
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Sunday 4 March 2018

Blogger, Dan Bussiere, Fredericton Police and others is remembered by Fan of the Blog!!!!!

Charlie, my friend, there’s been a lot of water under the bridge since the pre-Charles LeBlanc days here in Fredericton, the days when the capital city was foot loose and fancy free. No worries, no cares, everybody was happy, nobody gave a shit. Outside of the odd letter now and again in the Irving papers with your name attached, nobody knew who the hell Charles LeBlanc was.


Nobody ever really gave it a second thought, until one day, totally out of the blue, news broadcasts and newspaper articles were reporting on some idiot setting up camp on the front lawn of our gracious provincial legislature, THE PEOPLES HOUSE!!!


And, as we all know, it became your first official residence, upon gracing the streets of our fair city. You were welcomed warmly by the open arms of DAPPER DAN, the SERGEANT-AT-ARMS MAN!!!


Boss Hogg couldn’t hold a candle to him.


I’m sure that he shared many a coffee with you, (compliments of the people, of course), and more than likely, a few beers as well. Yes, all went so, so well for some time.


But, as we all know and as faith would have it, things began to sour and the welcome mat that greeted you every day, disappeared. And then, of course came the day when Dan met you on the front steps with the official citation banning you forever, from the democratically elected peoples house including, of course, the steps, lawn, driveway or any other such acreage that you might get a little dirt on.


And, on what grounds, you may ask?? Well absolute nieuscency, of course. What else?? And so began, Sir Charles, the era and the odessy of your grand and most humble arrival in the capital city of New Brunswick. Little did you know, of course, of the treasures, stories, archives and folklore that lie ahead.


The stories, of course, of you looking down the barrel of the cannon in Officers Square waiting for Sir Dan to pull the trigger come to mind.


Or you standing beside the propane tank lighting a cigarette. “Need Some Help Mon Ami”??? KABOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!! Bye bye blogger.


And we certainly cannot forget the various “riding-a-bicycle-without-a-helmet” violations. SEE YOU IN COURT, PAL!!!!


The escapade on the premise of said “people’s house” in confrontation with one Andy MacDonald in which you found yerself “15 SECONDS AWAY FROM SERIOUS TROUBLE”!!!!

I mean, Columbo himself couldn’t have screwed it up any better. Sheriff Roscoe P. Coltrane could never have been any prouder as he chased the hell outta the Duke boys through the back roads of Hazzard County.



And what can we say, Charlie, beyond the ousters of a Chief of Police, (the name McKnight comes to mind),


three successive premiers, (Bernard Lord, Shawn Graham, David Alward),


a plethora of MLA’s, (Greg Byrne and Rick Miles are obvious candidates), (GOODBYE), a legislature clerk, the list goes on.


And, oh yes, the infamous (non-existant), Margaret Ann Blaney interview at, of course, THE PEOPLES DAMN HOUSE. Who, in God’s name could forget that??? Setting foot on the very grounds of “moi maisson”, Charlie, HOW DARE YOU!!! Your umbrella causing havoc in one of the busiest intersections in downtown Fredericton. DON’T TOUCH ME, DON’T TOUCH ME!!!! WHAT A BUNCH OF IDIOTS!!!! WHAT A BUNCH OF FASCISTS!!!! WHAT ARE YA GONNA DO, BEAT ME UP??? I DON’T TRUST YOU IDIOTS!!! I WANT THE RCMP!!!! HOW MUCH OVERTIME IS DAN PAYING YOU????


And that was with the local constabulary, Charlie. About this time, who decides to put in a personal appearance but Dan the jiggolo hisself. And I mean HOW’S IT HANGIN’, MAN, LET THE WORD GO FORTH, STAY THE HELL OFF THE PROPERTY!!!! POLICE, POLICE!!!!!! ARREST HIM, ARREST HIM!!!!!! I mean, gas on the fire, man gas on the fire. If he’d a kept his damn mouth shut and stayed outta sight, NONE OF THIS SHIT EVER WOULDA HAPPENED!!!! Then, my friend, there was our beloved Mayor, Brad Woodside, not only standing firm on the city’s decision on the great “WHITE ELEPHANT” that would be the convention centre project, but also trying like hell to find his vehicle in the beloved East End Parking Garage which was going to be “THE GREATEST WONDER OF THE WORLD”!!!!

