
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Sunday 1 May 2016

Idiot Drunken so-called Fredericton Poet Andrew Spencer once went after Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside!!!

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It is going to be interesting if the so-called idiot Poet will get many pennies after the media tells the public of how many people he has went against??? Women.....Immigrants and innocent citizens in this City!!

He also went after the Mayor BIG TIME!!!!

You don't believe moi? Ask the Mayor himself???? He'll tell ya!!!!

After this week...the Fredericton Police Force are going to receive a HUGE black eye!!!!!

Either the Government orders a Public Inquiry or Police Chief Leanne Fitch will have to resign!!!!

I believe this will be the beginning of the end of our so-called Police Force...the R.C.M.P. will soon take over...we cannot have a Police Force who doctors evidence to convict the minorities.....< this will all come out this week > I just hope the media will TRULY investigate the Fredericton Police..< like the old days >

Truly stay tuned!!!!

The day Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside ordered my Blog shut down!!!! Occupy and now this!!!

This is a VERY dangerous man!!! He ordered my Blog shut down on lies...he didn't want to shut down with me.....he ordered Occupy destroyed....he wanted to give the owner of the i-Rock $160,000...the Maclean's issue 1.4 million...latest he's going to court to justify that the Blogger is a pedophile....< read blogs below >....lots of money you want another 4 years of this????...A man wants to destroy freedom of speech must be shown the door...he's getting senile.....ohhhhh..lets not forget the secret letter in supporting the Energy East Pipeline...VERY SCARY TIMES AHEAD....:(

Thursday 28 April 2016

New Brunswick Commissionaire Wayne Grant's replacement is named!!!!!


Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside to totally destroy is re-elected!!!


Vadini Mahabir and hubby leaving Fredericton for St.Andrew's Friday!!!


She's the one with the BEST public Relation skill I ever seen!!!!..:)

She was running City Capital Cycles last summer.

St.Andrew's will benefit while Fredericton is losing a winner!!!!

Bonne Chance Vadini!!...:)

After next week so-called Fredericton Drunken Poet for a Penny Andrew Spencer will have a difficult time collecting 10 pennies from the Public!!!


All drunk up disrupting a Women march!!!! Listen to the female begging for the Police to stop the drunken idiot!!!!

Look at this one...drunk and screaming on the street!!!!

This reminds me of the case in Saint John. I went OVER AND OVER this so-called assault charge in my head and there's no case!!!!

I know one thing for a fact!!!!!

Fredericton Police Chief Leanne Fitch might have to resign after this one because ONCE AGAIN it says in the statement that I'm producing charge porn!!!


Accuse to be a pedophile AGAIN?????...Grrr.....

We need a Public inquiry!!!

The members of the Fredericton will ONCE AGAIN have a HUGE black eye after this one!!!

I can see it now..the Judge will say - After listening and reviewing both side of the story? The drunken Panhandlers in this City must be protected from the public. They must be free to attack the citizens!!!


Truly stay tuned!!!!

P.S. Some people are telling me that Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside is playing a role in this one!!!


Fredericton Mayor Candidate Mike O'Brien is asked about secretive letter supporting Energy East Pipeline!!!


It's the end of a VERY sad chapter in New Brunswick history...VERY sad!!!!!

Here's an old video -

A good Maudit Quebecois...:P

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Why is Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside so quiet on the secret letter for the Energy East Pipeline???


By André Faust

In a recent leak it was learned that the Fredericton City Council held an in-camera* session that was held without the public knowledge to draft a letter of support for Energy East to proceed with its pipe line plan. According to the Council of Canadians the city contravened the municipalities act when it held a closed in-camera session on January 25, 2016 to discuss and approve the letter of support that was requested by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, close meetings or in camera meetings according to the municipalities act M-22 are only permissible in matters that are personal, involves litigation, security etc, etc.

In response to the city violation of the act a number of demonstrators attended Monday night’s council meeting in anticipation that the four councilors who opposed the motion to draft the support letter to Prime Minister Trudeau would have moved to have the matter added to the agenda so that the public could be informed of the in camera session and what was discussed. Council was aware to why and the reason that the demonstrators were there, rather than addressing the matter with the demonstrators, council choose to ignore the group who purpose was to address the in camera meeting. The group re acted quietly, stood up and turn their backs to council then quietly without creating a disturbance left.

Following the acceptance of the agenda it was clear that the issue of the letter was not going to be added to the agenda.

What is known about the secret meeting of January 25, 2016 is that councilors John MacDermin, Greg Ericson, Randy Dickinson and Kate Rogers voted against the letter of support, Councilor Marilyn Kerton was not present for this meeting. The motion to authorize the writing of the support letter was moved and seconded by Dan Keenan and Stephen Chase. It is not known at this time if there were any other councilors absent for this meeting.

In the 3 volume report that the New Brunswick Commission on Hydraulic Fracturing stated that 75% of New Brunswickers were very concerned about the impact that fossil fuels would have on the environment, and that a social license at this time to further the expansion of the fossil fuel industry would likely not be attained. That leaves the question to why would council give support without public consultation if at the present the likelihood of a social license is unlikely.

Before and after....


Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside plan to stay the same in the after life????


Why is Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside telling the World that WE ARE a green City????


Why was Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside near the New Brunswick Legislature this morning???


Fredericton Police officer Darrell Brewer's Motor Cycle he wrecked while driving drunk!!!

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The Police were hiding his name from the public....

Tuesday 26 April 2016



Uncertain future for the City of Fredericton if Brad Woodside wins!!!!


Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside had good reason to support the Energy East Pipeline!!!


Fredericton Police SHOULD NOT be in the Fredericton Community Kitchen!!!


While enjoying a nice meal at the Soup Kitchen, you could hear the less fortunate laughing and yaking away!

Suddenly everyone became silent! I turned my head and behold - A cop walked inside!

It didn't take long for the place to become empty!

I was told the Cops were looking for a black guy!!!

WOW!!!! A black guy should be difficult to locate in the downtown area eh???

There's only one door!!! Why don't the cops wait outside until the guy comes out? Why scare everybody???...sigghhh...

Blogger seeking Men in Fredericton!!!!


Fredericton Ward 2 candidate Mark Peters is cornered by the Blogger!!!

He does have business skill.....

Protest against unlawful supportive letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for Energy East Pipeline by Fredericton City Council!!!


Saturday 23 April 2016



Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside going all out for the votes!!!!


Is this the only way to get rid of Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside???


If Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside gets re-elected? He will destroyed many Churches!!!!


What will it take to remove Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside from Office??? Can Social Media do it???


Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside playing the part of Gay Mayor to get the votes???


Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside is a HUGE Hypocrite!!!!


It was 7 years ago today that my battle with the Fredericton Police REALLY began!!! Cop lost his job soon after!


Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside VS Blogger!!!

  1. bloggerandbradwoodside

Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside is running out of ideas of how to get rid of the Blogger!!!


Blogger follows drunken Mayor Brad Woodside in Parking Garage!!!

Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside to take Rick Mercer job after he loses the Municipal Election on May 9th!!!