
Charles Jackie

:Seperator bar Lower

News - Stories and Rants

Sunday 28 July 2019

Fredericton Councillor John MacDermid is the First Rat to come out of its hole!!!

Why are Fredericton Firefighters so SECRETIVE????

Emergency vehicles flying by but the public don't have a clue what's going on??? This is the ONLY City in Canada that DON'T have an Emergency plan to warn the citizens of Danger!!!! SHAME...SHAME SHAME!!!!

Celebration of Life for Chasity Hughs, Wednesday, July 31 7-9 pm

PLEASE SHARE:Celebration of Life for Chasity Hughs, Wednesday, July 31 7-9 pm

It is with great sadness that we at the Fredericton Anti-Poverty Organization announce the passing of one of our volunteer family, Chasity Hughes.

Chasity gave FAPO countless hours of her time over many years. She was funny, kind and gentle, but above all, she was an artist who found joy in creating colourful masterpieces from recycled canvases and cast away paint.

The small apartment that she loved so much was an oasis in the heart of the city - a tiny corner filled with rejuvenating light, art and plants where friends could come for a chat, a meal or even a place to rest their weary head when times were tough.

Her artistic flair showed through with everything she did, from her sense of fashion (ever stylish!), to the way she organised her work area at FAPO to her love of gardening and home decorating. She respected all living things and loved animals, especially her two cats, Tink and Love who brought her great happiness right up to the end of her life.

Chasity had many friends in Fredericton who will miss her greatly. FAPO is organizing a celebration of her life at the Spirit Café, 340 King Street, Fredericton on Wednesday, July 31 from 7- 9 pm. Everyone is welcome to drop in and share their memories of our friend Chasity.

Refreshments and Chasity's favourite treat, strawberries and chocolate with cream, will be served in her honour.

For further information, please contact:

Dan Weston

Coordinator FAPO 458-9102

Deogy was VERY thirsty today.....

Deogy was HOT today!!!! This went on for 5 minutes before I turned on the camera.. touch...:(

Thursday 25 July 2019

Justin have a mental Illness..He's NOT on Drugs!! DO NOT HIT HIM!!!! PLEAASSEEE!!!!

Blogger being Rude....

Former Saint John Mayor Bob Lockhart beautiful day ruined by Pain in the Ass Blogger!!!!

Does anyone know this guy??? He's been walking around going after people for fights and latest taking pictures inside King's Place!!!! WHERE'S THE COPS WALKING THE BEAT????

This young man's name is Justin. I have known him my whole life and with the consent from his mom I will respond. Justin is not on drugs. About 7yrs a go he started to develop signs. He is diagnosed with bi-polar and schizophrenia and is off his meds. There is nothing the family can do because he is an adult. The police know of him. He is a very kind person. Justin is amazingly smart and an avid guitar player. Please do not fight with him, its not his fault and we all know what kind of mental health situation we have here. He is new to the streets because he has been kicked out of his apt. Because he is an adult, unfortunately there is nothing that can be done, unless he is picked up by police and sent back to the hospital. Thank you and remember, don't be jumping to conclusions about people. His parents are devastated..:(

Terry Brown President& CEO of OKIMAW Leadership&HR Solutions is confronted by Blogger at the 2019 AFAG in Fredericton!!!

First responders busy tonight.....