasn't an easy one to blog.

Not since I covered the Coroner's Inquest in Bathurst have I witness so much emotion.

inquiry,may 14  09 (176)

I took it a little hard when the father of one of the youths killed showed up at the scene where his son got killed.

Click below for blog -

Three youths killed in Fredericton

I quickly found out that Fredericton is indeed a small town because many of my friends knew some of the individuals who got killed.

They either knew a friend of a friend or members of the families.

Yes, lots of emotions.

The Capital haven't witnessed something like this for a long time.

I hope we don't see it again.

What was strange that it happened in the Downtown Core.

I quickly found out that rumors or stories can really take off!!!

Especially on the information Highway.

I even received some emails from people connected to the accident telling me the facts.

So? It's over!!!

Matt Swan,Joe Bourque and Jesse Schur are gone forever from this world but they will live in many people's minds forever.

I had many conversations with my Priest about death. Why do some die so young while others live a longer life?


His answer - It's not for us to understand now but we will truly understand later.

But I'm a believe so their loved ones will meet again....

My deepest sympathy goes out to the Families and I pray that you find the courage to move on with your lives.

In closing, I have to give credit to one individual.

The accident happened last Friday night.

CTV Journalist Andy Campbell was on the job at 6:00am.

Global News was nowhere to be seen and CBC had a few minutes of news at the hour.

The Irvings journalists had two days to work on their story.

KHJ Radio had the story early Saturday morning.

People wanted some answers and many ended up in this blog looking for info.

Andy Campbell worked very hard Saturday to tell the world what just happened in Fredericton.


..and he continued for the newscast on Sunday. It's such an emotional issue that many will not talk to the media. Andy had to extra hard to locate some friends of the guys who just got killed.

Here's a little youtube -

Click below -


I might add that his sidekick Jeff Harrington cover the Vigil on Sunday night.

Andy Campbell should be congratulated for a job very well done.

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