
Charles Jackie

:Seperator bar Lower

News - Stories and Rants

Friday, 11 March 2016

No matter what happened in Chicago tonight...I still support Donald Trump!!!

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Donald Trump will make Politicians to act a little more honest.....never mind the confrontation of the two party system!!!!

I wonder what Jon Stewart is saying about all this????

Remember when he first announced???


  1. jkirving

Racist Fredericton Police Chief Leanne Fitch continues to brainwash the public via Pravda!!!!

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She refused to speak with the Blogger but I always keep an eye open for this one. Saw her at the Farmer's Market but that's not the place.

This Racist Police Chief is pushing to have Indians and Welfare people not to drive their bicycle because she came from the Rat Patrol herself.

The Police Scanner < Watch Dog for the Public Safety > will go down in a couple of months and someone will die!!!!

I hope the family sues this so-called Police Chief!!!!

Trans Canada Energy East Pipeline don't talk about Pump Stations and refuse to show maps to public!!!!

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Fredericton Police Force are no longer good standing members of the Community. We need Police Scanners!!!

Fredericton Police are going after the citizens because of snow on their vehicle.

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That little &*^%(* is nabbing people with snow on the back window. Every other window clean and that little *(&^)( weasel fining people left and right this morning.I called him a weasel and told him to go catch the bad guy..on video lol.

Warn your Blog and fb fans. While I was getting my ticket I saw 10 more people going by.City of Freddy will me making bucks today..little fuckets.

Don't use my name but He is making easy money with zero danger.I called him a little weasel and my final words was fuck you..I drove truck for years and didn't have a back window.Wonder if that legal? ? My 2 side mirrors was clean and my windshield...

Low life non educated racist redneck chat about the elimination of Police scanners in Fredericton!!!

Monday, 7 March 2016

Once the Police Scanner is no mmore? Injured Bodies or dead Bodies will show up at the Hospital!!!!


These so-called Cops will no longer have watch dogs. Especially when they travel to the Reserves.

With a Police Scanner, people know what's going on but without the citizens will rush to the scene of the crime.

The Cops will be free to beat up people because NOBODY will know what's going on.

These clowns LOVE to speed chase. On many occasions I would warned the people that Cops are rushing towards your area. GET THE KIDS INSIDE!!!

It's going to be scary times in Fredericton!!!