
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Friday 6 February 2015

We need a National Television Program to come down and investigate the Fredericton Police and the Justice System in Fredericton!!!!!

I'm hearing MORE AND MORE bad stories about the Cops in this City!!!

The Citizens are scare shitless of the Cops!!!!

It is your right to demand the right to talk to a R.C.M.P. Officer!!!

These idiots from this so-called Police Force ARE NOT Cops!!!!!

Their job is to make certain your children have a record on their files!!!!

My God??? Have they ever arrested the individual who robbed this store????


Fredericton Police Chief Leanne Fitch and other Cops are being investigated!!!!!

We have the worst Police Force in the Country and the reason is these Cops belong to a Union and CANNOT be fired!!!!

Cops used to be good Community minded people but no more!!!

We need a Provincial Inquiry on these goof balls!!! Many people are in jail because of these steroids Gorillas!!!!

These are not Cops!!!!

Look what they did to me!!!!! Telling my internet provider that I was exploiting kids for sex!!!

FPF Application to ISP by Charles LeBlanc

I might add the New Brunswick Police Commission applauded this kind of witch hunt against the Citizens of this City!!!

False charge of Exploiting kids for Sex is allowed and supported by the Government????

I never received an apology and Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside is supporting this kind of policing against the Citizens in the Capital!!!!

If the Mayor don't want to protect the citizens against corruption? I believe it's time for him to step down!!!

Thursday 5 February 2015

Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital bans Blogger from health test??? is a very small world indeed....

Since Fascist Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside and those clowns from the Fredericton Police Force ordered my old Blog shut down and are about to have this new blog eliminated?

I no longer write long winded stories or post nice pictures of this City.

I post my pictures on my Facebook!!!

This is a VERY Racist City and the battle against Mis-Justice will continue for years to come!!!

But I must share a little story that happened to me this morning.

I showed up at the Chalmers Hospital this morning for a Blood test.

I walked inside and came face to face with the receptionist. What grabbed my attention was she was wearing a mask. She was VERY well covered. I told her that it had the most dangerous job in New Brunswick?. She's a true hero. Maybe I should take a picture before I leave?

Lots of germs in that area!!!!

I picked my number and decided to go at the Washroom.

While leaving the washroom, I was looking at some pictures I took.

Suddenly, I was surrounded by two security guards asking me to go with them at the Main entrance.

One was a woman and the other was a guy < with a attitude > The guy said - You're not allowed to take pictures in the Hospital. Show me the pictures in your Camera???

Since the guy had an attitude, I decided that I was going to return the favor!!!

I told the guy that I will not show him my pictures and if he had a problem? He should call the Police.

I reminded the fella that the Cops should be told the guy is the Blogger!!!

The security guy told me that he didn't have to contact the Police and Security are allowed to escort people from the Hospital!

I heard being ban from the New Brunswick Legislature was allowed but being ban from the Hospital????

I reminded Security that I had a Blood test but he didn't seem too concern. I told him to bring his Boss over or better yet? Health Minister Victor Boudreau would be better!!! < Maybe it's a new form of Capital Punishment in Canada > banning certain people from the hospital SHOULD NOT be allowed!!!

The Boss came to the scene and I explained my concerns. 

I wanted to know the reason they don't go after everybody who has a cellphone???

I was told they had a episode a few hours earlier!!!

Of course, there was around 100 people watching the show. It gets VERY boring at the Emergency Ward at the Hospital. I didn't want to cause a scene but being accuse of something I didn't do is just NOT RIGHT!!!!

This is the reason I'm so upset with the Fredericton Police Force of accusing me of having Sex with kidsw!!!

Everyone decided to call a little peace bond but before the big Boss decided to leave? I called him over so everyone could relax. I showed him the last picture I took!

It was this one -

In closing, I told them the next time someone approach me with a attitude? I might asked for Francais???

I continued - En Chiac!!!!

The Female Security told me that she speaks - Le Chiac!!!!< I noticed her last name was Dupuis >

She really grabbed my ADHD attention once she told me that she was from Memramcook.

A conversation soon began and she was the daughter of a close friend of mine who died in 1998.

