
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Sunday 4 February 2018

Eagles will win...34-13 and this guy will be the hero -

New Brunswick Bishop Robert Harris truly knows how to handle those Pesky...

New Brunswicker encourage Blogger to continue the fight.....

Tip of an anonymous, not known to the public, so called crime stopper, resulted in the murder of an innocent Canadian citizen and our NB legal system had accepted such an outcome.


Charles, very few dares publicly expose lawlessness and corruption in New Brunswick in such a smart way as you do. I salute you for your courage, perseverance and stamina.

You are doing a great job reminding all of us who are viewing your blog on Youtube, that we citizens, taxpayers, voters here in New Brunswick are treated like total idiots by all those in power. Interviewing Nicolas Vienneau, also when interviewing me, you are performing a terrific reporting, because you are sticking to the facts presented to you by the person you were interviewing. Here in New Brunswick (NB) our attention get deviated when reading about public humiliation of a grandfather who uninvited had kissed his granddaughter, and at the same time plain-clothed policemen, falsely informed execute, read murder, an innocent Canadian citizen, and the capital crime is swept under the rug. In New Brunswick, law enforcement on many levels are practicing a double standard, which means that the existing law is applied casually, as George Orwell wrote: "ALL ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ARE MORE EQUAL. Double standard in practice means lawlessness. Charles, very few dares publicly expose lawlessness and corruption in New Brunswick in such a smart way as you do. I salute you for your courage, perseverance and stamina.

Yours, Vladimir S

Brunswick Street Church's Pastor Brian MacArthur had a VERY strong and good message this morning!

Friday 2 February 2018

Ontario Gal and Blogger educate each other at Carleton Park in Fredericton!!!

Well, well, well, Charlie, what we obviously have here is a snowman who can only be up to one of three things; he's running for political office; he's a politician who thinks he's an expert, as in Justin Trudeau, Donnie Bumbles, Kim Jung Un, (HOLY SWEET SHIT); or he's a maple leaf fan who still thinks, for all the world that Le Coupe Stanley will one day put in a personal appearance at center ice at Maple Leaf Gardens; HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! He's jis gotta sober up, that's all. HAVE ANOTHER BEER, PAL. GMM says GO SENS GO!!!!!!

Evelyn Grove Manor in Fredericton should be totally clean from Bed Bugs!!!!

New Contractor hired to finish hotel on Queen Street? Why was old Contractor fired???

Brian Gallant Liberal Ministers are confronted by the Blogger about different issues!!!!

The Gerald Stanley Trial in Saskatchewan is going to be VERY interesting....

This is going to be a VERY interesting trial!!!!...I'm sorta on the Farmer's side with this one......

Thursday 1 February 2018

Le Governement du Nouveau-Brunswick devrait fournir des Avocats dans des cas Civile!!!!

New Brunswick P.C. Leader Blaine Higgs received a phone call from the Blogger on Rogers Voice of the Province!!!!

This is what the battle against the Fredericton Police Force is all about......

New Brunswick Police Commission and Fredericton Police views on Bilingual Officers!!!!

Chief Justice of the Province of N.B. Ernest Drapeau to retire!!!

Having a chat in Fredericton....

Protesting in Fredericton the cancelling of Electoral Reform by Justin Trudeau!!!

Fredericton Transit Drivers should have Bus Schedules!!!!

No road rage at corner of Brunswick and Westmorland Street in Fredericton!!!