
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Tuesday 9 January 2018

Fredericton Library and Fredericton Police Force viewed by Blogger!!!


Once upon a time, there were computer access centres throughout the city, which allowed anyone who could afford a computer or afford internet access had an access centre in the immediate community eig, Barkers Point, Devon, Marysville and so forth. Once these access centres were closed, it put more demands on the Library's public computers. These access centres had qualified IT personnel the offered courses as well. From the higher end course, they were able to generate some revenue.

The Access centres for giving the public access to their computers and the internet. This, in my opinion, was a better system over what we have now in the sense that the staff access centers only had to focus on the computers. Whereas the Libary their staff is responsible for the entire library not only the computer room.

Maybe it is time to re-access community computer access centres, it may be that only one or two access centres placed in strategic locations would serve the needs of those who need the service.

Confronting New Brunswick Liberals if James Irving decides who's in Cabinet????

Deputer Hedard Albert est ENCORE confronter par le Blogger a propos du Sprayage des Forets!

Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Gilles LePage confronted about BAD Policies at WorkfaceNB!!!!!

What's bothers me with this picture is he's a Native and the Sheriffs are parading this guy in front of the media....but in the Dennis Oland's case? They chase the media away??? Why this Racist Double Standard Policy??

Fredericton Sheriffs continue to push Racist and Double Standard Police at the Justice Building!!!!

it was 5 years ago today notorious pedophile Donnie Snook was arrested!!

My was 5 years ago today notorious pedophile Donnie Snook was arrested...I know EXACTLY where I was where I was when I heard the News.....I was in Bathurst....I received this email after Blogging the story ---

Mr. Charles Leblanc,

I have known Donnie Snook for quite some time. In fact, over a decade. You said it yourself, in the beginning you never would have thought. This is the case with myself as well. Knowing Donnie the way I do, I am truly blown away by what has transpired. However, it does not give you the right or the individuls that respond to your blog the right to make a mockery of the situation by pictures or drawings of children in the mind of Donnie Snook. It is a real shame that you and the ones who respond can find humor in such a tragedy. Your blog has the potential to be moderated and subjects at hand could be discussed at a mature level. To all the bloggers responding, try thinking of the victims of these tragic circumstances. That being the children involved, the other children that knew him and trusted him, and his family members, former colleagues and friends who trusted him and were truly unaware of the circumstances. This is an unfortunate tragedy for all of those involved. please treat it as such. With that being said, if you had any respect for yourself, that would allow you to have respect for others and this blog site would be truly what it is meant to be.

Darrell Bastarache

Saturday 6 January 2018