Strange, I went through all my book of souvenirs and I found the pictures on the very last page.

I went back in time with the girl to the days of Supertramp!!!!

I even had a song on my music that was her Father favorite!!!

Her old man and I would smoke a HUGE Joint and listened to this song -

The conversation was so deep that I forgot my spot for my blood test. < But it worked out >

Once the chat was over, I gave the female security a little hug and left.

Strange how this situation could have turned VERY ugly VERY fast eh!!!!

But the day was saved because of a good public relation security gal. I meant add that chiac sure helped the

So? Can People be banned from the Hospitals in New Brunswick? Have many died because they were not allowed inside a hospital? I wonder?????

I left the Hospital but couldn't find anything negative to say about the services at the Hospital!

P.S...The older I'm getting? The more trips I'm making at the Hospital. Can the hospital handle a ADHD Pain in the Ass Blogger???? 

What does the future hold????

Blogger Charles LeBlanc launched a complaint against Miramichi Police Officer Shane Henderson and the Justice System!!!

I just watched the interview The Miramichi Police and Fredericton Police had with the only witness. My God? It's disgusting!!!! They even called the idiot so-called Poet the victim!!!! I'm the victim and not him!!! Something IS VERY Wrong with our Justice System!!!

I'm going to hand deliver my complaint the next 24 hours!!!!

This is nuts!!!! If this happened to me? What other people have this happened to that will never see the light of day in the media???

Complaint to NBPC and AG Docx by Charles LeBlanc

Here's the video -

P.S. The Fredericton Police and the Miramichi Police seem set to tell the Court and public that I'm a Pedophile. Here's a copy of a letter of the Fredericton Police telling my Internet Provider that I was exploiting kids for Sex!!

FPF Application to ISP by Charles LeBlanc

Wednesday 4 February 2015


In the back roads....

No beers for a while...:(

Miss Greg....

Just found this pic....

Where is this located these days???

I was told the Mayor grabbed it????

Low Life non-educated idiot continue to preach to Blogger about issues!!!!

Fredericton Outside Workers to go on Strike!!!

Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird resigned to collect RICH Pension!!!!

New law I guess? freedom 55???

Hot meal at Molly's on Queen Street in Fredericton!!!

On the hunt for Joseph Pepin and Cara Duval!!!

I didn't know the Maritimes were that big???

Tuesday 3 February 2015


Harper Anti-terrorist bill C-51 suppresses protesting and activism in Canada

Reblog: The Lefteye

By André Faust

Are we entering a pre apocalyptic era? as we look around locally an internationally we see  social instabilities developing all around us, whether we are looking at Canada, or looking abroad, the pattern seems to be consistent no matter where we look, the world is not a happy place. Is this a foreshadow of things to come?

Through out the course of our human existence,  we have repeatedly seen advanced societies and empires collapse following a period of destabilization.
While we may not have any control over the social disintegration of our current civilization,  all is not loss, because we may be experiencing a Hegelian like dialectic process where changes lead to crises, and from the crises emerges a new improved society, until such time that the process repeats itself.

Whether or not one likes Stephen Harper, or his style of governance, one has to appreciate Harper.

Unlike the  former American President Bush, Harper is brilliant. Harper does understand the mechanics behind the global instability and eventual collapse. Harper is an opportunist who is seizing this opportunity to exploit this naturally occurring  instability to generate fear among Canadians and from this fear Canadians will elect him for another four years of tyranny.

Read More --- >

Why was Michel Vienneau shot by the Bathurst Police at the Bathurst Via Rail???

I still say it's a Drug Bust gone bad but how come the issue is not talk about???<br/>
How come the media and Family are so silent on this issue?<br/>
Is this a new style of policing? Citizens are shot dead but the media are too afraid to ask questions???<br/>

Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird will resign this morning!!!

I don't blog Federal Issues too often but good riddance!!!!<br/>
Every instance he opened his BIG mouth?  I believe we were American!!!!<br/>
Pretty bad when protesters attacked him over seas.....<br/>
Maybe he can become an Honorary American?<br/>