
Charles Jackie

:Seperator bar Lower

News - Stories and Rants

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Family of student who was assaulted will proudly celebrate Anti-Bullying Day at Leo Hayes in Fredericton!!!!

P.S. I wish the Fredericton Police would stop bullying Moi!!!! < I just had to add that line >

Tomorrow < Wednesday > I will wear pink in support of my daughter Nelly and every child who has ever been bullied.

Click below for story -

When you know the reason behind "Pink Shirt Day" I hope you show your support as well and post a selfie of yourself wearing pink. Travis, thank you for being a voice. You are touching so many lives with your mission.

David Shepherd, Travis Price and their teenage friends organized a high-school protest to wear pink in sympathy with a Grade 9 boy who was being bullied [for wearing a pink shirt]…They took a stand against bullying when they protested against the harassment of a new Grade 9 student by distributing pink T-shirts to all the boys in their school. ‘I learned that two people can come up with an idea, run with it, and it can do wonders,’ says Mr. Price, 17, who organized the pink protest. ‘Finally, someone stood up for a weaker kid.’ So Mr. Shepherd and some other headed off to a discount store and bought 50 pink tank tops. They sent out message to schoolmates that night, and the next morning they hauled the shirts to school in a plastic bag. As they stood in the foyer handing out pink shirts, the bullied boy walked in. The look on his face spoke volumes. ‘It looked like a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders,’ Mr. Price recalled. The bullies were never heard from again.”

Will you join in by wearing pink on February 22, 2017? Have you made an effort to practice kindness and acceptance towards both yourself and others? Will you be a voice to those who feel they have no voice? Speak out! Take a stand!

Monday 20 February 2017

Will Religion be around in 50 years from now???


Listen all you sad sack dorks and welfare bums out there, religion has been around since the begining of time, just like prostitution, AND IT AINT GOIN' NOWHERES!!! God put this damn world here and thought he could leave it in good hands, only to have the lame brain politicians and self righteous, over inflated egos of the world come along and SCREW THE WHOLE DAMN THING!!!! What a bunch a idiots. What a bunch a fascists. And for all you self important know-it-alls and expert wannabes out there, careful whatcha say about yer maker. He brought every one of yer sorry asses into this God-forsaken world, AND HE CAN DAMN WELL TAKE 'EM OUT!!!! AND YOU AINT GONNA KICK HIM OUTTA NO CAUCUS FOR NOT TOEIN' THE PARTY LINE. NOW, SMARTIN' TA HELL UP, THE WHOLE DAMN WORKS A YAS!!!!



Are Police Officers allowed to assault the citizens in the City of Fredericton???

To Police Chief Leanne Fitch,

I was assaulted by two members of the Edmundston Police on December 8th. I forward a complaint to your Police Force on December 15th, 2016 but no answer so far.

Do I need to do to the R.C.M.P.????

Please let me know....


Charles LeBlanc

Fredericton Police refuse to investigate complaint of assault laid by Blogger against Edmundston Police Officers!!!

I want the Department of Public safety to investigate the members of the Fredericton is refusing to investigate a complaint I filed on December 15, 2016 against two members of the Edmundston Police.

I haven't heard anything on this issue. Are Police officers allowed to assault the citizens on the street and we cannot laid a complaint of assault?

I wish to know why I haven't heard from the Fredericton Police of my complaint of assault???

Charles LeBlanc

145 Westmorland Street

APT#1 Fredericton

E3B 3L4

Friday 17 February 2017

Humans are the worst Animals of them all!!!!

Frustration and Snow in Fredericton!!!

Fredericton Racist Snobby Lawyer Kathryn Gregory working with Fredericton Police Force against Blogger!!!!

I noticed lately this little Blog that was posted on Wednesday, 4 March 2015 have been attracting A LOT of attention from across Canada.....Stay tuned!!!

Picture 5878 

Fredericton Racist Snobby Lawyer Kathryn Gregory is viewed before Battery dies in the cold!!!!

New Brunswick Prosecutors are looking at my videos of the Fredericton Police Force!!!! Fredericton Police Officer Yves Deespres made the complaint!!!!

I'm going to re-blog the blogs they are looking at!!!!!

Here's one -

This is Turned Coat Acadian Yves Despres...He allowed a drug dealer to sell drugs to kids.....and he got promoted in ranks....idiot!!!

Will mole inside the Prosecutor office ordered Blogger arrested???

