Fredericton Police are telling the public nothing. This area is truly a danger zone.
Why are the Police so silent when issues like this happens?
The Fredericton Police are a Military style of policing and the Citizens are in great danger.
No scanners < only city in Canada > No nothing!!!!
P.S. If the poor guy wasn't wearing a helmet? I believe they would have held a huge news conference.
Charles -
Apparently there was a ramp on the trail (probably some kids doing some skateboard jumps or wheelies). Jeff came through too fast for the trail, which he did regularly, didn't see the ramp soon enough and did a somersault on his bike as he was clipped into his pedals. Broke his neck or had a critical head injury.
The Trudeau government during their election campaign promised that 2015 would be the last year for “First past the post” elections the likely hood of that promise being honoured is now being questioned.
At a rally that coincided with the Fredericton Liberal Riding Association general annual meeting where Liberal MP Matt DeCourcey for Fredericton was scheduled to speak was held.
Upon his arrival, he was greeted by 40 to 60 people representing concerned citizens and various organisations of the riding about the Liberal government backing away from their election promise to dispose of the first past the post electoral system.
DeCourcey explained that from the government’s point of view there is no consensus among the Canadian people for an electoral change. According to DeCourcey, he believes that someday we will see a change in the electoral system, but right now is not the time.