
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Thursday, 20 April 2017

The President of CUPE New Brunswick Daniel Léger is question by the Blogger!!!!

C.U.P.E march towards the New Brunswick Legislature!!!!

Who is this guy anyway???

Stephen Drost from CUPE 1418 and Blogger debate the emotional issue of WorksafeNB!!!!

Stephen Drost from CUPE 1418 and Blogger debate the emotional issue of WorksafeNB!

Stephen Drost from CUPE 1418 and Blogger debate the emotional issue of WorksafeNB! POINT FROM BLOGGER!! I said - They were hooked on Pain Killers. It wasn't the Wife and Husband..It was only the Husband. For the record he wasn't the only one who was first prescribed Pain Killers in the late 1990s with no warnings that it was synthetic heroin. My ADHD got hold of me!!!

C.U.P.E holds protest against Government for privatizing cleaners and Cafeteria Hospital Workers!!!

Blogger Charles LeBlanc just added his 1000th Facebook Friend!!!! I must have rejected 500!!!!

I post most of my pictures on Facebook these days.

Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick Blaine Higgs and Blogger debate issues!!!

Chatting about the Arrest of 4 individuals at a home at the corner of Brunswick and Westmorland Street in Fredericton!!!!!

They are both gone!!!!