
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Thursday 20 October 2022

It is VERY sad that Deogy can't relax in Fredericton because of all the ...


Deogy never liked the Black Rapper in Fredericton!! Inside my place..he ...

Deogy and Blogger enjoying Sunset from Carleton Park in Fredericton....

Will we ever see this common sense driving Scooters in Fredericton???

Deogy still sniffing out Meth Heads in Fredericton....

Deogy going nuts looking for Meth Heads in the woods in Fredericton!!!!

Deogy chasing the Meth Heads at U.N.B.!!!!

Pauvre Deogy.....

The murder of the RCMP officer in Burnaby should be a wake up call to ev...

Wednesday 19 October 2022

Robbie MacDonald to be sentence this afternoon on 17 charges....I say he will get between 3 to 5 years in Jail or the idiot advocates might show up and his release immediately because he was high on Crystal Meth therefore it's a mental illness.....truly stay tuned.....

Rather be drunks than Meth Heads in Fredericton any day!!!

Would this letter I sent to Fredericton CBC Morning Host Jeanne Armstrong to too harsh to be read on air???


charles leblanc Wed, Oct 19 at 8:04 a.m. CBC Television and Radio have been talking about homelessness for weeks because of the cold weather is around the corner.

Never once have you mention Crystal Meth. You always mention Substance abuse. Never the word Crystal Meth.

Fredericton is in a crisis because of Crystal Meth. Why don't you mention it? Why are you hiding the issue.

Did you ever take a walk in the Downtown area or around the City Motel???

Show me one person who lives in a tent who's not on Crystal Meth...I want to meet won't find any because there is none.

Something is VERY wrong with the CBC ......:(

Charles LeBlanc