This is what I have been waiting for.....I emailed the Justice Minister weeks ago demanding an outsider to take this case!!!!

Mr. Leblanc,

The Commission has been advised today by the Chief of Edmundston Police that the criminal investigation package with respect to the allegations against you is/has been filed today with the Crown in Fredericton. Any future enquiries about the criminal investigation should be directed to the Crown or the Edmundston Police Force.



Le Maire de Edmudston Cyrille Simard recoit un message a propos du Ellens Law!!!!

Fascist Edmundston and Fredericton Police to grab Blogger from the street today!!!

Always a Believer....

Thursday 16 February 2017

I didn't mind.....

Nothing better than a Elder home bake Cake. She always made a cake for Valentine Day for her late husband who died last year < I believe > sadly her partner is gone but I didn't mind taking his place...:)

Fredericton Police CONTINUES to make friends......:(


Yesterday my Grand Daughter who is 100 pounds soaking wet was physically thrown out of her apartment by her 180pound boy friend.

He picked her up and threw her across the hall into the wall. The cops made her leave and did not arrest him, they must have been afraid he would mess their hair.

So then tonight my husband picked her up at a friends house, the cops saw him stop there, turned their lights on him for no reason, came over to the car and first told him to put out his cigarette, ( Not that he should be smoking) however it is his car, then they asked if he did, bought or sold drugs?

He told them they were free to do a drug test and get a warrant to search his car but then he would see them in court.

He was on his way to work and the man never so much as smoked a joint in his life.

He called the station and filed a harassment complaint but we both know that will not be addressed unless the wheel squeaks, There are enough real drug dealers , users and buyers they could be using their resources to bust then and arrest a man who is assaulting a woman half his size instead of harnessing innocent citizens.

I feel your pain Charles.


Lynn McCarty Brown

Lynn Mccarty-brown

Guess where???

He's missed...:(

New Brunswick MLA'S are asked about New Brunswick Language Commissioner Katherine d'entremont!!!

Will the good old days ever return at the New Brunswick Legislature???

Did Special Team of Prosecutors Cory Roberts, Kathryn Gregory and Sebastien Michau filed a complaint against the Blogger???

I noticed lately this little Blog that was posted on Wednesday, 4 March 2015 have been attracting A LOT of attention from across Canada.....Stay tuned!!!

Picture 5878 

It's funny once you blog a post? Everyone feeds my the dirt.

This woman is called the Singing Lawyer and she was married to a rich guy name Pierre.

I have given more info but will keep it to myself. < for now >

Now...wait till you read the Conflict of Interest that happened during my hearing Monday...

Truly stay tuned and I'm not kidding!!!!!

I believe the local media should cover this issue.

My God? I was even told she used to be a nice Lady but changed during the last few years. So I was 100% right on my instinct!!!!! I WAS DEALING WITH A SNOB!!!!

Well? Guess what???? I HATE SNOBS!!!!!

She's going to regret the day she lied in Court against this Scottish Blogger!!!!

Here's my complaint to the Government!!!!!! To: Serge Rousselle, NB Attorney General,

Re: Complaint against Special Prosecutors Cory Roberts, Kathryn Gregory and Sebastien Michaud

I wish to submit complaints regarding the above Crown Prosecutors as follows:

1. Sebastien Michaud has failed to appear at all three of my hearings so far - that is unacceptable. He is preventing me from getting answers to serious issues and avoiding answering to the fact he is prosecuting a charge with no evidence to support it.

2. Cory Roberts, Special Prosecutor, lied to the Court at my hearing on 16th February, 2015, when he said I was provided all disclosure. There are many documents mentioned in the Police/Crown case that have been concealed.

3. Kathryn Gregory (who was known as Kathryn El-Khoury) appeared at my hearing on Monday in a direct conflict of interests. She and her father both worked with the presiding Judge Julian Dickson's wife, in their law firm Athey, Gregory Dickson. They are clearly in a close relationship, that leads a reasonable person to believe they are friends, and gives the appearance that justice cannot be seen to be done if she represents the Crown against me and Dickson is the judge.

4. Ms. Gregory lied on the Court record twice at the last hearing of my prosecution, Monday 2nd March, 2015, when she falsely stated I had all the disclosure and I was using delay tactics. The first hearing confirmed I was entitled to more disclosure - which I have not yet received - and the second hearing was during a snow storm when even the judge did not turn up, but I did.

I require an investigation into this and an explanation from you for Crown Prosecutors lying in my hearings. Merci Charles LeBlanc