
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Friday 22 April 2022

I believe Government are ignoring the murder of Carolyn Warnock because witness is a Native!!!! Racism????


Emailed this to the Government but nothing will happen.

I strongly believe the Correctional Staff of the Women Provincial Jail murdered Carolyn Warnock in 2015.

To have Bureaucrats from Public Safety to fool the Grand Parents of Carolyn in forcing them to drop the case is unacceptable.

I strongly believe the reason officials ignore her death is because a Female Native was the Witness.

No inquest and no nothing!!!! Something is VERY wrong with that Provincial Jail. Years later they force a young woman to walk home in a Snow Storm.

Why her death or murder is of non-importance to the Government???

I would avoid the Downtown area in Fredericton...lots of angry Meth Heads out on the street threatening the Citizens and no Cops in sight.....'s the beginning of the end for the Downtown area.....

Deogy had to work for his Timbit at Carleton Park!!!!

Sunday 17 April 2022

Saturday 16 April 2022

Tuesday 12 April 2022

I viewed my first Bolt of Lighting in Fredericton for the year 2022 and it was a Doozy....



Deogy enjoying the St.John River at Carleton Park in Fredericton!!!!

Deogy enjoying the North side in Fredericton...Meth heads free......

Flood in Fredericton will take care of Garbage left by Meth Heads.....

Another confrontation with an Greyhound owner in Fredericton...sigghhh....

Drug Rehab centre to be located a few feet from George Street Middle Sch...

What's going on at the St.John River in Fredericton anyway???

Advocates for the Meth Heads are going after people who does videos of m...

Advocates for the Meth Heads are going after people who does videos of meth heads out of control!

I wasn't going to post this one but I heard last night that a women was threatened so making a video of someone totally out of control!!

The people at that Centre are going after citizens...this happened twice to time was from a guy from Aids New Brunswick.

So I believe my life is in danger so I decided to make it public because you can't live in fear.

This happened before..they sent a Meth Head after me and God knows what could have happen.....I'm not scare but these advocates are turning into violence to protect the Meth Heads.

The Centre told me they will see me in court....well lets go for it and set this National Case for all Canadians.

You don't want to be in video? No problem.....Don't go out and start screaming on the street as you're taking over this City.......

Deogy having fun with a female friend.......

Monday 11 April 2022

Meth Heads in Tents in Fredericton will be offered Services this week!! ...

Advocate for the Meth Heads threatened Blogger!!!!


Just taken 45 minutes ago....things are REALLY getting out of control in the Downtown core....this guy was high on you know what and causing an HUGE disturbance and after all that...he was told to move along and that was that.... I made a video of the episode......I was asked politely by someone not to used it.....I said to myself...ok..... The next minute I was approached by an upset individual who was in the video.... < An advocate for the Meth Heads >...I won't mentioned any names but he approached me in a hateful fashion and directly told me that I didn't have his consent to post the video on line...

I answered- Consent to what???? Sorry you're in a public place.....

He turned around and threatened me and added I will hear from his lawyer!!

I said to myself- Bring it on!!!

Then another guy settle me down and said--He will talk to the guy.....

So these Advocates are changing into violence now??? This is Drugs!!! Lots of money involved.....I sent the video to some people in case I vanish.....

and this is only April's going to get crazy in Fredericton......

P.S. With all the people watching including Security and Staff from the Medical Clinic....they told the guy to move along because under Section 10 of the New Brunswick Health Act they cannot be touch!!!! Now.....if the guy would have been drunk???? LOOK OUT!!!!!

Parking Meter destroyed by Meth Heads on Saturday evening was quickly fi...

Wilmott Church always support the less fortunate but Meth Heads DO NOT a...

We need 10 Deogy in Fredericton....

Deogy enjoyed his treats to the last one......

Sunday 10 April 2022

Meth Heads destroyed Parking Meter at the Tannery last night....trail of...

Traveling from Town to town..some day I might settle down but I live to ...

Traveling from Town to town..some day I might settle down but I live to ...

The Old Burial Ground WILL BE totally destroyed if Abortion clinic in so...

Meth Heads in Fredericton leaving a trail of destruction in Downtown Fre...

Meth Head screaming at people going to Church on a Sunday morning....

This WILL NEVER happen again in a Million years at Tim Horton's on Regen...

Meth Heads destroyed Parking Meter at the Tannery in Fredericton last ni...

Meth Head screaming away in Downtown Fredericton on a Sunday morning!!!!

Meth Head in action on the walking trails near the St.John River in Fred...