
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Sunday 5 August 2018

This picture I took today sure reminded me of this Movie -----

Here's an update on the Ambulance racing through the City of Fredericton with two R.C.M.P. Cruisers the other day!!!! .Good ending..

Not a lot of people are fans of cops and frankly, neither was I but this guy right here has never failed me. He always seems to make me believe that there are good cops out there and over the past few days him and his colleague went above and beyond and no words or posts will ever be enough to thank them! JF Martel & Tara Trembley were the 2 cops that arrived at the scene of our accident and both played a huge part in my life and seriously touched my heart. They both made such a terrifying event a little less scary. With Jase going in and out of consciousness so frequently, she left her cruiser at the scene and rode to the hospital in the ambulance to help assist with keeping Jase awake. Tara called me the next day and even showed up at my house that evening with gifts for the kids because to her, they were hero’s! Jean Francois Martel took me with him so that the professionals could do what they needed to be. As soon as we started out and without a thought or delay, he reached out to dispatch and asked them to work with the city police department to shut down every intersection from brook side drive to the hospital and between him, dispatch and the city police, they did exactly that. Every intersection from brook side drive up regent until the hospital was blocked off by a police car allowing NOBODY to go through except police and ambulance. I don’t know any names but I know it took every police officer in Fredericton on shift to perform such an act - an act I will forever remember and hold close to my heart! I am baffled, lost for words and I cry just thinking about the act of kindness that was performed that day! The photos below were taken yesterday when JF showed up at our residence to see how we were all making out and a gift for Ryan and myself so we could relax and enjoy a night together. He also went above and beyond to show the kids his cruiser, turning on the lights, letting them sit in the drivers seat and play with the sirens! I’m teaching my babies that there are not only good people in this world but there are good cops also!

Because of these two and the paramedics, Hannah Scott & Felix Bradley, my baby was able to be worked on by several of the best doctors in trauma at the DECH. (I will also add that Felix Bradley even came back to the hospital on his own time after his shift to find out where we were and stopped in to check on us) Although I couldn’t get everyone’s name and I apologize, I was able to get a few! Dr Ouellette was the paediatrician who worked with us the entire stay at the DECH. Dr Woodbury was the doctor who stitched my son back up to perfection - yes he will have a scar but because of his amazing work, I’m sure it will be barely noticeable. There was also a nurse, Angela that came in every hour to check on Jase. I could hear her calling and talking to other doctors just to be sure nothing was wrong every-time the heart monitor would go off. And once again - I don’t know any of the city police officers names but they played just as big of a role and we wouldn’t have been able to get through town as quickly as we did without them!

These two officers and everyone else deserve the biggest shoutout anyone has ever seen because this right here is going above and beyond the call of duty! Please help me share this post so that they can be recognized for the fearless, selfless and kindness act they have performs the past few days because I don’t think they get the recognition they deserve!

Thursday at the Garrison could be too much????

FrederictonBeerFest ‏ @FrederictonBeer #EPIC #DownEastBrewFest thanks you for sharing some great beer with us @FredTourism @DowntownFred @KingStreetAle @PetitSault @GeaghanBros @seanvernon @GrimrossBrewing @maybeebrew @TridersBeer @TataBrew @RichardGarriott @PropellerBeer @RedRoverBrew @PollenAngels

Service New Brunswick in Doaktown shut down??? When did they move???

What's the problem with Idiot Fredericton Mayor Mike O'Brien and his Pants anyway???

Pouring rain at the Farmer's Market in Fredericton!!!