
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Thursday, 16 August 2018

Catholic Religion is dead in Quebec!!! Rules MUST change or Catholic Church will surely die!!!

Quebecois are smart Cyclists compare to idiot New Brunswickers!!!!

38 Days before the 2018 New Brunswick Provincial Election - Both Political Parties are Lazy!!!!

38 Jours avant L'Election 2018 Nouveau-Brunswick - Les deux Parti sont Paresseux!!!!

Blogger begins his voyage around La Gaspésie but.....

Le Fleuve Saint-Laurent est vide!!!! The St.Laurence Seaway is empty!!!

Only way to fish in Quebec...Catch them and cut their heads off on site!!!!

I must have took a wrong turn somewhere.....Guess where???

By the way.....I made the National Post 6 days ago.....I don't know if this is a good thing.....Nobody contacted me.....I was in La Gaspesie in Quebec.....

Here's the link -

Friday, 10 August 2018

Elsipogtog First Nation can strive with new Landmark!!!!

One female and one Male Fredericton Police Officers shot dead in Fredericton.....

I was just told the names of the two cops and one of them blew my female and one male.......:(...I am not mentioning the names in here.....

Many people are emailing me about the name...I got my info from social media so I can't be 100%!!! Remember the person who told me about the small swimming Pools being shut down and at the end it wasn't true.....One of the individual blew my mind. Not sure how I will react if it's true....but stay tune....the other was on the Force for 2 years.....:(

Two member of the Fredericton Police Force shot dead!!!!
