
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Monday 29 September 2014


                                          Here's the video Jacques mentioned in the book - 

Yeah...the reason I never gave J.K Irving a hard time is that he treated me good in Saint John ...Now...J.D Irving? 

That's another

 Click below - 

Victory Meat Market new employee....

At least there's a place in this City that's still honest....:)

City of Fredericton pays McINNEES COOPER to sue Blogger!!!

Threatening Letter From City of Fredericton Sep 2014. by Charles LeBlanc

Now...this should be VERY interesting!!!! Suing a guy on social assistance!!!! The sad part of this story is the Cops began all this by telling my internet provider that I was exploiting kids for Sex!!!! All this can be settle with a simple meeting and apology!!! I wonder what our great Mayor and Council think about this eh? We must have lots of money to waste??? Truly Stay tuned!!!!

How will new New Brunswick Minister of Public Safety Stephen Horsman handle the blogger or how will the Blogger handle the new Minister of Public Safety Stephen Horsman????

Met this guy for the first time near the Tee Pee in front of the New Brunswick Legislature.

I never blogged the Liberal candidate < former member of the Fredericton Police Force >..He's a nice guy so I just left him be.

But what will happen once he comes out in public as the new Minister?

I have MANY questions of the way the City and the Police handle my case and especially the New Brunswick Police Commission!!!

To be accuse of exploiting children for sex is a VERY serious charge and the way they lied of shutting down my blog is also another issue. ....and many other issues....

Interesting time ahead.....

Truly stay tuned!!!!

P.S. Maybe Stephen should deny the job???..:P..:P..:P

The Irving media are WAY too close with the Fredericton Police Force!!!!

It makes me sick of all these goody goody stories in the Irving media. Why didn't the Irving journalists do a story on a poor guy that did his good duty as a citizen in reporting a fire in the Downtown core and then was accused and read his rights. How come the Irving media media never covered this issue??? Is the Irving media the Pravda of Russia???? They will only cover good relation stories to cover the people in power???? Here's the story of the poor guy who was almost jailed by the Fredericton Police Force for calling 9-11!!!!

Fredericton...but it's not as pretty as it looks....

Fredericton is getting a VERY dangerous place to live...

we have a council that supports citizens to be accuse of exploiting children and they are known to be VERY racist against the less fortunate.

The so-called Fredericton Police Police are targeting our youths and the Government should maybe think of moving from this Fascist area.

P.S. If you enjoyed my pictures? Go to my will not see any pictures promoting this Fascist City in this Blog...

We are going to begin to fight back and it's not going to be pretty.  The reason? The old blog was shut down on the first day of the Provincial Election so we were distracted!!!! 

We must fight the fascists people in this City and fighting we will!!!

I heard the Brad Woodside have flown to China to support the crackdown on the freedom activists in Hong Kong???
Stay tuned....

Friday 26 September 2014

The New Brunswick Green Party is TRULY STRONG and spreading in Fredericton!!!!

Indeed, indeed Charlie, you hit the nail square, square on the head. The Green party is, without a god-forsaken doubt in the world STRONG AND SPREADING IN NEW BRUNSWICK!!!! The people of this province had better get real good and used to seeing this man because, as you and I both know, ole boy, we are looking at the next Premier of New Brunswick. Make no mistake, my friend, this party, even with one, lone, sole, solitary member in the upcoming legislature, will leave an impression of nuttin' short of 8.0 on the ricter scale. He carry's the hopes and dreams of a whole generation of New Brunswickers into the legislature with him, Charlie, and he will show them that a Green member shall lead the way. Make no mistake about, pal, this is the guy who shall lead us to the promised land, our Martin Luther King of the 21st century. And as the Green party goes, Charlie, so shall go the Ottawa Senators. Jist ask GMM. my friend, THE LEAFS ARE DEAD!!!! EL-SCREWEDERUNDO!!!! LUF DA HELL OUTTA YA BOOBIE!!!!

Videos of Blogger Charles LeBlanc making a Presentation about the Fredericton Police and the Justice System to 50 Future Lawyers at U.N.B!!!

I just received the videos this morning!!!! Enjoy -

Catastrophic drug plan needs review before mandatory phase comes into effect on April 1, 2015

Re-blogged: The Left Eye
By André Faust

Another election has come and gone, hopefully it will not be a case where the roles remain the same but the faces change.
While it's is a liberal victory, the liberals have inherited many problems and issues that the former conservative party was unable to successfully resolve. The immediate problem that the Liberals have to address is the catastrophic drug plan. The catastrophic drug plan concept in itself is a good solution that will help permanent resident of New Brunswick who are not on a current drug plan pay cost of some of the high-end drugs that are needed to treat their ailments. Continue --->

Rogers just came in and installed a phone but no real phone!!!!

First time I got a phone in 12 years but no phone.....sure a big change from the last time... Service with a smile but I have to buy my own phone. Does anyone out there have a second hand phone????

Indian Summer is here in New Brunswick!!!!

New Brunswick's chief electoral officer Mike Quinn is VERY ignorant and must Resign!!!

I saw him days before the election and decided not to use my camera. I asked him - Why the machines? Why not paper ballots? He told me that only the Government can change it!!!! Now he rudely tells the public - We don't care!!! < Matter of speaking > Bring the issue to the Courts!!!! The Courts are corrupted so this is the wrong place to go for Democracy!!!

Structure Fire at the corner of Beaverbrook and Regent Street in Fredericton!!!