
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Friday 20 November 2015

Changes...trees are gone...






Where is he these days???


The old ways was better???


The good old days when Radio-Canada were Journalists....


The good old days....


If it wasn't for me??? This guy would still be making over $150,000 per year with a MLA Pension!!!


The day the Blogger was on the CBC program - The Current!!!


The good old days when kids were allow to ride their bikes in Fredericton....


More changes...


Where is the Preacher these days???


Life changes FAST!!!

All the things in this pic are all gone or change....can you see what???? STA_3472

Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside will be way down forever and forever?????


Filthy Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside will not order workers to remove couch from the Downtown Area!!!


MY GOD??? All the little pieces of foam are entering all the Businesses.....GREEN CITY MY ASS!!!

Sign of the times in Fredericton.....


Thursday 19 November 2015

Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside and Madonna Peddle will not give info to Blogger because of Lawsuit!!! Attorney General and Justice Minister will be asks next week to investigate Mayor Brad Woodside!!!

Had the Fredericton Police at City Hall was quite a day!!!!


Brad Woodside refuse to give me the disclosure of the warrant they sent me yesterday.

I went to the Justice Building today and they told me they didn't have anything on file. I was confused because Provincial Judge Mary Jane Richard signed the papers!!!

Here's my update after a hectic day -

The confrontation between Snobby Fredericton Clerk  Madonna Peddle and Blogger!!

Then the Police were called. < after I asked them to do so >

So? This issue is going to go on and on for months!!!< I hope I can handle it >

This Racist system must be investigated by the Province. Brad Woodside MUST resign for acting like he's above the law.

I will submit a complaint to the Justice Minister and Attorney General to investigate the City of Fredericton!!

Thank God the Legislature will be opening because this issue or system will be asks to the Politicians and Bureaucrats.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Fredericton Police Force are releasing people with mental issues on strict Police Condition!! This is nuts!!!!

Colin needs your help....

The old saying is so true eh??? If he/she have their health? We SHOULDN'T bitch!!!


Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside hauls Blogger in Court AGAIN!!!!


Here's a video of the two racists Cop showing up at my door!!

What I find VERY strange is the Chief was crying to Council about Cops being Over-work????


But they have time to hunt down the Blogger with this? < Also Child Porn and a False charge of assault >

Time to get rid of these steroid Gorillas!!!