
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Thursday 21 January 2016

New Brunswick Police Association want New Brunswick Police Commission Executive Director Steve Roberge fired!!


  1. It's sad that the NB Police Association didn't give a damn about genuine public complaints against police officers but now their own are on the receiving end they stand up and complain.

  2. Whoa - you know things are bad when both parties are paying lawyers to read and write all their letters. Frederick McElman is a truly rotten and corrupt lawyer who regularly represents the NB Police Commission. That organisation is haemorrhaging taxpayers' money from the GNB coffers, through frivolous investigations and arbitration and legal fees like this. McElman probably charged the NBPC $1,000 for his assistant to open and read the Police Association's letter, use the washroom, have a long lunch break and draft his three line reply... Wake up New Brunswickers - this is your money being wasted!

  3. There is no difference between this waste of money and Fredericton police officers getting a paid lawyer TJ Burke . I say get rid of the Fredericton Police Force,the Unions and the Police Commission


  4. Look they are starting to turn on each other!! About time because they are useless when a Person makes a complaint just another useless level of bureaucracy to make a person think theres actual justice! What a bunch of useless tools(sorry but its the truth).
