
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Friday 10 January 2020

Former radio host jailed in Puerto Rico on child sex charge intends to plead guilty!!!!!

The City of Bathurst should be congratulated for a job well done!!!

Last year---

New Brunswick Companies looking for other ways to garnish citizens wages....

Why are the heavy Logs Trucks allow to destroy the Streets in Bathurst? Where are they going???

Where are those Log Trucks heading from Miramichi to Bathurst???

Cleaning the area to remember the Boys "n" Red tragedy in Bathurst Saturday night!!!

Remembering the Boys "n" Red in 2020!!!!

Have you notice in Fredericton???

Have you notice this past week the Irving Fredericton Media have been promoting and praising City Hall??? Have ya???

Wednesday 8 January 2020

Can you tell me what kind of sandwich is this???

IT WAS 10 YEARS AGO THE VIDEO OF ALL VIDEOS WAS POSTED!!!! Remember this like it was posted yesterday....I believe this was the beginning of Crystal Meth on Video...:)..:)...:)

Trying to be in Brian Jones's mind in the South Pole....


Brian Jones is close to the South Pole!!!!

Just a little update on Brian Jones and his South Pole trek for Mental Wellness and some interesting facts. I texted with him last night much of the evening and extremely happy to hear his spirits have improved. He is getting stronger and pushing on. Today will be another tough day but I don’t know a tougher man on this planet!

Did you know that when he arrives at the South Pole that there are no time zones because they all end at the South and North Pole?? That’s right when he runs around that pole on Saturday or Sunday he essentially has travelled around the world !! Pretty neat right ? And even more fascinating and something that shows how strong this man is that......I bet people don’t realize that skiing 8 miles in the South Pole is like running a marathon here. I asked Brian why that is because I wasn’t aware either and below is his response. Please give it you can. Keep it going Brian Jones!!!