
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Sunday, 14 January 2018

George Piers FINAL Good Bye at the Fredericton Farmer's Market...

Saint John Bishop Robert Harris will order St.Anthony's Church in Fredericton shut down!!!!

Is President Donald Trump A Raving Lunatic?


Here we have an absolute dork, Charlie, who would have no idea what-so-ever how to manage a shit house, much less run the affairs of a super-power nation. My, my, my, Donnie Bumbles and Kim Jun Un. TWEEDLE DUM and TWEEDLE DEE!!!!!! AND THESE TWO SHITHEADS ARE IN CHARGE OF THE NEUCLEAR CODES!!!!!! Put this pair in a burlap bag, give 'em one f---uva good shake, and they still wouldn't have two clues to rub together. Two clueless bastards???? YOU GOT 'ER PAL, straight and to the point. Two more dangerous dinks, you would never wanna see. When these two get into the neuclear shit, Charlie, you wanna bend down and kiss yer ass good-bye, "cause they're blowin' you, me, and everybody else FROM HERE TA SHANGHAI!!!!!! And don't you EVER, EVER, EVER, forget, my friend WHERE YOU HEARD IT FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Donald Trump

By André Faust
On the question of Donald Trump's mental fitness, I have to come to bat for him. There is no doubt that his approach to the presidency is quite out of the extraordinary and his twits are what you expect from a middle school. But does that translate that he is mentally unstable?

I would argue on his behalf he is very stable and rational. What he is doing is catering to the populace mentality, in other words, the herd mentality. The reality is the populace most of the time is in error. As professor Dr Leo Stauss points out in his book "Natural Right and History". As individuals, we can be very smart but as a group, we can be very stupid and give into our emotions rather than our rationality to influence our opinions.

Trump has been consistent throughout his campaign and up to now consistent with his presidency. He has been transparent in that respect. He is giving his voters what they want. While I don't agree with his methods or his political philosophy I do not give into arguments that he is mentally unstable.
What he is using is a strict business model to run a country, I would argue that it is the business model that is flawed. Trump simply represents that flaw.

His behaviours suggest that he scores high on the Macheolvelian and the megalomaniac scale but that doesn't make him mentally unstable, crazy. A number one "DICK", yes, but not a crazy man.

The American people voted him in, It doesn't matter what I think of him, he was elected by the democratic process. So if the Americans voted in a "Shit head" then they have to live with it. That what democracy is all about, sometimes you get what you want and sometimes you get what you don't want.

There is a danger of playing the mental health card because the interpretation of behaviour is not a constant, what is seen as abnormal at one period of time is seen as abnormal at another period of time and vice versa and therefore can be used against anyone who doesn't conform to the current Ideology.

If Donald Trump were to be removed from office because his opponents see him as mentally unfit that would set the precedence that would allow removing someone from office on the abstract idea of what constitutes mental illness because you don't like the way they are doing things.

Personally, Trump and the whole American mindset is an object of political/sociological study. A study that will either affirm the current research or refute political and sociological theories.
Unless he violates any legislation, mental issues is not a justification for removal.

Bathurst Mayor Paolo Fongemie is asked many questions by Pain in the Ass Blogger!!!