
Charles Jackie

:Seperator bar Lower

News - Stories and Rants

Wednesday, 20 January 2016


It was been a emotional ride but the fight will continue because no Mayor or Police are going to labelled me as a pedophile and get away with it!!!

I'm a fighter and I will continue to fight until we can come to a agreement but Fascist Mayor Brad Woodside don't want any part of it because he's a Racist against the less fortunate!!!!

Stay tuned!!!

Enjoy these stories from 2012!!!!!- has been a terrible year for this Blogger....I am VERY surprise that I never took a stroke this year.

It has been a VERY emotional roller Coaster and I don't believe that I will ever be the same individual again.

There's just something about a corrupted Justice System working hand in hand with the Police Force in jailing the less fortunate.

I said it MANY times - If it happened to me? What other individual this happened to them but they didn't received any media attention??

It all began on January 19th when Racist Cop Cpl. Bobbi Simmons-Beauchamp lead 8 to 10 Police Officers to my place.


I'll let the pictures and videos do the blogging of the year 2012!!! < Since this all began with Tyrant Dan Bussieres? I'll add his pictures also. >

All began when my supporters and myself were tricked by the Racist Members of the Fredericton Police Force in pleading Guilty. I had no right to a lawyer!!!

Click below -

Then three days later Racist Cop Cpl. Bobbi Simmons-Beauchamp raids my place -



A VERY confuse Blogger!!!

Then the media came < THANK GOD!!! >

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Racist Chief Barry MacKnight is confronted by the media and Blogger!!!

Picture 232

Fredericton Councillor Jordan Graham gives his views -


Picture 279Picture 275Picture 276


A Camouflage gift -

Picture 345

Protection -


Click below for link -

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Guess how much???


Fredericton Police Officer Corporal LaFleur – it’s a slam-drunk case!



Memo to Self: saw comments in the Irving press - FPF Cpl. Lou LaFleur, on his criminal charges. Must send thoughts to Blogger Charles, ‘cos LaFleur doesn’t seem to understand the law; wants to be treated differently than people he persecuted over 21 years as a cop. He went for a walk, said he didn’t take the dogs, and ended up at a low-end bar with a fellow cop’s sister. (I wouldn’t be happy if I was his wife!) Googled said bar, Speedbumps, and reviews say “beware of drunk/rude old men. Avoid this place at all costs!” and “below average bar”, “bartender working tonight was very hateful and rude… First experience and most definitely my last…”


Lou sounds pissed off - says the process of Crown approval might not have been adhered to (welcome to our world!) AND he will be asking his lawyer to adjourn his plea, until he has been told if there was an abuse of process laying a charge without the elements of the offence...The day the article was printed said lawyer entered Lou’s not guilty plea. Ooops, that didn't work out. Mr Burke also sounded mighty displeased Lou spilled his guts to the press.


Lou thinks his file was sent to the Miramichi plods because of the complexity of the case and lack of evidence!!! Wow – he’s delusional; sounds like he thought Miramichi cops were competent and his case was important. (There’s more evidence in his case than most of the ones that end up with convictions and jail time.) “LaFleur said not all impairment files involving members or ex-members of the Fredericton Police Force get forwarded to other police agencies for investigation prior to Crown approval or charge.” Jeez Louise, how many drink driving charges do they get? Sounds like a lot more than we are told about.

Lou says he’s confident evidence will show he wasn’t driving the vehicle in question that night – I don’t think he read any case law... Care and Control of a vehicle while intoxicated means a drunk person, sitting in the driver’s seat, MIGHT set the car in motion, and risk damaging property or people. Said drunk person’s defences are: (a) there was no risk of danger to person or property (their car hit a concrete slab and post), (b) a taxi or other plan had been made to get home, (Lou now wishes he’d done that…) or (c) the vehicle was inoperable. This really sucks for Lou! He said the vehicle was moving – his lady friend drove it out of the car park with the concrete slab and post tagging along! Lou said when smoke was pouring out of the car he got into the driver’s seat and that’s when the cops showed up and arrested him.

He’s ticked off that “Six months to the date of the incident I was served with a summons to appear in court to answer to the charge...” He’s also ticked off the cop didn’t read the formal breathalyser demand; says these charges get thrown out for that. I don’t think so Lou, ‘cos the demand is to fully inform those who do not understand the procedure – since you’re a cop I guess that bird won’t fly. Welcome Lou - welcome to the world of Charles LeBlanc and mere mortals!!! Karma’s a bitch.?


With defendants like Lou we don’t need prosecutors. LaFleur should have taken care and control of the vehicle, by stopping his very drunk friend from driving, and calling cabs. By not doing that he, as a cop, put himself, his friend and the public at risk. This flower smells bad and, in support of bilingualism, cette fleur sent mauvais!

