
Charles Jackie

:Seperator bar Lower

News - Stories and Rants

Monday 15 December 2014

Fredericton Police Officers are hunting down the less fortunate and Natives before Christmas!!!

You ever come across River Rat Matt Myers from the Fredericton Police Force? Don't tell him nothing!!!! This idiot even ordered an Autistic kid shot < tazed > a few months ago but we never heard nothing in the Irving media???

The Police are hunting down people!!!

This is crazy but what can a person do????

Cops are going after people who have signed Conditions!!!!!

These are not conditions given by the Courts. They are conditions set by the Police!!!!!

It's impossible to follow them!!! I remember one day, these idiots arrested me at the Legislature and they wanted me to sign conditions. One of them was to have no contact with any local MLA'S!!!!!

Can you imagine that one????

What charges are they dreaming up against people these days??? False Child Porn Charges???? < AGAIN???>

We need a Provincial Inquiry on this Police Force or lets get rid of them as soon as possible!!!

Heeeyyy??? What other City can the Mayor walk in and demand an employee who stoles $4,000.00 not to be charge but then again he supports the Blogger being accuse of Exploiting Kids for Sex?????

The Cops are so busy chasing people who who riding their bicycle without helmets that robberies and murders are going unnoticed!!!!

What a system eh????

Oh yeah...Joyeux Noel!!!...:P..:P..:P

Singing away at Tim Horton's in Fredericton!!!

Members of the Fredericton Police Force are paid $60.00 an hour for doing nothing!!!!

Will Minister of Public Safety and Justice Stephen Horsman support the crooked ways of the Fredericton Police Force????

Fredericton Fire Fighters are called because someone fell down and hurt themselves at the main Entrance of the Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital!!!!

Excuse me but am I missing something here???

A call just came in - The Firemen cannot locate the guy????

Hey??? Maybe the people bought him inside the Hospital?????  DDDUUUHHHHHH!!!!!!

UPDATE - A doctor was on site and he's taken care of!!!



Sunday 14 December 2014

Lincoln Christmas Light Show in Fredericton is great!!!!

Check out their website -

Anyone have a VCR to give away???

Mine fell on the floor last night and broke..:(

If you have one with remote control?

Please email me at you...:)

Blogger VS Doctor on the issue of Jogging!!!

I could never get into Jogging but many people are exercising this way!!

Look at Saint John? To breath that industrial Air while Jogging must be hard on your health!!!

The guy sure moves fast....I noticed him jogging by when I walked into Tim Horton's.

Bill Cosby hasn't sold one book in Fredericton....

Saturday 13 December 2014

What does this means anyway????

Where can he go????

He is banned from going any place where people under 16 would be expected to be, such as schools, daycares, parks, playgrounds and similar places. He can’t work or volunteer with young people and can’t contact them over the Internet.

It's just a matter of time till the Fredericton Police Force murders a citizen!!!

These are not Police Officers!!!! Their name good is to place you on conditions you cannot follow!!

If they approach you for no reason? Put your Camera on and question them!!!!

Demand to talk to a R.C.M.P. Officer because these Steroid Gorillas are not educated on Chartered Rights Issues.

Especially if the S.W.A.T. Team comes in...they will encourage you to surrender. After you trust these Jerks, they will handcuff you and beat the shit out of you!!!!

Yes....a citizen will soon be murdered by this Keystones outfit and the only way to save a life is to call for a Provincial Inquiry on these Clowns before it's too late!!!!

Dead bodies are being found and people are getting beaten up but these Idiots are too busy chasing Natives and the less fortunate because they are not wearing a bicycle helmet.


Friday 12 December 2014

I had a visitor over my place today...:)

Had a good Breakfast this morning...guess where???

Fredericton Police Officer Const Jeff Smiley says other might be in Jail because of crooked members of the Fredericton Police Force!!!

The Liberal Government must launch an inquiry on these Jerks!!!

If Justice Minister Stephen Horsman supports this kind of Police Tactics? He must resign!!!!!

Dennis Oland will go to trail for Murder!!!

Come on??? Can high paying lawyers win a Judge on their side because THEY HAVE $$$$$$?????


An Axe was used in this case so therefore it was personal!!!!!<br/><br/>

Can you imagine if the less fortunate would be allow to have a pre-trial procedures?<br/><br/>
My God? 3/4 of the less fortunate WOULD NOT be in Jail!!!!!

Thursday 11 December 2014

Blogger predictions for the year 2014!!!!

This was printed in 2006!!!!

What is a Journalist 2 by Charles LeBlanc

I just found this old article...My God...time sure flies eh???

Family Enrichment and Counselling Service Fredericton Inc denies Blogger Anger Management Course!!!!!

Ask Court of Queen's Bench Trial Division for a Judicial Review??

Hey Charles, I was thinking about your recent letter from the New Brunswick Police Commission, refusing to investigate the falsified ISP applications to your service provider. I notice the NBPC did not inform you of your right to apply to the Court of Queen's Bench Trial Division for a Judicial Review, under Rule 69 of the NB Rules of Court. Judicial Reviews can be applied for in respect of any administrative, or quasi-judicial decision, made by bodies such as the NBPC or Law Society of New Brunswick. One of the main grounds for such an application would be, for example, if the decision showed bias against the complainant. You could file for a Judicial Review on the grounds of acts and omissions in bad faith, or a reasonable apprehension of bias, for example, even Charter violations - not too difficult, given the NBPC's conduct towards you and total failure to fulfil their mandate. Bad decisions by the NBPC, and other government agents, seem to be the norm here, and more people need to be aware their administrative and quasi-judicial decisions are not final, and are subject to judicial review. Of course, the judges here are not better, but it's worth a go. The Rule for Judicial Review is here: Concerned Citizen

A member of the Fredericton Police Force says officers are going against the Citizens Chartered Rights in the Capital!!!

.......and the Council support this????

I might add the Fredericton Police have the support of the Liberal Government???

Many innocent are in Jail and the Government DO NOT care!!!!