
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Saturday 5 March 2016

Low life non educated redneck on behind close doors renewed 3 year contract to Fredericton Police Chief Leanne Fitch!!!!!! ALOSO VIEWS ON FIRED FREDERICTON COP CHERIE CAMPBELL AND SGT TIM SOWERS!!!!



Around one hour ago, I was enjoying the beautiful day.

I laid against a stairway and it broke and down I went!!!

I landed around 6 feet down and fell hard on steel.

While I was going down for the ride. I protected my camera!!!

At first, I believe my arm and leg was broke....< turned blue immediately >

Ny walk for this Blogger for a couple of weeks. I can just imagine the shape I will be in the morning...

:( I find it ironic this happened minutes after I posted on FB and my Blog that I supported Donald Trump!!!

I am a strong believer of signs or messages. Was this a sign from God to not support Donald Trump??

This is what we need here in New Brunswick!!!


Good way to begin the day...:)


Thursday 3 March 2016

Blogger Charles LeBlanc goes public on who he TRULY supports!!!

New Brunswick Commissioner of Official Languages Katherine d'Entremont said - English people have no rights!!!!

Languages Commissioner Katherine d’Entremont Zero Tolerance on Bilingualism



By André Faust

Re-blogged from The Left Eye

Divide and Conquer seems the words of the day for languages commission Katherine d'Entremont. She appears to be adamant in creating divisions between the Anglophone and Francophone communities in the Province of New Brunswick, which is ironical considering that the New Brunswick Commission on Hydraulic Fracture made a blanket statement that in order to advance New Brunswick all New Brunswickers have work together and have trust in each other. D’Entremont’s actions are not conducive in bring in New Brunswickers together.

She begin her personalized assault on the Anglophone population when she set up commissionaire Wayne Grant, when she went and spoke to him in French, Mr. Grant told her that he could not speak French but he could get someone who was bilingual to look after her, so she was not denied service. Following the setup she filed a complaint with her own commission. How non biased is that! All of a sudden she is Judge, Jury and Executioner.

Read More -->

Tuesday 1 March 2016

People on Basic N.B. Social Assistance living in non registered Rooming House are cut off and thrown on the Streets!!!


Sorry but Frederictom Mayor Brad Woodside's Family is Off limit with this Blogger!!!

  1. bradwoodside

As in many occasions in the past, I was approached this morning with a story.

The individual gave me two pages with a little directions and quickly took off.

No contact nothing.

I just wish to say that I truly investigated your concerns and came to a verdict.

We can blast the Mayor as much as we want but the Family is off limit.

Thanks for the praise....:

P.S. Your papers have been burnt and don't worry...:)

Can Deputy Premier, Minister of Justice and Minister of Public Safety Stephen Horsman truly remain neutral????


I am VERY concern of this new Police Force....tried to sit down with the man but no luck...:(..

Blogger filled a Charter Notice at the Justice Building today!!!

This is a video of two members of the Fredericton Police Force showing up at my door giving me a ticket. They told me that I was seen riding my Bicycle on the sidewalk two months earlier!!!

The City of Fredericton deserves to be shit on because of its Racist attitude!!!!


Sunday 28 February 2016

Man Trial who killed 21 people in Saint John takes 2 weeks but Dennis Oland takes over one year for one single Murder???

We will be doing this in Fredericton after the Police destroys all Police Scanners!!!

Beautiful Sunday morning in Bathurst....


New Brunswick Multicultural Council is charging to pick up furniture for Refugees!!!

Syrians Refugees running out of Food will be the least of their Problems in Fredericton!!


Coming back to the Evil City of Fredericton.....


Are you a Believer??

Picture 5633

We are still $600.00 short of the $5,000.00 goal!!!

Picture 4284

The trial is this April and we might not get a lawyer if we can't raise that extra $600.00 for a lawyer.

Go read on top of the Blog for more info....

Saturday 27 February 2016

Via Memramcook!!!!

Tarot Cards tells Blogger Charles LeBlanc's Future!!!


and with this last one....please explain!!!


This is the verdict!!!!! What does it mean????


Fredericton Police Force Aptitude test failed by Blogger!!!!

Nanook loves Arm & Hammer Cat Litter!!!



Fredericton Police Chief Leanne Fitch won't allow Cop to chat with Blogger about Medal of Bravery!!!

Fredericton Police should go after idiots who post personal info about Citizens from Police Scanner on Social Media!!!!!!

Low Life Non-Educated bigot Redneck chat with Blogger about Refugees in Fredericton!!!

Thursday 25 February 2016

Horny Male Cat gets distracted by GGGOOOAAALLLL!!!!

Fascist Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside will get money any ways he can!!!!

  1. bradwoodside



Hi Charles,

Please Attend the Fracking Commission's Press Conference this FRIDAY, FEB. 26th (9:00am-11:30am, Crown Plaza Hotel, downtown Fredericton)

Why are any of us even considering participating in any discussions around the viability of shale gas in this province, even as a counter-voice?

Those discussions were valid initially when we basically had to ‘educate’ government. But that is no longer the case. Coupled with Dr. Cleary’s extensive research, report and recommendations, we have delivered more than enough knowledge/facts to ban the industry. If they were evenly remotely inclined to do so, it would have already happened. While initially productive, we have now reached the point of diminishing returns... more will not be better and we all know that.

There is nothing left to discuss.

There is a basic principle in human interaction that is hard to argue: what you do shouts louder than what you say. The medium is the message; engaging in on-going discussion on a topic sends a clear message that there is still something to discuss. Are we in fact sending the message, albeit unintentional, that shale gas is still on the table?

We must ask ourselves why this Commission was struck in the first place. What was its genesis? Could this Commission possibly have access to better research than Dr. Cleary and others like her have produced? How ludicrous would it be to deny the services of a brain surgeon, preferring instead to ‘do it yourself’? But instead of calling the government out on the ridiculousness of hitting that reset button and repeating its associated societal toll, we continue to discuss. This is our best ever chance... NOW IS THE TIME TO SIMPLY STAND to stand and say “NO... there is nothing to discuss... this is a non-issue” ...and mean it.

We must stand beside our Natives Allies.

Most importantly, our Indigenous Allies have said “not under any condition”. What can be left to discuss? Do we stand with them or do we not? Are we truly Allies or are we not? Tomorrow, Allies will stand shoulder to shoulder, denying the validity of this process. Chief Tremblay has called out to members of the Wolastoq Grand Council, “I urge members from the Wolastoq Grand Council to attend, for our voices need to be heard and our presence to be felt.”. Will you walk right by Grand Chief Ron Tremblay to participate in this event?

We have delivered the knowledge piece in spades, we have stood as Allies on the lines, we have clearly indicated there is no social license for this industry in NB, and our Indigenous Allies have clearly said “No”. What on earth could be left to discuss?

Meanwhile, while we are standing in the middle of the road, distracted by all this discussion and ‘study’, the bus is charging ever closer, at twice the speed we originally anticipated, according to a new study that has just been released.1 A second study 2 released Feb.6 shows a 30% increase in methane emissions above the US in the past decade, likely linking to the 30%-60% growth in global emissions and to the fracking industry.

We are barely going to get off the road in time even if we start running immediately at top speed. It is imperative to dedicate every ounce of energy and brain power to the immediacy of this emergency.

We must focus on getting off the road, not on the debate of whether or not we should.

I know we all want the same result.

In solidarity,

Maggie Connell



New Brunswick Shale Gas Commission report to go public Friday at 9:00am at Crown Plaza!!!

New Brunswick Contraband Enforcement Unit is asked to Finance Minister Roger Melanson!!!

Wednesday 24 February 2016