Concern INTELLIGENT citizen

Eggs are VERY good for ya....


Mu Doctor told me to eat as many as I want.....:)

Who's paying Fredericton Police Officer Lou Lafleur lawyer bill??? Why was he allowed to give a story to the Irving Media?

frederictonpoliceofficerloulafleur What's bugging me in this story that he told the Irving media that he has PTSD and was walking his dog...ended up in a Sport Bar....took a drive with a drunken female.....something is wrong..VERY wrong...who's paying for his lawyer anyway???? Don't tell me the Union is???

Monday, 18 January 2016

Fredericton Transit Drivers should be treated fairly!!!!


Mike O'Brien is running for Mayor of Fredericton!!!

  1. mikeobrien

No question that we need new ideas!!

Woodside have change during the past year < not for the good >

Never mind going to court to justify that I'm a pedophile and ordering my Blog shut down.

I asked for a meeting with the Mayor but he denied my request.

There are just too many reasons for Woodside to step aside...he has just lost touch with the citizens's concerns...

The City Racist and Fascist Attitude might change with Mike O'Brien at the helm??? Who knows>

Stay tuned for May!!!

P.S. Notice the picture of the City in the video? The nice Trails are completely empty.

The Trails are empty until September once the Rat Patrol and Cops stay off the the trails. Meanwhile everyone is in the downtown area on the sidewalk to exercise their blody.

Here's Mike O'Brien's video -

Friday, 15 January 2016

Flooring and Carpet at Tommy's Flooring Ltd. in Fredericton destroyed by Fire!!!


Stay tuned for video...

The day after - < Sadly 15 employees will lose their jobs..:( >

The issue of New Brunswick Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Eilish Cleary is over!!! CAN YOU SAY --- MONEY TALKS????


Too just came out at 6:15pm on a Friday Night!!!!..Someone gave in....

What's a Bigger Mist? Chemtrails or God??


I say - Chemtrails...

Letter to Chief Justice, NBPC, Attorney General. Minister of Justice Re: Judge Mary Jane Richards Stamp

Whatever happen to Racist Fredericton Police Officer Cst. Danielle Carmichael???

She assaulted me at the New Brunswick Legislature but nothing happened???

For you newcomers? Here's the videos

I laid a charge and it was denied!!!!

Memories in Fredericton.....

  1. mayor1

Sadly all ended once the Mayor decided to support the local Police Force. He supported that my Blog be shut down in a free world.

He accused me to be a Pedophile < to be proven in Court >

He accuse me to be a Racist!

He accuse me of promoting Hate Speech!

To ended all up? This Anti Gay Mayor accuse me to be Anti Gay!!!

Yes....I hope this Mayor do not re-offer!!! We need news ideas FAST!!!!

Maybe it's time the Mayor and the Fredericton Police say - That's all Folks!!!!

Time for real change...

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Anyone going to St.Andrews to meet first visit to New Brunswick by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau????

roger brown 097

A female friend of mine wants to go!!!

Going? Email me at -

Fredericton......< Did I forget to add the word - Evil? >


Minister responsible for the strategic program Victor Boudreau will Definitely listen to New Brunswickers!!!


Why do the members of the Fredericton Police Force refuses to walk the beat in the Capital????

Fredericton Transit Drivers are confronted by Blogger about possible strike and Mayor Brad Woodside!!!!

Deputy Mayor Eric Megarity and Councillor Bruce Grandy are asked about Transit drivers talk!!!

Minister Victor Boudreau is asked to cut Language Commissioner Katherine d'Entremont Job!!

Minister responsible for the strategic program Victor Boudreau speaks in Fredericton!!!

Monday, 11 January 2016

To the Idiot Politicians and Members of the Fredericton Police Force!!! This is when you MUST wear a helmet!!!

I would love to see the Fredericton Park Patrol or Rat Patrol go after this guy!!!!..:P

Could have of this in 2016???

Huge head on crash on route 8 between Bathurst and Miramichi!!!

Former New Brunswick Premier Shawn Graham...

Minister of Social Development Cathy Rogers is asked - What is a Group Home???

Will Blogger be remembered as the honored group of the Guy with Shovel and Quack Quack??


Fredericton's Hall of Shame....


How old??




Yes...there is life after death....:)


Always a nice Meal at the Fredericton Community Soup Kitchen!!!


Sherlock Holmes is the only individual who can stop the Corruption going on in the Fredericton Police Force!!!


How come Fredericton Police don't hunt down people riding bicycle on ice???


Blogger had to lick Tim Hortons Paper Bag....

bathurst 007