Which would lead, on the ensuing election night, old buddy to the long-awaited demise of the Woodside mayorality. And as your wishes would have it, Charlie, Mr. Michael O’Brien would become our most beloved “MAYOR MIKE”, in the blink of an eye.

And the Edmundston police??? Well we’ll just let that be the EDMUNDSTON POLICE. ABOUT AS CREDIBLE AS DONALD TRUMP.



Thursday 22 February 2018

Michael James Stafford from Fredericton dead at a young age of 38 years old...:(

Just heard the news....sad...:(.......Michael was a good guy...last time I was him, I told him my concern about his weight...:(

He never said much....:(
,br/> Sympathy to his family and friends...:(

Fredericton Police Officer SGT Matt Myers was just hired by New Brunswick Public Safety!!!!

This bad Cop ordered me to be assaulted or possibly shot????? But then again many told me the Liberal Government could have been behind this because it happened at the New Brunswick Legislature!!!!

Ahhhh, the greatest, my friend, of all who have ever been sworn to be "OFFICERS OF THE LAW"!!!!!! Boss Hogg and Sheriff Roscoe would, indeed, Charlie, hold our beloved Matt in the highest of regards. And he is, without a doubt, pal, an absolute fan of the Jets, Oilers or Flames for sure, as he subscribes to absolutely NONE of any of this leafs/habies propaganda. And on top of this, Charlie, GMM, as usual, says GO SENS GO, all you self righteous fat-ass welfare bums!!!!

Wednesday 21 February 2018

Which one needs to be recycle??

New Brunswicker Public Safety must protect New Brunswickers!!!!!


I want to to open an public investigation on the matter that Matt Myers < a Member of the Fredericton Police Force >

I was told he was just hired an a investigator for special cases < something like that >

This man sent two members of the Edmundston Police Force after me in November 2016.

This man also wanted me charge for a First degree assault.

This man always falsely accuse me of exploiting kids for Sex!!!!

I demand that you as Minister remove this man from Public Safety or order a Public Provincial Safety of the manner this man goes after New Brunswickers or how he got hired in the first place.

If I don't have an answer of my concerns? I will make a complaint to the Federal Government.

New Brunswickers must be protected!!!!

Charles LeBlanc

The Brian Gallant Government must hold a Provincial Public inquiry on the Fredericton Police Force and other Police Force who kills New Brunswickers!!!!!!


Tuesday 20 February 2018

Global News Cameraman Kevin Godwin will gone in a couple of weeks!!!!

This is sad News because he was one of the good ones. There are VERY few left from 10 years ago.....

Bonne Chance Kevin....:(

Fredericton Police arrest woman and Public Safety force woman to walk from Miramichi!!!

Woman gets punch in the face but Fredericton Police laughed at the situation!!!!!


\ It’s Kayla So the teenage boy was on the playing with a cart on the rink on Johnson st on the both side of Fredericton. He almost hit my 8 year old son so I told him a few times to get off the ice with the cart he said make me bitch I walked up to him and told him. To stop or I’ll call the police that is when we pulled me and punched me two times in the face broke my nose and got a black eye the police officer said it’s only a punch to the face you’ll be fine. Called The police today to talk to the head person they laughed at me you can say all they said was it’s being looked at we will let you know if he will be charged

Jayden Augustine and others in Elsipogtog First Nation!!!!

Sunday 18 February 2018

Happy Family Day in New Brunswick!!! How many people will die???

Come on McDonald's!!!!!

I ordered a Super Fries and open the bag and got this.....I turned around and they added a little more....they sure don't load them like they use too....:(...:(...:(....Wait....I got fooled or conned by the pictures AGAIN!!!!!

Gathering for a picture.....

Too fast...

Blogger on Videos is MUCH less stressful on the head....

Space Cadets relaxing.....

When there's no Politicians to hunt down.......this will have to do...

Warrior John Levi from Elsipogtog First Nation and Blogger reflects on Warrior Crystal Cookson!!!!!